As fellow southasians nepali girls are the Property of Pakistani men for breeding

As fellow southasians nepali girls are the Property of Pakistani men for breeding

Attached: don-bosco-school-manila-fma-philippines-04.jpg (600x400, 165K)

True. I prefer my cousin though

They look like children you fucking creep

Based and redpilled

Not everyone on Jow Forums is a dumb 30 year old boomer

Ah, so you're 12?

They are highschool girls

>Nepali girls
>posts Filipinos
And yet you Pakis claim in the other thread that that 100% Nepali girl is not a Nepali. Don’t lie.

nepalis are actually darker

They're filipino, you even have that in the filename, man,
Also, how to get a qt Pakistani muslim gf?

I searched nepali and they came up

>how to get paki gf
I'll tell you when I find out myself

Attached: Tyfh5rh.jpg (243x275, 64K)

pedophiles are NOT welcome in this board

File name says "Don Bosco School, Manilla". Also, they're clearly southeast asian.

An accurate search reveals this pic.

Attached: toptenplus2-5-saptahikjpg.jpg (936x762, 281K)


Also, I wonder why so many Nepali people are coming to Portugal recently. We're not that rich. I have nothing bad to say about Nepali people, they're alright, I'm just legit curious.

Dunno man, never heard about Nepalis going to Portugal, but most are probably there to work labour jobs. It's tough to earn money here if you're poor and lack higher education.

Nepalis mostly go to US or UK for studying, although many lie and just go there to work as a cashier or something, same thing with Japan. That's why our passport is worth shit.

Also many more go to Qatar or Saudi to work labour jobs. A lot come back in body bags.

Why do nepalis think of pakistanis?

Attached: Hina_Rabbani_Se4427.jpg (715x431, 37K)

Most I met are opening shops, cafes and Nepali restaurants though, not labour jobs. They have their own small business.

btw our Nepali community is now at 20.000 people

They probably see us as INDO BVLLS

To be honest Nepalis in general don't know much about Pakistanis. Most will recognize Pakistan as muslim, and we know you're big on cricket. Don't really have any stereotypes.

We also like to kek at Indian vs Pakistani cricket. Intense shit.

Is that supposed to be attractive?


wow I guess I'm cucked for not being a pedophile??? Go fuck yourself you fucking creepy faggot.

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you s0ybois popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the (((anglosphere))) does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition.

I've never seen a "it's hebephilia not pedophilia" meme in person before. Thanks!

Attached: Trolle.png (318x396, 235K)

He's Canadian. He'll get arrested if he doesn't hate on pedos. It's what normies do.