How do you increase your quality of life once you realize all the evil shit you have been doing to your body? Like;
>Smoking weed all day >Masturbating all day >Constantly on the computer >No physical activity/movement >Eat shitty food all the time >Shitty fucking sleep pattern >Intense anxiety & depression (even though I have no reason to)
What do?
Where do you start? What's the first thing to make the move
drink detox tea with lemon have your last meal take a trashbag and get rid of all junk food. go grocery shopping (on a full stomach)
Austin Walker
go to /fit
Jonathan Rivera
Tea with lemon before my last meal of the day? Why is that?
and yeah going to go grocery shopping later today. all tips are appreciated
Dominic Wilson
>Taper off smoking weed, so less times each day >Masturbate 1 time a day its much better >go outside and enjoy nature everyday, i find going outside and playing a little basketball , than coming back to my computer much better >Start doing pushups and situps for each time interval youve been on the computer I.e 1 hour = 50 push ups >Start going to sleep at a better time and waking up early, if u wake up early than you have the whole day >Anxiety and depression are just made up in your head just calm down and enjoy being alive
Camden Brooks
1. pick up a hobby 2. meet people who like the same hobby 3. make friends 4. go out with friends 5. enjoy life more
Parker Phillips
lift weights while you do all of that. take a hit of weed.. lift weights 10x. repeat. chill out and drink protein shake..
save your jizz for the end of the day. sleep cumfy.
Jaxson Lee
I tried quitting cold turkey multiple times but lost my shit and had depressive episodes before I caved in.. maybe tapering is the smart thing to do.
I'll try everything you said lol.
Isaac Young
Unloading jizz all day is probably causing ur low self confidence/self esteem, making u sit at the computer and smoke weed and giving a shitty sleeping patter. Honestly masturbating so much is your main problem, cut that shit and you will be much better off
Jordan Edwards
So is it masturbating being the top of the pyramid essentially?
Lincoln Nelson
there is nothing comfier than jacking off for hours after a solid work day, fresh out of the shower
Gavin Powell
Start lifting and doing sprints. Eat only lean meats, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. No juice or soda. Stay away from the pharma jew if possible. Keep the boozing to a night or two a week.
Oliver Hernandez
>What do? Fast. You wont believe how easy it is. Fast for 14 - 16 hours per day. It sounds like a lot but lets break it down: Sleep for 8 hours Fast for 3 hours before bed Fast for 3 hours after you wake up There. That's 14 hours. It's the natural cycle. Your body wasn't designed for literally 24h food availability
Jeremiah Jones
shrooms. Concentrate on what in your life needs improvement and what you're going to do about it.
Shrooms+mdma. Think about how great exercising feels for your body, start believing in yourself, love yourself.
Also get a psychiatrist if you think you need it. Try and eat right everyday, try keto. Give yourself a pc break, go camping for a week. I believe in you user, start believing in yourself.
Jeremiah Stewart
I think so, because masturbating saps your energy. Semen is a store of energy.
Christopher Cox
1. Increased Testosterone. 2. You’re no longer a Slave to watching porn everyday. 3. Increased Motivation. 4. Lowered Social Anxiety and Increased Social Skills. 5. Increased Confidence. 6. More time in the day to do other things. 7. Increased Sex Drive. 8. Your attraction to real people will be much greater. 9. Your sexual tastes will not morph into crazy fetishes (if they haven’t already). 10. You might get a deeper voice, according to many personal reports. 11. You actually want to flirt with women. 12. Curing Erectile Dysfunction, or Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED). 13. More energy. 14.You’ll get more looks from women according to many guys. 15. You’ll be able to hold strong eye contact, without averting your eyes like a scared puppy dog.
so yes masturbation is the top of the pyramid buddy
Justin Gomez
>lean meat
Fuck off boomer scum
Jayden Peterson
Was in similar position
Got Jow Forums,not really but much better than I was
Was still depressed so I went to therapy and was on meds for a short time.
Now I'm financially healthy, physically healthy, and mentally healthy. It's pretty good and now I'm working on being more social so I can be socially healthy.
