What do you guys think of Soccer Betting? Any good info would be nice

What do you guys think of Soccer Betting? Any good info would be nice.

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it's just like trading, literally the same shit

yeah i also thinks so and IMO even better cause in terms of odds 2.00 could easily make you 2x

i don't know if it's better or not, but you definitely can make money consistenly if you know how to do it.

trading/blackjack/soccer betting/etc are all the same, you simply need an edge and consistency, so you make money in the long run.

but you can also simply gamble on each of those, like autists who use 100x leverage or going allin on 1 soccer match

yeah i get your point, well with no risk there is no profit so to the moon we go

I make a modest sum off of sports betting (Football (soccer) and Boxing)

It's mostly about predicting LIKELY outcomes not what WILL happen.

Man City for example consistently achieve over 60 percent possession and 8 shots on target in a high percentage of matches. I bet on statistics like this rather than the outcome.

Same for last night I placed a bet on at least two knockdowns in Bellew vs Haye going from their last fight and sure enough an easy x2 for money. I enjoy following both sports though so it's not as much of a tedious task for me as it is to research shitcoins and crypto platforms.

yanks pls fuck off

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good advice user

this user gets it

which exchange do you use for betting user?

The only way to beat the bookies is to bet on low league games which are not priced correctly.

However, if you do this too much your account will be shut down.

Soccer was the original name of the foot-only version of the sport in England, where soccer was invented. It was short for asSOCiation football, as opposed to rugby football, which soccer branched off from. I don’t know why English people felt they had to copy the europeans and change the name to just football. Have some pride!

I think there is a way to bet with bitcoin to stay safe from this things

don't be salty user

Thanks user

Just those two, Ladbrokes or PP occaisionally for their offers. people will be autistic over their favourite providers but really it's all the same shit if you get consistent returns.

This is true(ish) they don't shut you down for betting on low league wins it's if the account attains significant return over a long period of time they limit your stake to 5-20 quid depending on the company. and it's one of those things easier said than done since games at that level are wildly unpredictable for the most part unless it's a one team league. U23's/U21's are good because the teams are rotated often so you can sometimes catch someone like Spain or Germany losing to a shit team since the coach is just throwing newcomers to get blooded

Skybet works only in the UK right? I saw a lot of great offers there every time i checked

That’s not true. Firstly, rugby branched off from football. Secondly, the term soccer was used only by public school types, the English upper class. Soccer and Rugger.

lol who the fuck cares about this shit

I believe so, I am a UK citizen but live in eastern europe so i can only use it with my phone through 4G not via Wi-Fi they have some decent offers sometimes. Think there was a 4/1 on Man City to win Champions league which in hindsight was a bad bet but at the time odds were like 1/1 to win and it was looking pretty likely. I actually lost a hundred on that one.

There was a bet on Chris Smalling going to the World Cup on Bet365 2 weeks ago at 5.33. It's a little risky because the manager of England likes that attacking defensive style but still you just have to look at the odds sometimes and your on the right path.

btw you can add me on discord: SP#2004 we can share some advice when your up for it

I think there's a chance, I think an issue is that we have about 6 center half players with a decent claim to the position.

I think Jonjo Shelvey may get a call-up, unironically the best Centre Mid england has, I'm a newcastle fan but if he can create chances and defend like a beast in what is essentially a championship newcastle side he could be unironically a key player for England as he can do literally everything and his temperament is much improved from last year/early this year. Though i doubt the FA will give him a chance for "politics".

I'm sorry but i don't actually use discord, I wish you luck though user I'm looking forward to World Cup my Dark Horse for the tournament is South Korea, not semi-finalists but i think they can see off the others in their group and are underrated internationally.


Look into matched betting.

Opinions on the world cup?
I think Brazil is a good bet, but they are soo emotional can be a good thing or a bad thing

I'd bet that some fag is going to pretend to be hurt.