>they used to rule the world
>they used to rule the world
>Hurr durr 23c is the same when you are running for miles
You're probably a fatty who couldn't survive without AC
23C is comfy
Try running when it is 28C outside
Londons probably super humid but yeah, Brits are total pussies about the weather
Here is 31c all year
>You live in a timeline where all whit*ids will die of skin cancer and dehydration
Wtf I love global warming now!
then the world will collapse and the rest of you will die with it
29°C and 39% righht now
Take a look at your own flag for a minute before you post that
>This is what white trash actually believe
It's currently 24C here, and it's pretty cool, almost cold.
wh*Tes are a cancer
You don't think at all
Whiter than you Moham-MAD!
not fair, we don't have sub-saharan admixture like americans
>london marathon
That was about 3 months ago.
But we'll die after you, so I'll have the time to drive there and poo on your nose.
Are you sure they didn't mean average temperature through the day? 23 celsius is a lot then
more or less, yeah. my ac is set to 76F
>dying in ~70 degree weather
try 34C, usual temp in my city
Hell, I get tired after running 300 meters at 18°C