>portfolio value
>last time you had sex
>are you happy
ill start:
>2 weeks ago
Life Thread
don't post on biz please
data mining thread
nice try feds
Wall to wall carpeting
>36k GBP
>3 days ago
>~250k, mostly index investing
Why aren't you happy OP?
>3 weeks
>"happiness" is a meme
>3.83 BTC and rising, all in crypto nigger
>last night
>yes but I'll be happier when I graduate with my BSCE
>from 5k to 0
>2 years ago
>what do you think
i win the loser contest
>over 2 years ago
>only happy while I'm at work
Last night
Somewhat happy
$600 all in link
Two nights ago
I'm not happy but not depressed either
3 million
Havent cashed out, so, no.
what are you waiting for then, you already made it. Cash out and get a girl, duh
>$10,000 (I just bought a house, so a month ago I had about $36,000)
>4 months since I broke up with my EX. Although I did get a BJ a couple times by someone afterwards.
>Not really. Pretty miserable actually.
>a week ago
>nihilistic at this point waiting for society to plummet, can no longer feel
>32k (Cashed out recently)
>Last night
>Kind of, definitely the happiest I've been for the last few years.
I got 20k inheritance and turned it into 30k, decided to cash out because I actually know fuck all about crypto and figured my beginners luck will run out eventually. Goal was to get me through uni nice and comfy and I achieved it.
>uniroincally laying next to gf rn after making some love
>I’ll be happier when my HOT is worth 5 cents
Meh i rather get a sexdoll.
>six years ago
>a year or so ago
>there are people on Jow Forums not all in on crypto
>$140k in crypto, $60k in stocks
I'll be happier once the semester is over and once I get a promotion at work, but I don't think any if that can overcome >tfw no gf
>4 months ago
>kinda I'm sacrificing my short term happiness right now for hopefully set myself up nice for the future
>buying a liabilty
50m hot here how much you got?
>$55k Crypto, $30k stocks and funds, $35k bank account, $25k other savings
>5 weeks ago
>So so
Only 2 mil :( I’m a poor fag. I’m holding ori bags and have been waiting for a pump of that to send into more HOT. Idex has successfully shut that down though
>ID: X8Y
you're not poor - i rather have someone i can enjoy my time with than money - you've already made it user
>3 years
when will my life start
Just go to uni my man, getting laid there is easy as fuck, and compared to most students you're minted.
>November last year... fuck.
>Actually yes. I got out of a terrible relationship and decided to work on myself. Got fit and landed a job as a train conductor making over 100k a year. I will get back into dating when I feel ready again.
I've been in uni for the past 3 years and I made 2 friends
it probably doesn't help I still live at home.
I also choose to live very frugally because crypto
I'm about to fail anyways
Sex is overrated, go pay a hooker so you'll realize you aren't missing much.
Ironically by paying the hooker you're missing out on a lot of what you'd count as good sex. Knowing the girl wants to be with you and didn't have 10 dicks railed through her that night before you makes it a lot better.
That's depressing my man, have you looked at moving out, getting flat mates/house mates? Move in with some semi-chads, don't say cringe shit and you'll get along well with them and get in on all their parties.
>there are people ITT having sex
>an hour ago
>yes but I would like to be much more wealthier
Wtf is with so many r9k posts on this board. I swear biz has some of the saddest anons I have ever seen.
>2 days ago
>Knowing the girl wants to be with you and didn't have 10 dicks railed through her that night before you makes it a lot better
How would that impact anything?
The fact she likes you and isn't just half-assed doing it because you gave her money... You know user women will let you do a lot more to them if they like you and they will at least pretend to like it and not give you stds...
No, women do far more if you pay them, I've had sex with both girlfriends and prostitutes, prostitutes were way better.
you need to find a better gf
>panic disorder and weak depression but quite alright
Jesus, I already know not to listen to 99% of biz because they don't have a clue when it comes to what they are talking about but you just made me lose even more faith in the posters of this board. Keep doing what you are doing man, it's probably a good thing you don't reproduce.
>good thing you don't reproduce
Having a son in three months, using a surrogate.
Are you a faggot by any chance
18, in HS
>portfolio value
154k USD
>last time you had sex
>are you happy
Not happy, or sad. Just neutral.
This is sadly true. I get no enjoyment out of banging sluts anymore no matter how hot.
>4 years ago
> wanna kms
what's up with you little beta faggots always wanting to give strangers your life story. fucking make money and stop being a faggot.
Why not bizbro u seem to have it made
Your kid will most likely grow up to be gay like you. Have fun having one confused as fuck kid because his dad was too fucking autistic to get him/her/xer/xim/it a real mom. I know you think shit like that doesn't effect kids but it does.
A challenger has approached
>1039 USD in tether plus 900 more in the socks drawer
>At 22
>Hell no
Women are awful at raising children, just look at all stats of single mothers vs single fathers.
this entire thread is r9k tier you dingus
Yeah funny enough single dads still have shittier stats than the regular 2 parent house hold but hey it sounds like you are a very emotionally in tune person capable of holding normal relationships.
