Most evil pill in the world.
How do we stop it ?
It's prescribed like candies here.
Most evil pill in the world.
How do we stop it ?
It's prescribed like candies here.
benzos arent evil
the evil thing is that underage kids who think taking benzo make them somehow cool
I don't see why people like them so much. I've done Xans quite a few times and just blacked out. Never made me feel high.
I can hear the perky calling i can hear the xannies calling
Doctors and patients agree to take it worldwide and it's evil.
It's all about not giving a fuck for a few hours, somewhat like alcool but with less intelligence and memory. It's great fortreating anxiety symptoms, not a recreational drug. The addiction is awful though. Korean user his right.
hehehe is this losse
>Xans don't make you
>Xans gon' take you
>Xans gon' fake you
>Xans gon' betray you
The effects are godlike if you have anxiety
>taking virgin benzos instead of chad barbs
I take lorazepam, that’s the light version of Xanax isn’t it? They don’t make me more stupid or anything, just relaxed. They make me sleepy as fuck after lunch though, I’ve taken siestas from which I’ve woken up in the next morning.
Benzos are great. Just don't do them every fucking day like an idiot
Antidepressants are the real evil pill
I've had a couple of different medications to help with anxiety but never Xanax. Maybe it isn't popular to prescribe in Australia.
Xannies and oxycodone
9 mg Xanax made me lose my favourite clothes, get over 1000$ of car repairs, almost lost my job/kill myself. Hopefully its been a month since I touched the garbage
Oxycodone is just really addictive and make you depressed. I did 50 mg once and was on the verge of death with my lungs barely breathing and I was still super happy its a weird drug
>Antidepressants are the real evil pill
Why's that?
They help with the common symptoms of depression and help reduce the intensity and length of depressive episodes. Can't have that.
they destroy you
in a few % of people they completely numb you which the doctor counts as ""fixing depression""
i take them and i’m not “destroyed”
Sounds better than the Finnish model where people who are dying aren't given painkillers because they might get addicted to ebil drugs.
they should be only taken in super emergency situations, when you're screaming, crying, shitting yourself, shaking, panicking. not everyday.
>they destroy you
They only destroy you if you define your existence by your symptoms.
I cannot take public transport unless I use benzos haha
Benzos should ONLY be used for panic attacks. Anxiety can be better tackled with SSRIs and therapy, hopefully in such a way that SSRIs are needed only a year or so, therapy is the main help when it comes to anxiety.
t. Been there done that
>They don’t make me more stupid
already stupid
i used to take 6mg of klonopin a day
now it’s down to 2mg a day
This. Also in some cases where the increase in anxiety for the first week or two after starting SSRI or other stimulating antidepressant is unbearable. Otherwise you get a meme addiction epidemic like in the US with opioids.
They're pretty much proven in clinical use by this point to help in about 2/3 of the cases within months. Most of the actually shitty adverse side effects occur in the weeks you're starting and ending use. All of the effects go away after withdrawals end. If you're genuinenly interested, the highly esteemed medical journals of your choice (as well as Cochrane?) should have plenty of research with and without conflicts of interest arriving at such conclusions
clams are better
>delet xanax
>put ritalin-lisdexamfetamine mix into the water
>wait 10 years
Benzodiazepines are rarely ever prescribed here
SSRIs fucked me over, I tried Citralopram and Desvenlafaxine both which just completely made me completely apathetic and impulsive.
Lorazepam is amazing but it's not wise to take it often, which sucks ass. I'm also pretty sure I developed a mild respiratory depression last year because I was abusing it daily during exam season.
Flunitrazepam is the gift from GOD literally.
Makes you sleep well, fell ease, and happy.
Also, Alc. and Flunitrazepam are one of the best drug combinations.
I know that fuckin idiots use it as sex drug, but Flunitrazepam is not evil.
drugs don't rape.
People do.
It's banned here.
I love you muh BZP kameraden.
why it's banned? addicting?
Most of all coutrymen are drinking Alc. in the world tho.
Addicitng can't be the reason to ban it.
Rape pills reputation and too much people od'ed with them.
I use pee precipitate to ease anxiety
Crystallized poop is my favorite benzo
Le poopy cristalizée