Insider leak that ETH will be declared a security is a partial cause of this dump (the other cause is general overheating from a way-too-rapid pump coupled with BTC hitting hard resistance at $10,000 simultaneously). Last chance to sell ETH in the $700s.
Further, the ETH dump that's just now starting will be, and is, dragging BTC down, just like ETH's recent pump dragged it up over the last couple days. For this reason, it's also the last chance you'll have to sell BTC anywhere near $9600.
My eth is tied up in IDEX shitcoins so I can't even panic sell.
Jaxon Rogers
I just sold but how is eth a security? Only high tier corruption could produce hat outcome
Anthony Phillips
If I sell I will have to pay a bunch of income tax, so no thanks. Holding a few years thanks to IRS.
Aaron Sullivan
Considering that those fucking kikes Soros and Goldman Sachs are starting to invest in BTC, they're not gonna want a flippening. They will pull all the strings they can to stop a flippening.