>you wake up and see this
post your reaction
You wake up and see this
WTF it’s not $1000 yet ?
all stinky linkies need serious therapy
>cum so hard i die
why? just because somebody does a realistic price prediction doesnt mean he needs therapy.
Instantly market sell and never look back.
I would sell half my stack.
>mfw wake up everyday and never see this
>he has heard about the singularity but doesnt understand what it actually is....
I would no joke shit in my laptop, fold it and put it on top of my boss' desk whilst saying "get rekt" and dabbing on him right there on the spot.
Then u find out that is just a CMC hack
Never gonna make it
> $50
> the price that makes me laugh each time I wake up at what a lucky bastard I am
When is that? Next month?
i would reload the glitch
Bitcoin is $850 and IOTA is $1,200
I fly away and start raping bitches because clearly I'm still dreaming.
that would be nice knowing i wouldn't have to explain 25 thousand dollars just vanishing from my wife shared bank account
>Calculate 17500x$50 =$875000
>Holy fuckerooo
>Put on some clothes
>Go buy new clothes and a rolex
>Ticket to ibiza
>Realise I'm only 18
>Wake up