you all mocked him, you all laughed at him
who's laughing now?
Holy shit, Richard Spencer literally called the top
Other urls found in this thread:
>smart guy makes smart analysis
wow so surprising
It's easy to find fortune tellers who were right after the fact. There's enough of them predicting every possible future.
eh? he's a nazi
Fuck off with your dicksucking nazbol faggot back to Jow Forums.
This. Someone has to be right in a crowd of morons.
so what? at least he is not commie
>married to a Russian trap
>regurgitates kremlin talking points 24/7
oy blyad
so does he have any other projections, or are you just a faggot from TRS?
You're posting on an a white nationalist imageboard Pajeet. Ifyou have problems with that better post on Reddit.
hes the mahatama ghandi of cryptoworld
Yeah exactly, smart.
If he didn't call the top until December he's a brainlet.
I called the top happening mid-December in fucking August. I didn't just call the top, I sold it within $300 of ATH.
Fuck Richard Spencer and his faggot entourage of fanboys. The only people who look up to him are the people who manage to be even more worthless trashbags. Its the stupid leading the retarded.
People had been calling the top daily since it was 5k (they did before too, but it at least seems to me that it ramped up then). There were constantly more people saying it, so who cares if he posted a video about it 10 days before? He was just following the herd.
Not to mention a retarded drunken monkey could have made the call when he did.
White supremacists < retarded drunken monkey
Old news, bitcoin crashed hard. 70% from the top.
that means he is an intelligent man.
You'd have to be crazy to be white and anything but a nazi considering how much this world hates whites. Another views are somewhat of a suicide
Care to post your current calls? A bizlet would appreciate the insight
>It crashes
>it doesn't crash
He had 50% chance of getting it right. Anything that goes up must come down.
It's not rocket science user.
THis is an anime image board you newfag Jow Forumstard
somebody somewhere will call the top.
did you manage to catch the bottom?
Seconding this
Don't mean shit. My monkay would of realized that the BTC network was overvalued b/c it surpassed it's hashrate price relationship. Now BTC is undervalued see you niggers at 70k.
are you fucking retarded
Retard alert!
>all those dislikes from retarded gamblers
>bitcoin will never crash!!1
Enjoy your crash, you deserve it you dumb fucks.
By the way, we are going WAY lower than 6k, the real crash has yet to happen.
Exactly. Good pattern recognition is what makes up IQ.
>Prediction getting posted in hindsight
Yeah move along buddy
>Sitting at just under 10k USD
>This time a year ago it was worth 3k USD
Fuck off Kike.
>Fuck off with your dicksucking nazbol faggot back to Jow Forums.
But pol hates him.
white nationalist in a taiwanese rice image board and the irony isnt lost in evelybody
why am i not surprised that all you newcoiner reddit fags cant even detect bait plz fuck off
Not really, the discord shills wasting their time on Jow Forums hate him.
he actually makes a very wise comment, which we cant let ourselves forget
>people ultimately arent buying because they want to buy, they're buying because they want to SELL for cash
sad to see how many newfriends fall for this obvious bait
He called the top at 13k
Top was 19k
He was wrong
this is YOUR fault
>falling for Podesta's Russian meme
The only thing more pathetic than boomers are the ones they're able to influence.