When do you think LINK will announce its partnership network?

When do you think LINK will announce its partnership network?

I sold my link in November last year because I wanted to 10-100x before buying back in for the final moon mission, when do you think their mainnet will release?

im guessing July-August but thats just a pure guess, any thoughts?

Attached: chainlink.png (200x200, 11K)

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Never. Kill yourself, linkjeet.

I have been studying the patterns in how LINK is bought, sold, fudded, and shilled on here along with when the LINK team actually does stuff, and I can with out a doubt say that mainnet comes in early August, although it will surpass 10k sats and $1 around mid to late June.

LINK doesn't have any partnerships or any use really. It won't go past $2.

August is a good guess for mainnet. They like to be early though

Nah, It'll pass $1 sometime between May 13th and May 16th.

Lmao. Who's going to partner with this mess?

Why will it double in a little more than a week? BTC's price is an effective ceiling on LINK's and LINK is a shitcoin anyway, but it doesn't have any hype to make it go up like other scams such as verge, tron, etc.


> doesn't have any hype

Wait until the 16th. Fresh round of press and partnerships coming out.

My data shows Link hitting $1 on 20th May at approx 10:04:32am EST

If it doesnt hit my mark its going down to 2cents rapidly.

>LARPing again
Will this ever end? Every week I see another LARP from you idiots. meanwhile LINK has been the worst performing coin in the top 100.

It will go down irregardless.

It's not a top 100 coin

Exactly. Of all the coins shilled regularly on here, LINK has gone up the least in every bull market and down the most in the bear market.

If you are all in link, sell now- buy into a solid project with short term growth potential- sell in 2 months time and buy 2 or 3 times more link than you had. Being all in at the moment makes no sense.

if they had partnerships they would have announced them already. this is not a coin for gains, simply an important project in crypto. dont confuse the two. this coin has been a horrible performer and will continue to be in the future. move on

Not LARPing, I just know how to find sources outside of Jow Forums and piece together puzzles.

Hint: check the pivotal tracker. there's a reason they've only scheduled up to May 13th.

The coin value is shitting the bed. Other projects like IOTA are currently implementing their own oracles. No one needs link. Any potential partnership will be bombarded by haters link got from the daily mass flooding Jow Forums.

Sold all my link a few days ago on that small pump and was honestly shitting myself when testnet came out because I thought they might release some sort of update on the project. But, they didn't, and now I can just buy back at the same price in a few months.

Honestly it's a bit fucking stupid they can't even release some news for a testnet release. That is development, that's worthy of some 'news' (a fucking blog post is all is needed).

> there's a reason they've only scheduled up to May 13th.
That's when Sergey goes on a nice long summer holiday. They've been working solidly for 6 months now.

its a fucking disgrace frankly that they dont update thier users, and its absolutely pathetic that link cultists defend their actions

what are you buying into in the meantime? i have 70k i want to dump now but dont know what to re enter in the short term.

On holiday to New York ;)

> its a fucking disgrace frankly that they dont update thier users

you're not their "user" brainlet. the project won't succeed or fail based on Twitter updates. they're delivering code which is more than can be said for the overwhelming majority of crypto projects.

I like the way you think user

Ok, let's check back on May 16 and see if anything has been released regarding LINK. Protip: Nothing will be released.

Protip: prepare your anus.

how thick do you have to be to understand i dont give a shit about the project, i care about making money, which i am not doing by continuing to hold chainlink. hype is all that matters in crypto

Please provide proof of your claims beyond a date on a pivotal tracker.

see, this is the sort of cope im talking about. you have NOTHING substantial, and cling on to smallest hope.

Spoken like a microcapped poorfag who needs to jump between projects like an ADHD spaz hoping for a payout. You'll stay poor buying FOMO and selling FUD. Enjoy your losses. Sell your stack right now and you'll see what I mean.

Your hands are made of paper user.

lol fuck off you coping cunt. ive been holding since ico. ive also been holding WAN since ICO and thank god because it saved my portfolio. you dont realise how delusional you are, i feel sorry for you.

Here's another date. Notice a pattern?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at 1.29.56 AM.png (333x96, 55K)

Yes, I know about Consensus, LINK isn't on there.

That's when you get your asshole bleached?

You're right, they're not. But a few of their partners this shithole doesn't know about yet are.

All I'll say for now is that it pays to be a developer and have friends in high places.

Dude nothing’s gonna happen their pivotal tracker just happens to take it one month at a time.

>All I'll say for now is that it pays to be a developer and have friends in high places.
larping as usual, post one with a tripcode so we can make fun of you on the 17th.

>if they had partnerships they would have announced them already
This isn't VEN, you stupid faggot.

wow, you really are fucking deluded.

Post a TRIP
I actually like the LARPs

this isn't a coin thats had enormous gains? i know

fuck tripcodes. just scrot the thread and post it on the 17th. I'll make sure I'm around to gloat.

also thanks for all the cheap LINK today you weak handed lemmings.

