
triple nigger edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


the pope is a shit eating communist cuckold

>Muslim just said Allahu Ackbar on Dr Who

Not sure about this

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mitcham where I grew up

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Grow up!


hehe heeee heee heeeeeeee

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I'm pretty sure I wrote a racist diatribe along the lines of 'alright mutumbu, enjoy incarceration' but I couldn't find it in the last thread.
Is janny doing a clean up?

need legal immigration to be brought to 0

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xiaomi mi a1 arrived today lads

what apps should i get?

thinking Jow Forums cares about racism god how new re you

Fuck up Dave......

getting fat lads

the collar on my t shirt is hurting my neck LOL

Cant wait for quadruple nigger

skitzooooo in the haus watch ur mouf

fucking state

I've been here for 8 years

I've been in Australia for longer - you should see the shit that's not allowed to be said anymore

Just text my mum asking how to book a doctors appointment, here come a million questions and panic

Now businesses are warning new licensing rules could kill one of the city's top nightlife hotspots.

Hackney is the hipster hub of east London and areas like Shoreditch are known for their craft beer pubs, street food markets and nightclubs.

But the local borough council says the concentration of late-night venues needs to be better managed to reduce the impact on neighbours.

It has approved plans for "core" curfews of midnight at weekends and 23:00 during the week for all new venues, with the onus on businesses to prove they will not have a negative impact on the area if they want to open later.

It also plans to double the size of the Shoreditch "special policy area" within which venues must show they will not add to anti-social behaviour, crime and noise.

absolute fucking state of london

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might knuckle tattoos

You're an asshole, you know that?

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Alri Zhang Ming


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Could have just used jewgle

Love how his schnozz is able to bend light with its gravitational pull

based 2011 lad

t. dropped 500 quid on a phone for the brand name
they're all made in the same warehouse lad

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i've had a chinese phone and much prefer my korean samsung anyday


Kill yourself please.

why do i get so swarthy when i spend a day out in the sun

i don't even go red, just get a deep fucking tan

Don’t like flightless birds in general, they’re all very aggressive

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>being older than 23 and posting on Jow Forums

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Finally, someone said it! Emperors new clothes innit

I'm 19 myself

Are you poor? lol

Is this a nerd reference?

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Do you even need him to answer that? Obviously he is, just ignore him lad like you would homeless men begging for "SPARE CHAYNGE"

>887 KB
great fucking post

based zoomer

Primitives britishes rejected writing (at the time, roman latin) because they thought it was bad for the memory.

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i'm 33 but the average 14 year old has done more with the opposite sex than me so I think i'm allowed

normies really are subhuman

Feel very awkward when some of you admit you’re 25+. Feels like I’m shitposting with my dad lol.

You have to be 18 to post on this site

i am frugal, as you should be too.
no one in this general earns a good living.

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who the fuck goe shome at midnight on the weekend, i've had nights where we started at midnight lol

ooooh you're ardddd

well well well, zhang and his desire to spend money helping xi jinping rather than boosting the australian economy
fuck off zhang, you no welcome here

>his age starts with a 1

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literally 19
will kill myself if im still posting here by the time i turn 23

Alri minimum wagie
Some of us have an education and work related skills and abilities

Find a better job so you can afford a better phone mate

i bought my cellular device from dick smith
we don't manufacture mobiles in australia thanks to globalism
silly boy baka

what do you think happens? do you think you just turn 23 and become a normie and stop posting on the 'chon?

Lmao mate it's only downhill from here

This board has some of the most adult material and explicitly graphic shit on it so it's not absurd in the least.

People that work in ASDA can afford good phones

how can't you?


t. me 5 years ago
leave now
before it's too late
part of the ship
part of the crew

same haha
my birthday is on saturday

>cellular device

don't think someone bragging about staying up late has the right to call anyone a child

Reminds me of the white squinting cat more like

you could be investing your money into a good Business idea, but your brains aren't capable of this.
blowing your entire paychecks on consumerist pursuits is a working class thing


what about homealone gotta be some others too

must say its a bit concerning that theres fully grown blokes (25+) that post here acting like one of the lads

How was Henry VIII such a champ? He took the virginity of a Catherine, a Katherine, and a Kathryn. I haven't taken the virginity of a girl starting with C or K

haha I said the exact same thing when I was 19

bet you're a virgin freak as well with that shitty chink phone

only children or old people think staying up past 12 is an accomplishment how is that bragging, just putting perspective on how ridiculous it is to stpo shit at 12, get out brainlet thanks x

In a few weeks I will be 30. I have no friends, no significant other, a job I tolerate and a family who I only see at Christmas. I will continue to post here daily because my life is empty and there is nothing else to fill the time with and I'm too out of practise and scared to try and have a social or love life.

Fortunately most of you will outgrow this place and not end up like me. Some of you won't, which is fine because without Jow Forums we probably would have killed ourselves from isolation and depression anyway. Honestly, I credit moot with having saved my life, such as it is.

Just wanted you to know.

I have


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Men take longer to mature and grow up on average.

When I was 16 I was still saying "ya mum" to everything for instance

> I credit moot with having saved my life
grimest part of your post desu, agree tho and in a simliar state but I don't like Jow Forums nearly as much as you do

>nothing else to fill the time with
except reddit, apparently

this post was made surrounded by your working class friends who are impressed that you have the latest and greatest cellular brand name... epic, simply epic.

meowing at how a finn last thread said he preferred the yank accent and two brits started screeching at him

when was the last time you had sex mate
Yiu seem a bit tens

These people are vile, sub-human, and not like white cultures at all.

would never disgrace myself with a piece of shit chinky phone that'll probably blow up in your face

you're supposed to buy quality lad, utter spastic

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hello lads


yich on this tranny

not everyone is as stupid as you tho desu

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