
Toil on the morrow

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The British should burn in hell.

for me, it's early 1980s anti-war australian folk
(one line in there about war glorification and stuff)

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*scrolls past a slew of useless posts*
Yep, that's another /brit/ thread

kill yourself pirate scumbag

not for me

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The......new match

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alri ET

she'd be a freak in the sheets

She looks better from some angles than others

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toilers are subhuman
NEETs rule the world

I've still got no idea why people make fun of Trump's hands. Is it OK to make fun of Hillary Clinton's breast implants?

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she's a cutie
my type 100% shame she's in Australia


Jazz is arguably the most significant musical explosion of the last millennium.

christ almighty. what a drug, what a day. probably the most important in my life

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they're both widely disliked so i dont see why not

besides kanye

my nostrils are an absolute STATE


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I like trump

What age?
Bit of a man-jaw man-nose.

Now that is what I call peng

mind if I stick my cock up one of them

thoughts on argentina lads?
it's better than the rest of the continent, unique in a way and unironically whiteish if you forget the memes

can't quite bring myself to look past the falklands war though desu
but it if the falklands didn't exist, i'd probably be an argieboo

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*sends an expeditionary force to free them*
*turns your nostrils into a democratic state*

We literally created the modern world


I don't get it

beto what tv shows do you like
do you like british tv

Reminder that Russia literally just took Crimea from Ukraine and they can't do shit about it.

> better than Chile
Best get reading up, lad.

Only Jews can live in a multicultural society

>it's better than the rest of the continent
behave diego

Is there expensive bogeys up them cause we can send in the troops


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'Minnow' is not the same as 'winnow'

stupid Kosovo

More of a Chile man myself

i was aboard the trump train once upon a time, everyone looks an outsider or an underdog
but struggle to imagine why anyone could unironically still support him at this point
probably just become of how much lefties you hate him, you need to think the opposite

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crimea river

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there is no purpose in existence in modern society
we are all fucking worthless

fuck russia

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Christ, the People still exists?

even funnier the 50th time

don't feed the trolls

This desu
it would be funny to see whether the Democrats can get a memeworthy candidate to run against him
It'd also be an interesting experiment to see whether the stability of American politics is tied to the presidents getting two terms.

we're all just very intelligent monkeys with lots of social constructs

interesting where we've gotten

would kill for a proper war with russia
would love to wipe out the blockhead alcoholics

chile is marginally better but it's quite small and not that different from argentina
the top 3 are unquestionably the southern trio of argentina, chile and uruguary
simple as

The UK would lose in a 1v1 war with Russia sweetie x

don't really mind that she didn't want to shag but not following me back is dog

>it would be funny to see whether the Democrats can get a memeworthy candidate to run against him

Anyone left of Joe Biden is going to get annihilated by Trump. I seriously hope they run someone meme like Warren.


Hairless apes. Sentient meat.

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brown, jihadist hands

why did you post this

the success of america is entirely down to its foreign policy

i also remember unironically believing that trump would be beneficial for britain and he like us hahaha
but now it's quite clear to see he wants to take advantage of our desperateness after brexit and secure a trade deal with britain that would include chlorinated chicken or other yank regulations

piss off back home you filthy slav smack addict
slav or a traitor, don't care which

> chile is quite small
Surprisingly large. No idea what goes on there.

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didn’t realise we had so many rick and morty fans in toninight aha

Disgusting skid mark of a country

Because im losing grip on reality and getting cabin fever.

>Britons bomb Moscow
>Russians don't give a fuck
>Russians bomb London
>Briton falls
It would be a massive short-term defeat for London to be nuked, but the long-term gain from the decimation of shitskins would be infinite


Brigitte Adams caused a sensation four years ago when she appeared on the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek under the headline, “Freeze your eggs, Free your career.”

Things didn’t turn out the way she hoped.

In early 2017, with her 45th birthday looming and no sign of Mr. Right, she decided to start a family on her own. She excitedly unfroze the 11 eggs she had stored and selected a sperm donor.

Two eggs failed to survive the thawing process. Three more failed to fertilize. That left six embryos, of which five appeared to be abnormal. The last one was implanted in her uterus. On the morning of March 7, she got the devastating news that it, too, had failed.

Adams was not pregnant, and her chances of carrying her genetic child had just dropped to near zero. She remembers screaming like “a wild animal,” throwing books, papers, her laptop — and collapsing to the ground.

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the world is fucking beautiful and amazing


Been to Santiago and it was dirty and the women aren't very attractive, the men are manlets and not white.

no need to swear

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still mental how the democrats had such a weak candidate as hillary
genuinely believe any other democratic candidate with less weaknesses to expose could have beat trump easily



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faggots like that are the reason humanity can't elevate

I ain't no fucking monkey

Nah not really

The world is FUCKING beautiful (and thats a good thing)

Warren is already a cold fish, meme standards have escalated so much since then.
They're in a bit of a bind, like most leftist parties, because their old guard is based on providing a "respectable" be-suited front for big business/deep state policies, while their lower-downs are all swimming in identity politics based on subverting all that old manufactured "gravitas".
Barack Obama was the intersection, but strangely enough I think they're too divided over there for even black identity politics to shore them up. A Bernie Sanders type could do well, but they are also a dying breed without any particular support base. I probably won't be following the 2020 elections that much, but the DNC convention will probably be hilarious.

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I heard it's quite cold there as well which isn't as appealing

You see I’m a bit of a quirky wild card. I’m actually into american politics.

even nate silver has said bernie would've won, and that says more about how shit hillary was than how good bernie was

Would this be the same Nate Plastic who incorrectly predicted the outcome of every election since 2012?

The police of Shitstain will arrest you for being mean

might report /deutsch/ to the german authorities

>Then there is MeiMei Fox. After the 44-year-old Honolulu-based writer got married, she tried to use her frozen eggs. The whole batch of 18 was destroyed while being shipped from one clinic to another.
bit sad really

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God's wrath. It's like the Tower of Babel.

Bernie would not have won

marlon brando fucked richard pryor

the coke back in those days was ridiculous



Knife crime!

No, it's divine justice.