Roastie older sister marries a millionaire

>roastie older sister marries a millionaire
>family constantly assaulting me over being poor
>user why cant you just try for once in your 28 year old life, you will never find a nice girl like your sister if you dont at least try
>you know you will never be able to support anyone except yourself with that dead-end job of yours, take your sisters husband as an example, he's made well of himself and found a nice girl, why cant you be a bit like him
>honestly at this point we'd accept if you were gay or something
how do you even waddle yourself out of a situation like this without being ludicrously rich
i need to 8x my crypto to become a millionaire, and about 23x to become richer than the chad who fucks my sister
anyone else in a similar situation where you literally have to be rich without being unjustly ridiculed by your entire family

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ignore retard family

Lol dude do whatever makes you happy, enjoy life don't succumb to the drivel of social consensus; the opinions of others does not matter and shouldnt affect you. You are an individual, you think, you feel. Just do whatever you think is right and what makes you feel alive.

From the dawn of human civilisation we have driven ourselves from happiness through opinion and division whether it be football teams , religion , race, creed and the never ending ego inherent within us to be correct or better than everyone else.

Personally i go out and fish and have sandwiches with my dog.

worst advice i've gotten today holy shit
>le just b urself my dudebro haha xDD
jesus christ

Her sister's money is for getting married and eating her husband's cum. his sister is literally a whore

>you will never find a nice girl like your sister if you dont at least try
She's licking the cunt of a rich girl. Fucking hawt dude. Pics of sis or her dom?

What a butthurt way to look at life
Jow Forums is that way go kys like that one pajeet did lol

your family sucks

Because its true, why ask for help or advice if you are without humility is it because you seek consensus of what you think it right? Do you seek people to malign your sister and "chad" making you feel superior?

You will wallow in sadness and bitterness if you continue to think in this way.

fuck your sister, take his money and kill him

Get a meh job.
Pour 50% into crypto. Diversify but go heavy.
Save up so you can pour a bunch more into a big dip and spend only on the absolute essentials.

This might take weeks or months depending on your brain power. If you can't succeed with this method then off yourself.

Ignore the family and rejoice when you have money and no need of them.

he's fucking right retard

My family does this to me too, I make 2 average salaries freelance writing and my wageslave dad can only longingly look at me with a glint in his eye and whisper, "When will you get a serious job?" as I bring in more bacon than he.

Would be a real shame if the rich guy suddenly died.

Start fucking sisters husband, instantly become rich yourself

Unless your family is supporting you financially, you should really stop seeing them.

How hard is doing what you do and how do i get into it?

Don't talk shit about shuaiby oh bastard

Sounds Jewish to me

im not that gay
sounds comfy at least
i work night at a storage facility/warehouse

seduce your own mom, cuck your dad. become patriarch of family. Use newly aquired status to ban sister from family for being a literal prostitute.

thank me later user.

The Chad who gets his asshole licked by your sister probably owns 100x more crypto than you ever will.

If you want money because you think family and friends will finally respect you... you are doing it wrong. You need to find your own self worth and place in the universe without the validation from others.

The money is only to get fun things like cabins and snowmobiles and trips around the world. If you aren’t confident penniless, you won’t be with millions

Based. Truth

look OP don't listen to the faggots on this board. Here's what you do:

You line a pan with a cookie sheet, then you piss on it. Put it in the freezer overnight and in the morning you will have a frozen sheet of piss. Now take said piss-sheet and slip it under your sister's door.

Problem solved.

Holy shit what a bunch of drivel.
>Go do what makes you feel alive.
>I'll just kill people cause I feel so alive.

Yeah no, social conventions are there for a reason.

Ask them why they don't do the same.
Your mom could've married a rich Chad. Your dad could've be a millionaire like his stepson.

i've done this once and i got the meme boomer answer
>when we were young we had to work for everything, times werent as simple as they are today, we werent handed everything we wanted on a silver platter
this is devious as hell i will consider it thanks

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Pick up a trade you lazy cunt, do a hard few years while living as low as a cunt on welfare.
Invest all them $$ you earn smartly and build from there. Eitherway accept you have missed the boat and to catch up you'll have to undergo a fuckhuge amount of personal pain and suffering to get even close.

>Pick up a trade you lazy cunt

DO NOT DO THIS. do not fall for the trade meme.

Very hard to break into the field but gets easier once you show yourself as better than pajeets and clients realize it. Google "freelance writing", choose a job proposal aggregator and get started mailing people. The job is comfy unless you're pushing it hardcore for every single penny, I literally spend half my day petting puppies as I wait for clients to get back to me.

lol your dad sounds like a loser. Ask him again and when he gives you the same excuse tell him that he probably didn't try hard enough and that if it were the case today he should have no problem making the push to 1M minimum.

Learning a trade isn't a meme, guy. My craft is flying airplanes. I don't have a college degree either. Aviation is booming right now because of shortages you can get a flying gig (after a few years of working your dick off), a maintenance gig, or even work ATC (they last few rounds they were hiring street hires too) fairly easily right now if you have a pulse.

this boom is in america right?

Best thing to do is just ignore them. Practicaly speaking though...does your family have a point? Do you have goals that you want to accomplish by the end of the year? Are you making and nurturing social/business relationships? Have you built a useful skillset? Yes, your sister gets to live off the accomplishments of another man. This is how humanity functions. Women cannot do anything by themselves and at the end of the day neither can you.

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"how to cuck a millionaire"

Sounds like you want to fuck your sister

>actually being such a little bitch that you have to vent and ask for advice on a meme imageboard
holy shit user, you'll never fucking make it with that attitude. keep lamenting at "chads" and "roasties", its all beta boys like you can do.

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Shes a roastie bro

Is all you have going for your 2 btc in crypto? these posters are both right in their own regard. Family members can be toxic, and taking what they say to heart is a pussy way to live. Just do you and find happiness, or do something with your life (trading crypto doesn't count) that brings value to yourself and others. Either way you'll stop being a loser.

Friendly reminded that anyone who still listens to his parents is not going to make it.

So you have $125k in crypto and I am supposed to be feeling sorry for you? The average family has like $10k savings.

i have about 14 btc
thats not unusual and kind of normal though, isnt it, fantasizing about making it with your sister

Well don't then. Be what everyone else wants and be miserable then you absolute fucking mong.

can someone ban the Jow Forums posters
they are above faggots