Why do Americans hate affordable top quality health care for all?

Why do Americans hate affordable top quality health care for all?

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We’d rather give our money to and die for Israel.

Costs are exponential and there is a large population. It should be a canadian system but on a state to state basis.

We hate commies.

Literally this. You could easily afford it without raising taxes but CIA and Israel need money to cause instability around the world.

Haven't had one of these threads in a little while.

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Because we're easily manipulated literal cucks.

Good one.

With half the cost of the tax breaks Trump just gave to billionaires, you could have funded free healthcare for all Americans and free universities for every citizen for 5 years.

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why did you even save this one? its rambling and incoherent

Billionaires are people too, you know. They have yachts and holiday homes to buy.

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Agree with the healthcare but not the universities. We have too many students already. We should encourage more trade schools and even farming training to stop locals from being lazy and depending on illegals

Aren't there any agricultural focused universities in your country?

its the worst of private and public healthcare fuck me

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Trade schools and universities should all be free like in Finland and you don't have too many students.

Your for profit system forces universities to take in many foreigners because locals can't pay and then you complain later that foreigners are taking your jobs.

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I just said part of the problem was administrative. Doctors would have to agree to this. It is not that simple, although I agree a system like yours would be better. But there are only a couple million of you guys and you are all called Antti.

Health Care is expensive as fuck there for some reason. Taxpayers pay more per capita than anywhere in the EU and it still isn't enough.

Ofc there are. I'm talking about manual farming
We do have many university students check the percentages. Those guys you posted are not foreigners. Most of them are 2nd and even 3rd gen americans

You have a retarded view of how things work


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No what?

Billionaires (the high men) create jobs and carry the weight world on their backs, lesser castes do not and fall into violence and anarchy without them.

>Doctors would have to agree to this
You know Doctors get paid, right?

We will have it in 20 years. There's been a sea change with the younger generations, they never enjoyed the prosperity of the boomers and they've lost faith in the boomer "free market" myths.


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oh you're from reddit

The free market is ok. It should just be controlled and not allowed to exist in social security stuff like health care.


It is indirect eugenics forcing the lesser classes to become stronger and join the ranks of billionaires by imporving their genetic makeup over generations

Many Asians are recent immigrants. Looks how many H1B visas have been given to IT workers from India because America doesn't educate enough people for those jobs.

Absolute retard argument

>we could have paid for this but didn't because the poor must suffer because fuck them
>we rather give that money to the people who just pocket the money and buy back their own company's stock instead of increasing wages for workers

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People with h1b visa are not considered Americans also meals on wheels still exists

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US census doesn't just count citizens.

Trump's budget calls for the elimination of one program that some of the nation's 5,000 Meals on Wheels groups rely on: Community development block grants, a $3 billion program that started in the Ford administration to give states and cities more flexibility in how they combat poverty.

"The budget will adversely impact older adults," said Sandy Markwood, CEO of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. "We just don’t know how much."

Here's why. The majority of Meals on Wheels programs get most of their federal funding through the Administration for Community Living, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services that serves the elderly and disabled. That agency has a $227 million line-item for "home-delivered nutrition services."

"We're very concerned. We’re concerned about the cuts that were explicit in the skinny budget, but we’re also concerned about what we see as the handwriting on the wall with the percentage cuts to HHS," Markwood said. "Some of these details we won't know for a while."

The impact is likely to vary from place to place. Every Meals on Wheels affiliate gets money from a different mix of state, local and federal government funds, along with individual donations and philanthropic organizations.