James Gutierrez
You need to jack off more. Those are rookie numbers
Easton Sanders
Just b urself bro
Blake Russell
>Smoking weed all day -Take a 3 day break, play video games whenever you want a hit, or find a way to get busy, go to bed. After 3 days your tolerance will lower due to the radioactivity of the molecule.
>Masturbating all day -Just like the smoking weed all day solution; play video games whenever you want a hit, or find a way to get busy, go to bed.
>Constantly on the computer -Nothing wrong with this.
>No physical activity/movement -Keep a 15, 20, 25 pound dumbbells next to your desk.
>Eat shitty food all the time -Learn to cook... it's so fucking easy. Humans have been cooking for centuries.
>Shitty fucking sleep pattern -Sleep 8 hours. Simple as that, take melatonin if you cannot sleep.
>Intense anxiety & depression (even though I have no reason to) -Think from other peoples perspective. Most people are just going about their normal wage slave lives. They are more focused on themselves then others. Ask yourself this when you ever have to deal with it. " Why would anyone give a fuck about me?"
Adam Miller
Lies, Lies, Lies and self delusion
nofap is the ultimate cuck lifestyle
Lucas Brooks
>haha just bee urself xd
Jacob Jenkins
These sound like pretty solid tips to me, thanks anons.
Next time you smoke weed, think about how much of your life you've wasted being high, how much of a loser you are, and how much it's ruining your life. You will trip out on this every time you smoke and it will become repulsive to you how depressing it is. Once you stop and have a clear head your life will be a lot better.
Jackson Williams
do the inverse of everything you listed...
Isaiah Barnes
This. Watch that episode of seinfeld where George does the opposite of everything he would typically do
Hudson Rogers
but I enjoy it user also it fits into my surfer yoga lifestyle too much of a good thing can absolutely occur though
Hunter Price
I quit smoking weed as a first step, I had similar issues OP. I started smoking cigarettes everyime I wanted to go smoke a spliff (I already smoked before that). I haven't really dealt with physical activity, irregular sleeping patterns or depression but my anxiety is far less, I too had some intense fucking anxiety. I really had to bite trough it, I would be unable to sleep at night because of my anxiety and then crave weed to be able to get to sleep.
Its now been a year since I quit and I'm feeling a lot better. You're just going to have to ask yourself if you can keep living like this or not.
Nicholas Adams
50% is bullshit
Easton Johnson
I've increased my quality of life tenfold and I still smoke weed all day and jerk off constantly, those are not evils. Staying inside, not building towards goals, being ignorant of culture, and mental illness are evils. For the last one, escitalopram, the rest come easy after.
Nathaniel Thompson
The most important things you can do in order:
1. Stop masturbating 2. Eat only high quality organic food (mostly meat and veggies) 3. Get on a better sleep schedule (try to go sleep within 2 hours of sundown) and sleep 8-9 hours a night 4. Stop smoking weed
Zachary Perry
Put the weed away. Go to the grocery store to buy real food once a week Join a gym- build your body and your mind. Gain confidence in yourself physically and mentally. Healthier choices will follow from these foundations
Jaxson Davis
Organic food is a meme and the high quality is very subjective.
Cooking from scratch is far healthier and cheaper no matter what the ingredients as long as they are fresh.
Justin Mitchell
Wyatt Jones
For 1 out of a 1000 people it might work out fine (think you, Seth Rogen, Joe Rogan, a few other rogins) but for most people it saps all motivation and basically puts your life on pause. My guess is that op is not one of the lucky ones
Evan Gray
Purges lead to stress that leads to relapse. You need to shift your lifestyle as a whole. Rather than change everything, you need to chance A thing then start building on that. Do a thing that's vaguely health(doing it at a consistent time helps) and then gradually build from there. A 10 minute walk or some form of exercise (maybe cleaning?) and then you build on that. Like add a productive 10 minutes every 2-3 days and keep at it. Day one is a walk, day five is a walk + health snack, Day ten is a walk + healthy snack + some cleaning and so on.
Will power is not infinite, it can be built up and worn down. Also consistent habits + exercise help with sleep cycle and depression. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.