I don't get why so many people in this board make fun of America, It's, if not the best...

I don't get why so many people in this board make fun of America, It's, if not the best, one of the best countries in the world.
The United States of America have been ruled by corrupt leaders for a long time, which made me think that America was a shithole,
but now with this new head of state, I can finally see how good America is.
Whenever you step outside of your home in your country and don't get killed because of your thoughts and preferences, thank America.
America wants PRIVATE healthcare, not shitty communist "public" healthcare that your country has.
Fuck all european COMMUNIST no-free-speech shitholes, FUCK YEAH AMERICA.
Fuck this liberal shithole country I'm living in, I'm going to America, and I'm going legally, because FUCK ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
Hey liberals do you know what's the difference between you and bunnies? Not a damn thing because you're all irritating pests that spread like a virus and you all eat shit ahahahahaha

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People make fun ot the southern culture

The rednecks also known as Murica or Meriga

Not to mention there pinkocare relies on american, capitalist inventions and american, capitalist investment in drug research.

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>I'm going to America, and I'm going legally,
they don't want you, legal or illegal makes no difference, so stay in your shithole


*their fuck


Also not to mention that they're only able to fund their pinkocare without stalling their economy because WE pay for their defense.

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then off the board then, loser.
4chin is ALWAYS contrarian. how do I know this? because I found my very first kid s3x tape here when everyone was like so annoying (and still is) like it such a big deal. Anyway, so much sucking them off still not gonna make you eligible for the green card.

Based and redpilled

>I don't get why so many people in this board make fun of America
Yeah, I wonder how could anyone find murica funny.

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>Yeah I wonder why
j e a l o u s y

I am so jealous of The US, I wish I was an american

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No hard feelings buddy I also wish I was american

If you are a skilled laborer of some sort who won't depend on handouts then that's a plus.

If you immerse yourself in american culture and resist the urge to form 'little montevideo' that's a plus.

If you are pro-liberty, pro-america, and give off a vibe of not wanting to seriously alter the place you just arrived at, that's a plus.

It's also a plus if you speak English well.

Half the country (leftists) will already be OK with you. You just need to appeal enough to the other half (conservatives/libertarians).

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envy is such a big word, and americunt isn't one of them

they want open borders

Hell yeah brother HH

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>but now with this new head of state, I can finally see how good America is.
Stopped right there

Kill yourself, I repeat, kill yourself

thats what the lolbertarian party wants. even the pro-immigration libertarians would be happier to see an immigrant with the traits I listed rather than some fat ungrateful mexican who wants mexico to annex california

Real question, would you lick that pole for 100 dollars?

Seething lol

>fat ungrateful *chicano*

Of course, a fat, demented memester that accomplishes nothing in favor of the American empire needs to be removed.

We need a real leader, not an anti-american bag of hot air.

Pls be bait

Wake me up when that senile orange thing actually does something positive for this country.

I know you idiots love to meme otherwise every day.