I want to be born a cool serb

I want to be born a cool serb
Bulgarians are lame

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I want to be born in a normal country
This one is retarded

i am already from here and all i do all day is daydream about going to siberia/north canada to get mauled to death by bears because of how nonexistant jobs are in this shithole

im poaching fish to cut food costs, i worked construction 70 hours a week for 3 months, they didnt even pay me for 1 month and i was paid 1 dollar an hour ONE DOLLAR PER HOUR and my spine hurt and my knees hurt and my shoulders hurt and everything fucking hurt

this fucking shithole has NO JOBS and i will legitimately go fight bears in siberia/north canada from a wooden cabin, ill get to there on foot without any passport and if any government officials or cops come to get me ill fight them to death too

screencap this post im planning this for 3 years now

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Bulgars were a Turkic tribe from Russian Volga.
Asparukh spoke Turkish as a native.


>all i do all day is daydream about going to siberia
jesus christ i'm the only one who do that

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I was born a serb
Life would be easier if i was Bulgar

Good thread

Shit post

i am firmly convinced that all of my prospects will be better if i went to siberia to get mauled to death by bears than to continue living in serbia

some say "but there is no pussy there!" but i never managed to score any here while in my prime, as years go it will only get worse
some say "but you wont have any friends there!" but i spent all my birthdays and new years alone here anyway
some say "you will get injured!" but i get injured here working construction jobs all the fucking time, for almost no money
some say "no shelter!" but at least i will be able to build one, meanwhile changing your shelter in serbia is impossible
some say "food!" but at least i will be able to fish and trap/snare meanwhile changing your rations in serbia is also impossible
in siberia i would feel like a free man, in serbia i feel like a owned slave
in siberia i would own more land every day, in serbia i own nothing and it is impossible to change this
in siberia i would be capable to decide what and how much i eat, in serbia i do not decide anything
in siberia size of my shelter would depend on me, in serbia the shoe box i live in is already decided for me and i cant change anything
>but what about the internet
small price to pay, considering the rest of my life

fuck this fucking shithole where i feel like everyone looks down on me because i was born poor before i could even do anything about anything, i will go wrestle giant siberian swamp mosquitos to death and even if i die im dying feeling proud that i was responsible for it instead of being railroaded by joblessness and poverty and being looked down on and being made to feel like a loser and being depressed about it all 24/7

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I want tto be born a russian slav. And i want to live at Novosibirsk in a comfy commieblock with a tuvan chick as my wife

Bulgaria is doing a great job with the economy.
National debt low.
Nice tax incentives for investors.

could be worse..,

Except the population is declining at a rate comparable to Syria and Bulgaria will be a non-country by 2050.

If you're good in this life, you'll get to become a Serb in the next

We're already a non-country.


turkic isn't related to turkey though ?

>replying to albanian diaspora shitposts

>Wanting to be from any country in the Balkans that isn't Greece

Yet everywhere you look outside you see cars, expensive smartphones, bars are full and everyone has just enough money

Learn to hustle nigger, and learn not to be a lazy entitled fuck. Grow up.

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have you ever wondered whether it may not be Serbias fault that your life is shit but your own fault?

ne znam, ja radim na gradjevini za hiljadu kinti dnevno i toliko sam premoren da mogu samo jedan obrok da pojedem i odem na spavanje
ja odoh da se oprobam u divljini posto ne vidim izlaz iz ovoga, samo cu dzabe da se ubijem pre 30 ako ovako nastavim

gradjevina jedino kao neko kratkotrajno resenje na mesec, eventualno dva
sve duze od toga i sjebaces kicmu, pogotovo ako si mlad i neiskusan
bolje idi beri maline i ta sranja

gadno je kad se nema para, razumem te u potpunosti.

Yeah bro, i agree, he just has to work harder XD

Redpill me about Serbia. Is life quality there good or bad?

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its exactly as your picture says
im not preparing for siberian death march because we have a booming job market and generous social safety nets, we do not have anything resembling those things
there is only poverty and humiliation here and i feel like at least if i leave for the wild i will be able to be responsible for my own life for the first time ever, since advancement is impossible for the poor serbian citizens over here

>responsible for my own life
I also dream of this
Ill probably go to croatian wilderness though, i dont know how could i get to siberia

yet I could handle it all if I had a cute loyal gf to look forward to at the end of the day

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I lost you here, fuck w*manoids, they aren't human

backpack, boots, a stove, dehydrated food, another bag for tools, blankets because cold ground can kill, and a lot of time walking, crossing the borders away from checkpoints and roads

you also have to have a rifle or at least a bow

incel cope

Nope, every one of them is a crazy hedonist with no emotions, they need to be kept on a leash and beat regularly

This includes getting imprisoned or killed just getting there, rather join the war in ukraine if you are into that

>Bulgarians are lame
Objectively not true. Also, bulgarians have the biggest bulges.

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Did you read this

Post more Kris

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Serbia is a wonderful country to live. Only Croatia is better.

Kazanboi, stop replying to your own proxy thread!

и aз иcкaх дa cъм poдeн във щaтитe aмa нeмoжe бpaт тyкa cи e пo дoбpe и бeз твa :D
