Your cunt

>your cunt
>how many previous sexual partners would be a deal breaker for a relationship?

I'm curious as to the cultural differences

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Date who you like... If is the first person or the fourth, whatever

Not interested in relationships anymore but to answer the question

>if only looking for sex it's whatever
>if I wanted a serious relationship then 1 at most, and it must've been a serious relationship

As long as it's fewer than or equal to me
>t. 8 partners

t. homosexual

I don't really have a number and it depends on the age.

If I'm marrying at like 30 then I guess 10-15?
What's more important is like post-21 life, because women are retarded sluts before graduating.

could never do that, any girl near my number would be a total slag

Anything over one

One of my exes had 14, and it fucking sucked. (We dated when she was 19-20, that makes it quite a bit worse) It was the stereotypical "I already tried that with Sean and decided I didn't like it" bullshit. But I think the many sexual partners she had was the effect of her shit personality, not the cause. (MAJOR daddy issues)

One of the smartest girls I've ever met though, just graduated med school this spring

Literally means she doesn’t trust you lol. Every girl that hasn’t liked anal, eventually wants me to try it because I say I’ve never had a person not like it with me. Sure enough..boom. Same goes with BDSM and etc. they just don’t have confidence in who you are.

I’m completely paraphrasing. But that’s the general idea. If they want you enough. They’ll do what you want.

Then again I’m also very dominant and love sub,is I’ve girls. So it’s inherent to the dynamic of who I attract. Even the aggressive ones like to submit.

People caring about amount of partners, is probably just you sad and jealous you don’t get laid. So find someone that makes you feel safe about your inadequacy. This is the most arbitrary reason ever to judge someone.

more than 10 is a deal breaker.
t.had 7 partners

For marriage I would only consider a virgin

U cant marry yourself user

how do you get them to enjoy it?

This response doesn't make sense to the comment it was replying too.

F*rnication is degenerate and bluepilled. Statistically roasties who have had 1 or more sexual partners before your have 50%+ chance of divorcing you in the future. And the probability of it happening increases with the body count.

>med school
>doing reviews on anki means you're smart


he has a small penis.



Depends what kind of relationship. If it's just fucking then doesn't matter so long as it doesn't impact her behaviour.
It's a vexing prospect for marriage though, when the average thot has a higher body count than the Enola Gay.

this but unironically

My number is too high and idc about the other person as long it doesn't have any STD's/cheats.

yes. believe it or not, people in med school are usually smarter than the average population, joao

Eh, probably around 50.

There are more important things than such numbers. If she's faithful in a relationship, has an otherwise good character, and doesn't have the reputation of the village slut, then almost any number is tolerable. I have slept around too, and those are the standards I would like to be applied to myself as well.