>that was sarcasm btw since I know that flew over your autistic head...
Sure, single fathers are better than single fathers, but a nuclear family is by far the best for the child. If you're making a conscious decision to raise a child without a mother you're not doing your kid any favors.
*Better than single mothers
last night with 21 yo gf
>5 days ago
>yup, if you're not you're probably a beta liberal socialist faggot
Be a man and take ownership of your shit OP. You'll never make it if you bitching and complaining about it.
>fuck no
gtfo my board normal fags
Getting married to have children is more than likely going to result in your child being raised by a single mother taking half your money and barely being allowed to see them no matter how incompetent she is. I wish my dad had been able to do this so I wouldn't have had to wait until I was twelve for a judge to let me choose to live with him.
Not going to lie, I'm actually laughing at the thought some autistic bizraelie is going to have to give their kid the talk one day.
>"Dad, why don't I have a mommy?"
>"Because single moms raising kids aren't as good as single dads."
>"Oh... um, ok dad."
Hahaha, holy shit that's funny but it will get funnier when they hit puberty and begin defining themselves.
just move to the country user. The ladies there all want a man.
>now the personal issues come spilling out
Ever think about spending some of your money at least on therapy before you have kids.
guys, the answer is simple. Move to the country side, get away from the media and nonsense, still have technology and shit obviously, but disconnecting from that toxic shit is good for the soul
Why? I'm happy with my current life, wanting to keep my child from having to go through the things I did is simply rational as everyone wants better for their children.
How much are you paying the surrogate?
Roughly $160k including medical expenses.
Yeah but your kid isn't you, they are their own person. You aren't giving them normal--you are just cooping in your own weird way because you got hurt in the past and are clearly still carrying emotional baggage around into your relationships. I'm going to stop responding to you now because I'm not getting paid to be your therapist. Please get it together user, Jesus.
750k USD
Earlier today
That's pretty crazy my man. Put that into perspective. That's more than some people make in their lifetime, and you're paying that much for some glorified prostitute to give birth to your child. Why can't you just find a girl that's right and impregnate her? Raising a child would cost a lot less than that.
>portfolio value
$0 (cashed out last summer before the Bitcoin Cash split, been spending my winnings on much-needed medical procedures)
>last time you had sex
>are you happy
it's a gray area. I managed to get a job where I do fuckall and still make enough money to live in a majority-white neighborhood by myself, so I'm happy in that regard, but I don't have a gf which is the biggest thing people measure your life on
700k in stocks/crypto
2 months
Yes but I'm trying to make my life better by exercising, being more social etc.
No, I'm objectively looking at divorce statistics along with child rearing statistics and choosing what will give him the best chance for success.
Not going to put a kid through being raised by a single mom. If we lived in an age when no fault divorces weren't a thing then sure I'd get married but in our culture divorce is simply too common.
>exercising, being more social
Your reply makes it sound like you're just getting around to starting on those things, but I find that hard to believe for someone whose last lay was two months ago
Whatever you say man. I'm not the one who brought up their parents divorce out of nowhere, sheesh. So much for being objective.
> 27
>1 week
>been happy ever since my first LSD trip
>1.3 mm
>when i conceived OP
>fleetwood mac
It has relevance and when my own experience neatly aligns with the statistical data I would be an utter fool to ignore both.
>around 10k (90k salary but dat student loan)
>2 months ago
>no but seriously who fucking cares, get money
dude fuck the haters
You're doing the right thing
sure neclear family is essential, but for the modern sovereign man a surrogate is the only choice available.
Good for you man, have a great life.
you know attacking people on the internet in their personal feelings only works on roasites.
noone on Jow Forums is gonna get their fee fees hurt by you. Piss off, the lads gonna make it you salty fuck.
I'm not attacking the man, I'm just being objective and telling him single dads suck compared to the traditional family unit. He can do whatever he wants and be "happy" raising his heroin addicted transgender future school shooter by himself. Didn't realize this board was filled with emotional basedboy autists here who would take offense to someone just providing objective feedback.
>makes 100k/yr , pretty happy overall. I want to be financially free, wagecucking sucks at all prices.
Feel free to link anything with data showing that kids raised in a single father household have a higher likelihood of being gay.
I don't exercise at the moment, but I'm very tall (194 cm) and not overweight. The main reason why I want to exercise is to be more healthy, not to attract girls. I do have a couple of very good friends, but I have slowly been losing touch with them because of work. I know it's a cliche, but I've come to realize that money really doesn't make my life much happier. I want to focus on things that really make me happy: being healthy, having meaningful relationships with other people, enjoying life in general etc.
If I send eth from mew will I get the tokens at the end of ICO?
>not your therapist
How about you pay me to?
>2 days ago