Yfw Jow Forums is full of 30yo boomers

>yfw Jow Forums is full of 30yo boomers

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Anyone over the age of 20 isn't going to make it and should just out themselves.

>29 year old boomers that move to japan

29yr old Gen Z'er here, fucking tired of these 30yr old boomers clogging up the board with their old ass boomer shitcoins

>>yfw Jow Forums is full of 30yo boomers
>post meme of 40yo boomer

we rule the world now

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>mfw 25+ boomers think they can post here

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>that 30 yo boomer who still visits Jow Forums and only likes asian girls because he couldn't get laid

correct. and we control the market because we're not late adopter faggots that got here in december. whats it like posting on biz all day even though you have zero chance of making it?

what's a boomer

35 here
Please tell me how Im not making it again

Unironically your mother.

You’re not gonna make it

buy loom to boom

>forced meme


t. 30yo boomer

how do I cope with being a 30yo boomer? does posting images of unattractive cartoon men help?

> 34 year old
> already made it
> not a gender confused millenial far
> hot wife
> passive incomes

You little beta millennial faggots are the worst. Don't you have something to protest or some niggers to stand up for? Get off the boomer board. Your bones are made of McDonald's French fries. Your muscles are made of onions and chicken nugget. We won't let you make it.




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>30 yrs old
>cloud and devops engineer working from home
>fit as fuck
>understands fundamentals and cryptography
>laughs at the degenerate biz millenials with their pink wojacks

>tfw only a 42 yr old gen ex with no wife or gf
>have 200k in crypto
>listen to jordan peterson
>tfw you are the person jordan peterson is warning kids not to end up like

early 30something boomer and early adopter here

wrote and shilled the eos redpill to you communist millennial antifa members many months ago so that you wouldn't continuously be scammed out of your limited cash by shitcoins and actually get involved in something that has the potential to be the next big thing

you little retards are ok in my book. just often new and naive

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29yo boomer from post yesterday.

Suck a dick millenial faggot cuck pink wojack bitches.

You will never make it.

30 year old here
Whats a bummer ?

What the. Boomers are people born in the 40s-60s. There are no 30 year old boomers.

Pls shill me next moon coin sempai

I'm 31 you faggots, I knew about bitcoin since 2008 and found out about it ON Jow Forums!

AND I hold mainly ZRX and OMG

Don't be a bunch of babby faggots.

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37 year old but not boomer. I talk like you kids irl. At work I’ll talk about stinky linkies and get weird looks. I just mumble under my breath “summer sure came early” and call them “new friends”. They think I’m crazy but won’t when I show up in my lambo eoy!

Go home waito piggu boomer

I guess here's the spot to blogpost. 31 here. First learned about Bitcoin on Jow Forums in 2009. I am as bad with computers as most Boomers, and kept trying to get people to explain it to me, but no one could/would. To this day I still don't really understand how crypto works on the technical side, but by 2014, I was finally able to get someone to help me buy it. Bought BTC, LTC and NMC. Bitcoin was ~$550, LTC was $2.

It has changed my life. I never have to get out of bed on a cold morning and fight traffic and deal with fucking assholes and inert normies on a daily basis again. I live life on my own terms now. And every day I lose more faith in the system anyway. The banks, credit ratings, employment, education system, health care, everything... every day I see it more for what it is, and I am so glad that if the bottom falls out of the economy, I am going to have assets that survive the Black Swan. Every day this civilization crumbles a little more, and I'm beginning to wonder if it's a good thing.

I spend most of my day cooking, practicing martial arts (I have now hired a professional MMA fighter for personal training) and reading. I live in a fairly wealthy exurb out in cottage country, and sometimes I'll spend the day walking the nature trails here, smoking organic tobacco in my long pipe, and then sitting by the water and watching the fishers, sailboaters and yachters doing their thing.

For what it's worth, I don't think Bitcoin is going to last. I don't know what's going to do away with it... BCH seems the likeliest, but ETH and EOS are also possible usurpers.

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The 30yo boomer meme was created by newfags trying to hide insecurities and loses