If you had bought ONLY hypecoins you would've made a lot of money provided you dumped at the right time.

I only buy hypecoins, no one cares about "fundamentals" because crypto is fundamentally a scam, the idea is to ride it and then sell before its all over.

Bruh you missed it. If it's a scam, you should have sold in December 2017. But it's not a scam and you know that. That's why you still have a position.

Then dont buy link. Nobody gives a fuck about you.

Attached: 1520649380680.jpg (277x296, 36K)

I'm on board with this larp too. Might pick up a few more stinkies if they go on sale this week.

i dumped on dec. 18 because futures opened on that day, and i started buying scamcoins again in february. got justed by the march crash but oh well, so didn't everyone, especially stinkers. the scam has a few more years left.

> I only buy hypecoins

grats. you would have never bought ETH at 50 cents or BTC at $1. you're also statistically likely to lose all your gains to gamblers ruin chasing FOMO around like a brainlet.

I fortunately am not you user. I remember when BTC was only talked about on Jow Forums. I remember the DAO and how sketch it seemed. I remember Ethereum as a whitepaper. I remember Gox. I remember it all because I have the patience to stick it out, and since I'm not a microcapped pajeet I can easily afford to squat and accumulate more of the coins worth squatting on.

I'm already living in lambo land. What have you managed to do with your gains so far user?

Then sell faggot

Attached: IMG_7451.jpg (550x425, 190K)

Take a screenshot of one of these replies that day (You) in it. Setting my calendar for the 17th now, then.

classic cultist cope

you could've made more money in 2017 buying jewish scams like ripple

>he had BTC in 2009 and ETH in 2013
then you should already have 100m-1b net worth or more so why keep posting here?

Done. scrotted up to your comment.

To make more money off lemmings. At this point its just a game to me and I'm going for the high score.

Its due to SEC’s ICO clampdown that they dont want to promote at this stage Only after the product is ready When the tiken can be utlized for applications.

>to make more money off lemmings
>shilling LINK
checks out, show 1m LINK or GTFO

^^ token*

Link is a super long term hold. Sergey is a person with high morals and integrity. It shows in his work. This project is being built to last for ages. Slow and steady wins the race and patience is the greatest virtue.

kek as soon as I posted that I knew people would think I'm fucking with them now. usually I FUD LINK but everyone's spinning out because they don't understand software development cycles and assumed Friday was their rocket. it was never going to be a rocket. decided to switch it up tonight and seed some optimism/remind people they were deluding themselves last week but that isn't a good reason to sell when its cheap.

just think of it this way... if you're selling because the rocket didn't come, did Sergey promise you a rocket was coming, or did you delude yourself and now you're just disappointed your timeline didn't come true?

i never bought LINK and never will. where is the hype? you could've made more money on chink scams (ven, tron, neo (still does not work, ICOs crash its network lel) and jew scams (ripple). EOS is another likely scam which has done about 3x in a month. i need to get into holochain too since that seems to be the latest scam coin.

Sergey posted some tweets of him in the microsoft office so everyone went nuts.

Same here dude. My 50% portfolio is LINK and all the scam coins are mooning. It makes me feel bad to hold this coin so long but then i look forward to the future that chainlink is creating and your only chance to be part of that future.


It means without regard, pajeet.

>network of decentralized oracles
>everyone just uses centralized oracles anyway
stinkers btfo

It is literally, unironically not a word. If it was it would be a double negative just like your portfolio Ranjeet. Now do a 360 and walk away

Irregardless is not a word you fucking mongoloid.


Imagine calling someone a mongoloid, while being so wrong at the same time, yikes.

My LINK bag is getting heavier day by day. What to do biz.

Regardless means without regard, irregadless is a double negative. Anyone who uses that word is fucking inbred


Yeah. Tell him user.

I warned you guys last Friday with two posts; both basically saying there’s no reason why LINK’s price should go up until it’s completed. I expected this dump, and it doesn’t hurt as bad when you know it’s coming. I’m also waiting for ETH to dump. Heck, this might even be your last chance to accumulate before Mainnet.

This is actually getting boring now

wait were you the guy that constantly posted "dont buy before 6th may" L. ?

Link won't announce their partnerships. Their partners will. They made a strong statement about it.

Bless Sergay

>buy high, sell lowith
never change

No I didn’t
That’s crazy tho someone actually predicted today? I wonder how low we’ll go.

well if that dude implied to buy ON the 6th and if he is right then the price should go up in a few hours

Never, they don't announce anything unless the other party wants to.

Imagine being this dumb.

>he thinks link bagholders are in it for the tech
Don't fool yourself retard, there's a reason why everybody spams $1000, they don't even understand the tech. If you could sell for $50 right now, I bet every bagholder would get out right now and never look back.

Ethereum was always a Top 5 coin, you weren't buying some underdog project if you were buying cheap ETH. People who compare this crap to ETH deserve to lose everything.

