Estonians made public transportation via bus FREE

>*furious American howling in the distance*

Based Eesti!

Attached: estonia.png (806x1132, 901K)

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Unironically based

They made a big mistake

By being a paid service it keeps out the low life working class scum and the shitskins. This in turn make the middle class more likely to use public transportation.


Attached: Imagine+amerimutt+having+audacity+to+question+someones+humanity+what+_6a4882435a140fc10c4a56bb6314bc (731x709, 89K)

It is free here too

>thread about a european country
>connect it to america
Wtf is wrong with you europeans. Why do you look for every chance to hate on us

t. land of the free

No it's not you hohol nigger

Ukr*inians are chimping our right now because metro now costs 30 cents instead of 19. This means half of the Ukr*inians salary will now go to the metro Jews.

We have had free public transport in Tallinn for like ten years or something. You rarely see smelly hobos on the bus. At least from my personal experience.

In the Netherlands it's free for students. If it was free for everyone the whole system would collapse.

God this country is such a shithole
Literally the Bangladesh of Europe

Does that really matter? Most people already travel for free with their monthly ticket, and the people who are too poor can't really be stopped, because they can't pay their fees anyway, so if they are poor enough they'll just be ignored by the ticket controllers

Not even all students. Just bachelor and master students. Which is like 4 years of the study career.

If you go to a trade school or high school etc it's not free.

Bangladesh is pretty good

My university has a bus system and it's free for everyone.

Compared to Pakistan? maybe.

Why is Estonia such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by communist rule, but now Estonian people live better than Greece, Portugal and Italy, we're not even talking about ex-USSR.
By the way did you know that public transport is FREE in Estonia?
And they even can VOTE ONLINE?
And NOKIA has facilities over there because Finnish infrastructure is obsolete compared to Estonia, which is LITERALLY permeated with optic fibre?

Bravo, Estonia.

Attached: kjMDlre.jpg (918x3635, 563K)

Went to the ambulance today. 3/4 of the workers were Russians. I am maybe still high from anesthesia, but you Russians are good people.

And this is bad how? cars have ruined modern living

They also have the best tax system in Europe desu.

based mushroom man

you clearly are, that had nothing to do with the comment you replied to

go take some more oxy and zonk out, fampai

Estonia was better off under communism

Fuck communism

Good night based leafman!

they also have a dope ass flag.

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Bravo estonia


lol I guaran-fucking-tee not a single American in the entire history of the universe gives a shit that Estonia has free buses. I guarantee no American gives a shit about Estonia period.

Hell Americans have free buses too they are called school buses they are for children too young to get a job lmao


bravo estonia!

>Ewww working class, disgusting!
Fuck off, rich boy

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Why is Estonia such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by communist rule, but now Estonian people live better than Greece, Portugal and Italy, we're not even talking about ex-USSR.
By the way did you know that public transport is FREE in Estonia?
And they even can VOTE ONLINE?
And NOKIA has facilities over there because Finnish infrastructure is obsolete compared to Estonia, which is LITERALLY permeated with optic fibre?

Bravo, Estonia.

I want an EU lawyer.

sudenly only benefit to my light disability disapears. (i have 75% cheaper buss tickets)

Is Estonia paying for everyones bus tickets? I got the impression they were only paying people to bus around Estonia, a tiny country up by the arctic circle? Or is it all Europe courtesy of Estonia? If latter, I can see why people are happy.

Tere tere

they get free bus drives only inside estonia but i was planing to move there.

>furious American howling in the distance
the absolute state of yuro brain

>goddamn europoors, why don't you commute for three hours in an inefficient pick up truck like we do?

I'm moving to Tallin soon to work as a programmer. I'm pretty happy about this decision even if I'd get paid double in Finland.

Does Estonia even have shitskins?

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Nobody cares if Estonia has free bus tickets. THe idea that Europeans imagine Americans "howling" over Estonia getting free bus ride is the absolute state of the yuro brain.

1) Americans don't know or care about Estonia
2) Americans don't care about the existence of a free bus ticket, in fact some American cities and counties already provide free transit./

Its literally i_dont_even_think_about_you.jpg

Also cuz lol:
>commute for three hours in an inefficient pick up truck like we do
3) The bus is pretty much never cost-prohibitive in the US. If an American is taking a truck to work its not because he can't afford the bus. Literally homeless people ride the bus.
4) Private transit is general faster than public transit in every state, especially compared to the bus. If a guy is taking 3 hours in his truck he'd be taking much longer by bus. Most private commutes are ~25 mins most public ~40 mins.

mate, you do sound pretty upset

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I sure would love to have the State steal more of my money so it could pay for some jobless gyppo's ticket!!! BASED AND TRULY REDPILLED

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>your money
The money belongs to the state, the state is who provides you with the money in the first place, but then they let you have them out of goodness. You don't actually deserve any money, it's a privilege. The state is in their full right to keep all their money for themselves and not give you anything, and yet you complain.

>t. underage

The only money the State has is what it has taken from the citizens in the form of taxes.

For someone that doesn't even care that's a lot of butthurt

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Oh yeah, legendary free shit that the state gets from your taxes anyway

dumbass, my point is this is the news about europe and the first thing you faggots do you always mention us. RENT FREE

Aging population? Let's spend even more! Based logic.