Say something that is illegal to say in your country

Say something that is illegal to say in your country.
>Americans actually have free speech

Attached: 56384D24-89CC-49F8-861A-B0C9303B0D07.jpg (484x314, 41K)

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Paмзaн - пидop.

i don't like beer

I don't think theres nothing , at least not yet

Sweden is not a nice country

they don't have to wear veil or burka if they are at home

literally nothing is illegal to say here

we have the same freedom of speech you do, constitutionally enshrined too. You’re not a special sn*wflake

I can say whatever I want. Things only become illegal when you say it in the public sphere.

literally "hello"

Attached: don't be happy in sweden.png (1076x423, 719K)

I hate the king. He is a cock sucking piece of shit that should be beheaded.

What the fuck

We're a solitary people.

Attached: sweden waiting for bus.jpg (768x1024, 195K)

This, we actually have free speech unlike LOS

In straya we have 18c, a law which makes it illegal to offend.

Of course anybody who opposes the law is called a nazi. Shits fucked.

Hej :)

Offending a civil servant (like a cop) while they are working.


Poccия - мoнoнaциoнaльнaя cтpaнa.


Is that why Obrador is either going to join the system or get killed?

Attached: crime.png (548x332, 77K)

Attached: datroltraptesnel.gif (500x281, 1.86M)

I don't know what you are talking about, we are talking about free speech