Jow Forums you have 5 seconds to explain why you don't have long blond hair
Jow Forums you have 5 seconds to explain why you don't have long blond hair
It gets in my ears when I let it grow out and that's super annoying, so I keep it short instead
Not an excuse
True men don't mind such things. And it seems like you never grew your hair long enough
I want to stay employed.
I did have but now I decided to be a man.
Beard > long Hair
Yes it is true that your boss might get jealous of your long hair (especially is she is a woman), but it's not a good reason to kick you out
You are not a man anymore. More like a manchild with a beard
mate, if you actually had hair you'd know that's bullshit. It doesn't matter if my hair grows down past my shoulders, me fucking sideburns are what causes the problem.
You can shave them off and still remain a man
I do
Based balkanbro
Beardlett please.
I can eat soup the whole day now.
True men don't eat soup
Only a beardlett will not get the joke.
I did for years but now I'm going bald.
I get the joke because i have a moustache, but i don't eat soup
Not an excuse
>i have a moustache,
pooh in looh tier.
I do
I imagine my moustache would get in the way if ever ate soup, not my beard
too expensive to bleach and maintain bro
Based swedebro
>Not an excuse
It really is.
it's just because I am too poor to get a haircut right now desu
It's unfortunate that some people are born without natural blond hair, but haridyes shouldn't be that expensive
Are there a bunch of women into metal in Finland?
Yes there are.
Do you have long blond hair?
I used to have long hair.
Damn it's pain in the arse to take care of it.
I am glad that I have short hair now.
Feels like a girl using three different shampoos and take an hour to wash.
Why would one want to dye their hair a different colour for the sake of pretending to have a different natural hair colour?
Wearing a tail won't make me a donkey anymore than wearing a wig will change the nature of my scalp.
All you need is shampoo and hair conditioner.
And even if you have shorter hair, you still might need conditioner
>Why would one want to dye their hair a different colour for the sake of pretending to have a different natural hair colour?
Because blond is above everything else
>Wearing a tail won't make me a donkey anymore than wearing a wig will change the nature of my scalp.
Then super glue that wig on your head and accept that it's part of you now
Life is too short to waste in haircare.
The only purpose for a man in life is to show their godly hair to everyone
>Because blond is above everything else
Cute lolis are above everything else.
>Then super glue that wig on your head and accept that it's part of you now
I'd rather not live in denial, which you clearly are with this strange long hair obsession. How many years has it been since your hairline began to recede?
Now try to explain why you don't have a bit of pink
I have mid-length dark brown wavy hair. God I kinda wish I had straight hair, this is terrible to manage.
Only my temples are receding
Only your nipples and lips can be pink. Everything else for a man is blasphemy
Can you post a picture of what kind of hair do you mean by wavy?
I had long hair but it was a pain in the ass to take care of because it was a nest of curls. I'm not blond for obvious reasons.
Blond hair is very feminine, obviously even more so when long.
This guy would like to have a word with you
Can't really find any right now, but picture something borderline curly (but not curly!) and frizz-prone.
Siblings are blonde I didn't stay blonde.
I was blonde when I was kid now my hair is brown.
Got long hair, posted it on thread we had yesterday(?)
I don't have blond hair and I don't like having long hair. Easy.
I'd grow out my hair but when it even gets beyond "medium" length it's just very annoying to deal with. I like the way it looks though
but i do
I did once but it looks shit on me
My hair is far too stiff for such a hairstyle
also it's uncomfortable
You are not a man then
Based frenchbro
Hi Tom Araya
There have been only few REAL men ITT so far.
I know you can do better Jow Forums, don't let me down
Last chance to redeem yourself int