I agree, there's no reason the price should go up right now. I expect mainnet by September and steady climb of price when/if companies start announcing they are using chain link.

Fucking faggot, 360 is in the same spot, 180 to go to the opossite direction.

We won’t know anything for sure until mainnet. Sergey knows that under the hostile SEC regulatory apparatus that he must maintain the idea that LINK is a decentralised utility token and not a security and once it has utility they can promote chainlink, but not before that, or it jeopardises the whole project

Link's always been a top 5 coin too, the price just doesn't reflect that yet.


That doesn't help at all and that's not what they're doing. This whole SEC argument is something that bagholders made up to defend the team.

If ETH is a security so is every token. Even if ETH isn't, you have an official team behind the project that holds 65% of the supply, that's a security based on how things stand right now.

Guys I’m scared
What happens if September comes and Mainnet doesn’t deliver?

> Ethereum was always a Top 5 coin, you weren't buying some underdog project if you were buying cheap ETH. People who compare this crap to ETH deserve to lose everything.

You clearly weren't around then because no, that's not even remotely true.

What rank was ETH then?

Ethereum has been on CMC since 8/2015. Give me one historic snapshot of CMC that shows it wasn't a top coin.

You're missing his point entirely. Alts didn't exist back then. Bitcoin was the only crypto to 99.999% of people. If you bought an alt you were retarded.

It hung around 4th place for a long time, but keep in mind this is when DOGE was a top 5 coin so ranks != quality of the project in that era of crypto.

I'm not saying it wasn't a top 5 coin at launch, I'm saying it wasn't a guaranteed success of a project (because ranks had very little to do with the project's quality in the era of novelty coins). Most people in the blockchain space (like actual developers/cryptologists) had nothing but bad shit to say about the project because of Vitalik's design decisions for it and the fact that he's been promising side chains to deal with complaints about its architecture since it was still just a whitepaper. Most of Jow Forums shit on it and found it to be a novelty (which it still is) with FUD that looked very similar to LINK FUD. The technical limitations of Ethereum still exist, are still not dealt with, and frankly Ethereum is STILL not a guaranteed successful project because Vitalik's been resting on his laurels and is about to get lapped by any number of competing chains (NEO, Ziquila, Matrix, etc). It also has no cap on the supply of ETH, which in and of itself makes it impossible to claim it wasn't an underdog since you had no way to know how many coins would end up in circulation. It hasn't succeeded yet, so clearly it wasn't a guaranteed success.

The main reasons ETH exploded last year are a) the BTC bullrun lifted the whole market, and b) Vitalik is a fame whore who's managed to get in the faces of every crypto project at a time when there were no competing platform chains. But its all going to become meaningless quick if competing chains launch while he's still not bothered to deal with scalability issues. He says maybe later this year. I've heard the same thing for years though so I'll believe it when I see it.

This. You can tell who's been in the game for years and who just jumped in last year by how they talk about Ethereum/Vitalik. That was an entirely different world of crypto back then. If you were buying alts you were a degenerate gambler, not an investor. There was no guaranteed successes because everything, including Ethereum, was just a novelty experimental project.

That said I managed to make a killing off ETH, but I had to suppress every bit of advice I got from cryptologists and just take the dive and trust that sometimes simply handing developers new tools, even shitty tools, can manage to attract enough developers to get the adoption needed to stick around for at least a while. Its the same situation with LINK. All the FUD says sell, but I'm sticking with what I know as a developer, sticking to what I know as someone who's been in this game for years, and leaning on friends I've made in the space for inside scoops to confirm partnership suspicions before they're publicly made.

You know they add regularly tasks from the "Icebox", right? Thomas / vornth said on Friday they are JUST beginning to get prepared for testing network on Ropsten... It's minimum 2-5 months till mainnet IF everything goes well

You're implying that Sergey will announce something at Consensus which will be held in NY, May 14th-16th

Protip: there will be no fucking announcement of anything. With LINK there is only disappointment. They may not even announce mainnet.

it wont. chainlink holders will be the most bitter people in crypto once mainnet launches at link is still between 30 cents and a dollar. this is the biggest steaming pile of shit in crypto

and no, fuck off, chainlink is nothing like ETH in its infancy. eth ico holders were on the moon after 7 months of the ico

>vornth said on Friday they are JUST beginning to get prepared for testing network on Ropsten

Go back to Plebbit.

Also I know they were just starting to get the release ready Friday. That's what I said. That getting the instance running on Ropsten was never the actual testnet release, just one of the tasks needed to get to it. We'll have the official release of the testnet soon though which will include an announcement, and it'll happen just in time for some partnership news coming out of Consensus (from the partner, not the team since that's generally how they do things).

>and it'll happen just in time for some partnership news coming out of Consensus (from the partner, not the team since that's generally how they do things).

the single most deluded poster on biz. top kek

I never implied Sergey will announce anything. Learn how to read. And then read the whitepaper.