Just got myself some Phore. Very solid team and aggressive roadmap

Just got myself some Phore. Very solid team and aggressive roadmap.

Only 12m supply @ $2 - imagine what happens when everyone wants a piece of this low supply

What the fuck user, why are you still waiting for another dip?

Attached: chadphore.jpg (491x490, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why segwit though. That's a terrible feature.

>nigger CEO

They have a boy genius developer who posted some threads here but of course the mmm grayons dipshits that post here just trolled the thread to hell.

So you can double the transactions per second? If Phore is used as currency in every day life, you'd want it to have a high transaction speed.

The team is seeking adoption. Adoption requires liquidity and speed.

Attached: chosen one.png (298x224, 68K)


They have a:
black CEO
bunch of cunts with only a first name or stupid names like mr crypto
more than half their team is marketing or other non technical shit
only 2 devs

Yeah I'll pass on this one thanks. Even HOT is better than this

I think user would throw a winning lottery ticket away if it was given to them...

You forgot to mention the 5 developers who are currently in trial.

If a project was full of 10 autistic developers with no marketing and no project coordination, would you buy that too?

yes thats literally HOT their founder is a fucking quaker but an autistic team producing something is better than something gay like verge where its only marketing.

Dont wanna hold my shit for 10 years and be like "woops i was a millionaire but then it died cos no real project all marketing"

Good shill anyway made me look, but unless it goes 20-40c again im out

Phore devs shill on biz, ignore them and their shitty coin.

Their github is a joke: github.com/phoreproject/Phore/commits/master

I’ve been holding Phore since February and the honesty and communication of the team has never stopped to impress me. Combined with their ambition to deliver update after update, I strongly believe in Phore.

user... there is an alternative.

Attached: 32456523645.gif (390x220, 3.93M)

They're also publishing "21 cryptos magazine" and shilling their coin there.
Very notorious scammers, beware.

Attached: 1.png (690x977, 138K)

lmao Michael Stollaire from Titatinium scam blockchain was adviser

Then WAN, BNB and LUX must be all scams too, they were also shilled by 21 cryptos.

Attached: hurrr.png (1440x1557, 738K)

Stollaire only partners with legitimate projects to make his turd (Titanium) look like a polished golden nugget. It still remains a turd.

He's never been directly on the Phore team and made 'promises' that he could make all coins he partnered with to be listed on other exchanges, which never happened. Voise also rejected him.

Now all he's left to partner with are shit tier coins like BTK.

what is stratis
what is populous


user.... every single project is shilled everywhere. Phore is shilling same as any other crypto. I think it is an inspiring community project with no fk ico and no fk premine and no fk hidden accumulation.
Everything they are achieving is mostly because of their passion not spending my fk ico money in marketing and development.
In my opinion it will moon

>Now all he's left to partner with are shit tier coins like BTK.
BTK is a completely bs I really dont get it.. people are so retarded

whoever doesnt hold some Phore is fucking retarded

nice, you seem like youre happy with yourself. kek

the roadmap is aggressive

Attached: B1AE03E0-F7F3-4330-93DA-3DC3B8A75ACC.jpg (300x168, 6K)

This. No real names - likelihood of being a scam grows exponentially.

same with Bitcoin. Satoshi Nakamoto disappeared. Nobody knows who he/she/they is/are. Not to mention all the anonymous people working on BTC or Monero. The likelihood of crypto being a scam grows exponentially.

amazing shit-tiered fud. Couldnt be any more of a brainlet. DYOR betaboy

You shouldn't underestimate me, you little faggot.

Attached: Whore.jpg (2282x943, 1.09M)

I don't understand your point. Because of this Pamela writes on a random magazine and one time this magazine has a Phore post then there is a illuminati thing shilling it on Jow Forums ? I understand she is on Phore page but it does not seem a breaking news.
We are talking about a crypto born last October... with no ico... they are shilling it ? why not ? it seems a legit project, not a scam. They seem to have a good project, it will last far more than most of shit coins