>do coke so I can work longer
>so I can earn more
>so I can do even more coke
Do coke so I can work longer
I like Kill the Noise too.
>so you can work longer
>so you can earn more
coke is fun, but trust me it'll fuck you up. If you need uppers get a script for aderall, still an amphetamine, but at least controlled.
that shit expensive and bad for you, just smoke weed
Sounds miserable, OP. Hope you get help.
That’s funny. I do coke just do I’ll have the drive to work. I’m never gonna make it
Do this, OP
Dexedrine (zenzedi brandname) is even better if you can get it IMO, less stimmy body load and more dopamine.
420 xddddddd
>even more coke
You had one job, user.
Ewww, if you really want an upper for some weird reason, you do realise amphetamines exist right?
That's what is called a virtuous cycle.
everyone in Finance is on heroin.
Good keep it up ur nose... gringo degenerado hijueputa cochino .... por su culpa mi país está mal gonorrea
>when your income is based on number of hours your work
t. cartel victim
Lol i use to fall for the mexican coke meme too, would get 50/g very seldom
Im willing to bet 1, 000 you have never had real uncut Colombian/ Peruvian, because real uncut is like no other
[spoiler]it never is[/spoiler]
How to find? Even deep web market places are only selling stuff that I would rate about 8/10
Cocaine is a hell of a drug. It fucks up my sensitive sinuses for months though.
Have you tried using Adderall or some similar amphetamine based product? Way cheaper habit, and imo a better drug.
I used to do coke everyday also when I was trucking but it really started fucking up my nose so stopped about to start again tho I feel everything is nice and healed
do coke 1-2/month
stop doing coke.
it ain't worth it.
unless you're like this cuck:
Did coke.
Fuck that shit.
did blow daily for 9 years can confirm it fucks you up and overall not worth it
I wish I had a coke connect. Toronto btw
Bruh...I get mine from Pavailions. Sometimes it's on sale 2 liters for $1
what makes life worth living?
>I unironically believe in the labor theory of value
Instead of Dexedrine, get a script for Vyvanse 70mg. Best amphetamine ever synthesized imo.
I don't know much Spanish but besed on what I understand you blame whites for your country being shit. you should kill yourself.
>mi pais esta mal gonorrea