
/maghreb/ + /levant/ edition

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*nigger sips*

Let’s bless this thread with sum maghrebi excellence

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post riffi

I'm giving this a try to see if it's within the realm of possibility for us to have a mena thread that isn't for once drenched in cancer and newfaggotry.

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Good edition.

Hehe admit it you've missed /maghreb/ anons. But all joking aside, honestly thanks for trying.

Good picture, wonder who made it :smirk:

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Some fat bitch called Bushra IIRC

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sorry can't hear you trough my banana

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>reunited /mena/

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fuck off dumb Algerian

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So... we're back together? *blush*

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Indeed it is and I hope that moroccan user comes back soon too, just don't bring any ideologies to it.

Based and redpilled.
tahia djazair

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>Germany and the Netherlands are scoring temperatures higher than my hometown's
Holy mother of christ, what is happening?

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God's punishment in the form of climate change is very fucking real

How do you get curls like this


And what warranted this supposed 'divine punishment' you say?

ka7louch blood

things looking bad from this end too. if it don't start raining like it used to in my province by december we could get actual water shortages. only thing municipality can do is going around with these useless responsible water consumption campaigns that these retards rarely follow. it's only a matter of time before we start seeing gulf war scenarios panning out but over water instead of oil this time.

You have it way better than Iraq does tho

Me masturbating too much

It's to stock up on water before Lebanon turns into a nation-wide live reenactment of FotNS, user

It's merely Allah smiting the kaffirs. He will turn them to ash, and they will go back to their ancient, barbarous germanic ways, Allah willing.

:3 g-good afternoon

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helo friend

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Just the fact that you think you masturbate too much shows that you do not masturbate nearly enough, dumb normalfag

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>and they will go back to their ancient, barbarous germanic ways, Allah willing.
would it not be more in Allah's interest for us to become muslims

سلام عليكم جميعا
Weather in Jordan really good
We are having a cold breeze.
Can't you import water from Turkey?

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indeed, sounds like a pretty bad situation. Really sorry to hear about that but courage, dear.

.שלום, אֲנוֹנִימִי

How come there's an independent maghreb thread

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The last remnant of yesterday.


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Why are poogerians and poorocans so inferior to tunisians in sports

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no one cares about the non-olympic games

Oh look, the teaser for 4.0 is total garbage. Who would've guessed?

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People don't even care about the olympics
How the fuck did the UAR get so many medals with such a short existence

Good thing they showed mari, she's like a characterised metaphor what makes the rebuilds shit

Because t*nsis are half niggers

There's a 'for' that I didn't write

Incomprehensible, erratic and devoid of the tinniest shred of meaning. Yeah, I see where you're coming from.

Oh, finally! I was actually somewhat curious about what they will do with the last movie in the rebuild series.. in 2015, that is. But well guess what, I'm finished caring even a little bit about this franchise now.

So I'm the only one hyped up for this?

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the fuck is that, i don't read javanese. it better not be code geass

dbz is shit except for the manga

I got a bad habit of chasing closure, regardless of how long the wait is or how my apprehension screams at me that it's gonna suck major dicks, I can't just ignore it.
Eh, how long have been into this gig, then?

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toz 3lik

You should atleast know your kana by now, user.

Yes. I understand that feeling. Curiosity about the complete narrative and if our predictions are correct, but once I find interest in something new I quickly forget the other thing exists. I'm very ashamed because of my new faggotry or inexperience but here's your answer: I watched the subbed anime series for the first time back in 2013 when I was 12 then I watched end of evangelion subbed. Fuck captcha.

Hey, do you still have this pic that you posted a while ago of an Iranian girl with some silk dark hijab?



Nah, you're practically old guard compared to a certain unsavory bunch.
Fucking tell me about it, this system is pure digital aids. I seriously have to do it 20 entire bloody times to just be able to post once when it's night and I've been posting all day.

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that one? :
or maybe mahya dehghani? for what purpose?

