Why is this shit mooning to ATH rn?
Why is this shit mooning to ATH rn?
Top 10 this year
because when developers get a hold of it, they will be building better dapps than cryptokitties
Sharding is literally one of the best scaling solutions for a blockchain and Zilliqa has first mover advantage. I expect it to be top 10 later this summer desu.
So I was in this thread that had a seemingly crazy guy talking about the colapse of society in 2024 and he was saying he knows what his 3 100x trades are going to be this year or something. When someone asked him for the names he told us the first one
I all in'd on some seemingly tin foils speculation
>only could afford 167
>next day it goes up 15%
My only regret is that I'm too poor to afford more.
Thank you 100x spec man. I hope you live a long life.
Quarkchain will absolutely destroy this piece of shit, wait and see
Pic related, gl spec bro
>My vaporware Q4 product will destroy this testnet Q3 product
Zilliqa is the only coin worth buying in my honest opinion.
This shit has been mooning to ATH for like the past month
Spankchain will absolutely destroy this piece of shit, wait and see
>top 10
You mean top-5.
Nothing with a name like "Zilliqa" will ever dominate anything. WTF were they thinking.
kek wait and see
Just another p&d.
I hold some of this shitcoin so whatever, it's still a really stupid ass name. One of the worst in crypto.
It's actually a good idea when you think about it.
Someone looking to buy ZIL just has to look for the giant Z logo. Meanwhile, Bitcoin and Bcash can't even decide who is the original bitcoin, ETH and EOS have similar logos etc. . . Lots of confusing and similarly named/similar logoed coins in the top right now. It's good to be different
ME N ZILLLA are tight . he told me he will take over . top 5 2019
Shill me on this user. Is it worth the hassle to get into the whitelist? Telegram group is exploding with pajeets...
Because it's a PnD. Stay the fuck away.
Every token can be sharded. First mover doesn't mean shit if your competition has a bigger and faster team.
Lordy. Sauce?
That fucking bitch
It's a good project but looks like it's getting P and D'd right now.
Looks like a tranny hooker.
quark testnet runs on 5 nodes which is far less impressive than zilliqa which currently running on 3600. their whitepaper lack information on how the sharding proccess happen and vitalik doesn't even acknowledge them while he suck zil team dicks for some help.
top 5 eoy