1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Do you hate it?


Attached: lixo1.png (624x386, 515K)

Korea really loves Brazilian waxing


whats going on in that pic?

Lixo means trash. I don't know the context

lixo means garbage, o lixo do lixo means the garbage of the garbage


Brazil is alright, Brazilians are shit

>1. Your cunt
>2. Do you hate it?
I have all the motives to hate it, but i dont.
I'm poor and dont have any way to go to other country (dont want to anyway).
I look to the little things, my family, my friends, the people around me. Yes they are ignorant, yes the country is violent, yes a lot of people deserves death. But i will fight for it, nobody from anywhere else will, neither for our country nor our people.


favelado on Jow Forums? welcome.

I don't know. I don't know anyone that likes Brazil, honestly. When I was in school I remember people singing how Brazil was shit etc, some music with the lyrics changed

I dont live in a favela, but thank you anyways

What do you do for work, user

I honestly love Brazil and also remember people saying shit about Brazil in school, but i never took them serious they dont know what it is to be Brazilian

I worked in a love hotel as a receptionist, im unemployed right now

>(dont want to anyway).
because you are a moron.
>i will fight for it

lmfao sounds like a 10-year-old boy who thinks he can change the world. Good luck with that.


What it is to be brazilian?

I dont think i can change the world (dont want to anyway), i want to change my country, i cant do it alone and im not doing it alone. You know you free to do whatever you like, but remember the 10 year old who stayed and fought while you superior in intelligence and wisdom ran away like a coward

First to be aware that is not in the nature of the Brazilian the violence and tragedy that affect us. Although it is our responsibility to fix them.
Second is to remember those who fought for us, those who allowed us to live free.
Third to know our enemy, who controlled us? who fooled us? who are killing us?
Fourth is to think, to better yourself to fix what is broken, to be the difference, let it be in culture or intellectually.
Fifth is to know that that inst anything a foreigner can do that we cant. We are great user, we just have to cut off the parasites.

This is my opinion, others may differ. Maybe i pass to much time in the books, maybe i should leave /lit/ and /his/ for a time.

I will, thanks, enjoy your corrupt politicians, crime, low wages, shitty infrastructure and mediocre [literally everything];

>we just have to cut off the parasites

Attached: 1517699868710.jpg (618x658, 18K)

Go and dont come back when it is better

There is a bigger parasite and its symbol is a red star

it will never get better

Land of the free
Hell no

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I wish I could like it but it's repulsive now.

>when it is better

Brother you lost your faith, those men are getting older and a new generation is at dawn, while they think they are untouchable we know how to put them down. It will not be easy, but its not impossible. Maybe im foolish, maybe im just thinking like a kid, but i dont want to see my children growing up in fear like i did.

>loving a cunt
woah this is soooo outdated


>get better

lmfao imagine being this delusional

I'm bored of it, but I wouldn't live anywhere else.

Temperature is good, maybe a little on the warm side in summer.

1.North Macedonia

2. Yes

The south is not a country, so no.

>But i will fight for it, nobody from anywhere else will, neither for our country nor our people.
You have the right spirit. Do you live it every day though? I hear that a lot from people that feel like paying taxes and giving $1 to a charity in a McDonald's is actually fighting for the benefit of the country. I hope you're not one of those.

I rather die than go back to Argentina

1. Poland
2. No, it's future superpower