That's the power of 3roubiya ;__;

The one you posted there: desuarchive.org/int/thread/87573468/#87574007
Because I'm reading some news about an iranian model and I'd like to know if it's her

>win 10 forces an update
>sound won't work anymore

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I don't have it anymore and I forgot where I got it from, I'm afraid. Very sorry I couldn’t be of more help. By the bye, my old posts never fail to make me wince desu.

It is fine, thanks anyway
>my old posts never fail to make me wince

Neato, you're my peer and also watched the series around the same time

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Windows 10 also was forced on my PC too

>win 10

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How's jordan treating you?

is there any good alternative to windows? I heard linux but I get the impression that you need to be an autistic ITfag to use it

Just good ol' windows 7 like any sensible human being would.

I would switch to Linux if I didn't play so many games

Are you the one jord guy who has a collection of american soldiers being BTFO?

Pretty good so far. I'm freezing rn
No, I'm another Jordanian
Tho I do have a collection of US being btfo'd

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>Jow Forums autism

>Tho I do have a collection of US being btfo'd
Based, dump some from time to time, I'd appreciate saving some

Sure thing

>Tho I do have a collection of US being btfo'd

Thanks. Maybe one more please? I got some burgers on butthurt watch

>based this based that

La man let's not start...

Do you see. I've been waiting for you to say that. I already know you well after all these months.

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Wtf happened why is it mena again ?

I guess that /mena/ anons may have grown sick of the division.

Started persona 5 some hours ago, best thing about the game is the music tbrh

>Comes out of the blue to start shit with algerians and moroccans

Ultimate proof that the sfax are the closest thing to jews in tunisia, even more so than the actual maghrebim jews

Imran Khan is handsome in an ugly way

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That‘s the biggest compliment you can give to sfaxi lel he is a big jew lover

I've been alone with you inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your puffy lips a thousand times
I sometimes pass by the mosque that carries your name
Hello, is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted, and my arms are open wide
'Cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much, I love you
I long to see that green spark in your eyes
And tell you time and time again how much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
Hello, I've just got to let you know
'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying, I love you
Hello, is it me you're looking for?
'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying I love you

The man
Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys:
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate’er it touches, and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame,
A mechanised automaton.

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Je veux dédier ce poème
A celui qu'on aime
Pendant quelques instants secrets
A celui qu'on connaît à peine
Qu'un destin différent entraîne
Et qu'on ne retrouve jamais

A celui qu'on a vu apparaître
Une seconde dans ce thread
Et qui, preste, s'évanouit
Mais dont la svelte silhouette
Est si gracieuse et fluette
Qu'on en demeure épanoui

Au compagnon fidele
Dont les yeux, charmant emeraudes
Font paraître court la nuit
Qu'on est seul, peut-être, à comprendre
Et qu'on laisse pourtant disparaitre
Sans avoir demandé sa main

A celui qui est déja pris
Et qui, vivant des heures grises
Près d'un être trop différent
t'as, inutile folie,
Laissé voir la mélancolie
D'un avenir désespérant

Cher image aperçue
Espérance d'un jour déçue
Tu seras dans l'oubli demain
Pour peu que le bonheur survienne
Il est rare qu'on se souvienne
Des épisodes du chemin
Mais si l'on a manqué sa vie
On songe avec un peu d'envie
A tous ces bonheurs entrevus
Aux baisers qu'on n'osa pas prendre
Au coeur qui doit vous attendre
Aux yeux qu'on n'a jamais revus
Alors, aux soirs de lassitude
Tout en peuplant sa solitude
Des fantômes du souvenir
On pleure les lèvres absentes
De ce beau passant
Que l'on n'a pas su retenir



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putain, y'a meme pas un que je reconnais dans ce thread. /mena/ confirmé comme étant dead a force de se faire nuker a chaque occasion par les rebeu tordu du genre moncef.

Shut up nigger

Well they are the hardest working people here

fais pas ta pute blédard. il est trop tard pour ca.
dis plutot bonsoir.