
dbz edition

Attached: 190290390.jpg (322x318, 38K)

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Good afternoon. I present you a bump.

May I say... your bumps are the most delightful ones

I am glad you like them.

Where is

And I am glad you provide them, my Arabese brother, may you be blessed with brown female feet

> may you be blessed with brown female feet
Oh wow, that's very very kind of you!

Attached: anigif_enhanced-buzz-14572-1428881602-23.gif (455x364, 16K)

Can I get some pastizzi in exchange?

Pastry bump!

Attached: 1eb58558b5a6922c1280e52f0e76228e.jpg (351x480, 46K)

Ahhh this is dead again.