Guys. I'm sorry to say it. But CSW is Satoshi. I didn't want it to be true, but I've been doing research and it's clear as day. Tons of circumstancial evidence and major players in crypto that have backed him up (a few of which claimed they met him at cryptography conferences years before BTC using the Satoshi moniker). All the Kleiman stuff links up. All the pieces are there.
Guys. I'm sorry to say it. But CSW is Satoshi. I didn't want it to be true...
Why are you sorry? It’s super obvious unless you can’t think for yourself
>carefully hides his identity knowing the consequences
>jokes guys, I’m satashi nakamoto, btw I know I did this whole satoshi shit so I wouldn’t influence the first decentralised currency because it goes against its philosophy but I just HAVE to influence it cuz bch is the real deal.
K bud
I don't care if he is or not. The man is brilliant and funding loads of R&D exclusively for BCH.
No. A team of independent experts analysed his writing style to compare it with the emails Satoshi sent to that cryptography newsletter. It was found very different since he's Australian.
Two other journalists made their own investigations and confirmed that CSW could not be Satoshi
Also, his refusal to sign a simple tx to prove beyond doubt that he's Satoshi Nakamoto is in itself a proof of him lying, as Vitalik Buterin pointed it.
Who are the journalists?
Why would he want to sign a transaction? There would then be tax implications for his 1.1M Bitcoins, threats to his family, etc.
Vitalik is young and clueless. Smart guy, but irrelevant. He was mad that CSW basically said Ethereum is worthless and can't work, get on board with BCH or be left behind.
oh good, the paid bch shills are back
you guys gonna learn from the other week not to go full sperg and weird/aggressive about dumb shit in lieu of actually projecting confidence in your decision to back up a fake satoshi, fake bitcoin, fake everything, for money, like whores?
>its afraid
thassit? i hope they're not paying you by the post, cutie pie.
i dont hold any btc or bch by the way, better options out there atm with similar risk profiles. i'm just kind of btfo'd by the sheer faggotry of your shill style. it's legitimately bad and some of you seem to have rage issues.
i have no problem with you dudes shilling here but at least have the courtesy to be at least SOMEWHAT creative and not just smear bland monkey shit all over the walls.
hey graig, that's you isn't it? it's kith I'm on the other side of the office. come on dude let's take a break. pakjteeish said he can fill in for us on the biz division while we get lunch
Imagine being this mad.
Satoshi can't be a bitch-tits low test motherfucker you dumbfuck bcashew
btrash thread saged per standard operating procedures, let's keep Jow Forums clean niggaz
CW talks and writes nothing like satoshi
Think for a minute about what makes crypto valuable. You've probably been chasing alt moons and profiting well off of them, but realize that alts arent used today, besides trading. It's entirely speculation, and at some point that speculation wont be met with a welcoming reality. BCH is actually pursuing real world usage as money TODAY. I'm here to make money too, but as far as fundamentals go, as far as usage goes, BCH works today and 99% of alts don't.
Just my 2 sats
imagine being this basic :^)
>implying BTC is being used
You guys are going to see some serious fomo in the coming weeks
look at that dad bod
i get it. when bch looks better and fits my risk/reward, i've no problem buying. the question is whether they can get it to that point. if the shills here are any indication, it's not looking great.
between btc and bch, may the best man win. i literally do not give a fuck which one it is.
Classic response.
What are the better options out there and why?
not shilling biz my bags on biz. as you know, or would know if you've been here longer than the last couple of weeks the bch shills have swarmed down into our little gutter home, biz ruins everything good.
anyway. good luck, babe. keep hopping on pop. csw one meaty boomer daddy.
It's Nick Szabo tho
It's Bram Cohen. But you idiots won't dyor
that's actually another likely satoshi but no way its this piece of shit CSW
>A group of residents in Turkey's southern resort town of Bodrum located in the Muğla province claimed that they have seen a UFO on Thursday night when they woke up for sahour, the dawn meal people have during the Muslim month of Ramadan.
>The residents in Çiftlik neighborhood said that they saw a moving shiny light object in the sky, which was observed for about 20 minutes.
>The object was photographed by 39-year-old Necla Karaca, who said the object did not look like a plane and it was moving 'weirdly'.
>"We were up on the roof top patio for sahour. I always look at the sky and gaze at the stars. However, this time I saw a weird shiny object where I always look. I was shocked when I saw that it was moving and changing colors. Our neighbors also witnessed it. We suspected that it could be an UFO," Karaca said
when there is more evidence for UFOs than there is for fake satoshi... the absolute state of bcash
Exactly. Just read the re-dated posts on his blog, including the comments. They basically scream Bitcoin. I don't even care about all the bitgold stories. Just the comments (predating Satoshis mailing list posts) are just too close for comfort.
On top of that, the code for the smart contracts was nicely fleshed out, even in the first version. Why would anyone besides Szabo (the inventor of the term) include that in a pre-alpha version? My guess: Because he already had written the small stack based language for another program, and just copy pasted it into Bitcoin.
No.. Szabo/Finney = Satoshi.
Literally there is no reason for there to be BCH shills. The project speaks for itself. Corecucks are the one that has to defend themselves
nice, keep lying. these bch shill threads were nonexistant weeks ago. no one on biz gives a shit about btc enough to "shill" it aside from the occasional 'BOW TO THE KING' meme when btc starts mooning, which is just in good, playful fun
Imagine being this stupid.
Carlos Matos is Satoshi
Didn't answer the question.
Who are the journalists?
The project speaks for itself, yes, but not how you think it does.
Satoshi created a system that needs majority consensus to be changed. The difficulty adjustment algorithm was meant to kill minority chains because they would become unusably slow for over two weeks.
BCH changed that important part to create a minority fork, which is exactly what Satoshi wanted to prevent.
So tell me more about how BCH is "Satoshi's vision"...
you're an idiot, he never wanted the attention, people started realizing he was satoshi, so then he claimed to be satoshi and produced shit tier evidence, making everyone think he wasnt satoshi
>imagine huffing this much gasoline out of plastic grocery bags
the mental gymnastics you bch shills do
and the best part is, you come back the next day and accuse btc of doing exactly what you did, "absolving" yourself of the previous day's sperg
and you wonder why everyone laughs at you and your 100% organic shill threads
>im too dumb and uncreative to imagine such a thing so it cant be
average corecuckold