Just bought COLX

And this is how I feel.

Attached: 0E4608D3-2E0F-46F5-AE24-7F36D37528EC.gif (320x295, 1.64M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Excellent, you have been assimilated. Gains will be yours. Now go forth, and spread the grid.

Attached: thegridmustspread.jpg (590x679, 102K)


Attached: 1525543433208.png (686x807, 548K)

we really need some more borg memes. i like larping as one :D

Colx holders are rabid and delusional. Perfect people to hold colx and make it moon

I don't know, I was considering putting money into it earlier but doesn't it concern you that the team doesn't even have a github yet and that it's on the roadmap? Sure the team seems to be putting in work but what have they actually done towards making a working product?


They have a GitHub bud buds

lol, exact same line as yesterday mate. Go fud somewhere else.

The fuck are you talking about? I'm not the same as the HOLO copypasta guys.
Wait, that github's had commits since before 2018; if this already exists then why is there a team github on the roadmap for Q1 2018?

Attached: COLX.jpg (3815x3250, 577K)

spreading hard.

Attached: spreading.jpg (650x740, 109K)

ColX will be 250 sat by July - cap this reply famalam

Bought 500k more, dgaf

Bags packed. Ready for this shit to bang.

spreading harder

Attached: spreadthegrid2.jpg (589x850, 137K)

Packed and loaded. Let’s GO.

phuc you col-niggers and your total shitcoin no wants your bags

Resistance is futile. You will be collsimilated.

lel.. weak

LMAO at shit coiners trying to meme. Bcash, EOS, 0xBitcoin, Hilo, NEO, Ripple... you are all a bunch of delusional phaggots if you think smart money is going to fall for this shit.

Like a nigger?

Look at the time between posts.

wtf are you talking about? I'm having some fun with paint, jesus christ. Pic related is right now...

fud some more lol

Attached: 324656546.png (1920x1080, 800K)

post more borg memes

have another one.

Attached: spreading3.jpg (596x694, 179K)

if this is the average /COLX/ poster, I am 100% fine with that. I could argue that your average IQ and annual income is at least double, and quintuple that of those stinkers.

Well, thank you kind sir.

Attached: spreading4.jpg (597x601, 98K)