Elon Musk to start Candy Company to BTFO old man Buffet


Old Man dumbfuck warren buffet, who contributes nothing to society, challenged Elon Musk about innovation. Buffet, who has done nothing with his life but play abstract meaningless games, is challenging an actual creator and innovator.

Musk is going to create a candy company and take market share by 2022.

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Looks like elon’s losing it

you are too low IQ to understand. Elon Musk is doing humanity a favor by working. He is already beyond rich and could just retire or play stocks like some retard old fuck like buffett.

He is going to have market share in candy soon, simply because he can.

I seriously hope that Boomer gets blown the fuck out. I wish Elon could take all of his money, he'd do so much more for the world than that shitty old man.

Warren buffett - amasses wealth like it's some high score in a video game

Elon Musk - uses wealth to change the world and push the entire species forward

Buffett - invests in brand names and insurance margins

Musk - changes history

The two are not mutually exclusive

This, warren buffett is the worst human on earth. Not only does he get super wealthy autistically, but he doesn't even enjoy the wealth just uses it as a high score to brag about in global chat.

the day he dies the world improves

While I think Musk has his own problems and fucktarded mistakes, he actually has contributed much more to the world than boomer buffet whose only contribution has been shitty meme quotes for facebook crypto investment groups

Elon Musk has to answer whining retards while he is literally sleeping on a factory floor trying to make electric cars a reality for humanity.

Would it get you pissed off if some retard in NY who stares at charts all day and does crack asks you about some low IQ margins question that is in the fucking quarterly?

It's unbelivable elon musk isn't completely jaded by humanity now.

Jow Forums will probably never grok the pointlessness of buffett's life.

>tesla keeps gaining
>in the future automated teslas own a large marketshare
>buffet is long dead
>a trend is noticed where buffets descendants die in mysterious car crashes all in tesla automobiles
>before his death, elon uploaded his consciousness to the tesla mainet to enact his plan of population control but had to first even the score with the eternal boomer

Warren buffet's efficient capital allocation provides a significant contribution to the overall economy.

Buying flamethrowers contributes nothing.

Retard spotted.

>selling coca colas and candies helps the world
>winning a zero sum investment game in established shit and insurance scams helps

It doesn't. You are too stupid to get why. Society doesn't benefit when healthcare companies find a way to make an extra 5% stock value to their holders via rising some prices.

Candies is elon musk.

Why is Musk letting Buffet troll him? Why should he compromise his limited time and attention for a candy company? That's stupid and will hurt his other bigger projects.

He can attract high IQ talent the candies industry can't. He can give them space to innovate. He will probably spend a few days thinking about the problem and btfo see's candies.


He's doing it for him...

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why do basedboys fawn over musk?

we don't deserve him