You become the absolute king of your country

>you become the absolute king of your country
What do you do/change?

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Deport all non whites

basic income

i order the genocide of communists/leftists/progressists

2 cents an hour. muhahahah

The age of consent

Invade America

to hell.

i add a mandatory pajama holiday
everyone or almost everyone must wear pajamas

Make the country a NEET haven where only the rich pay taxes and support everyone else.

Fire everyone and hire people who are qualified, starting with Trump-hires like this.

invade europe
nuke mecca
unleash chemical and biological weapons in africa
illegal immigrants and a all non white lineages will be executed
get rid of lgbt and womens rights
changing voting to married couples only as one singular vote
change high school education to end at sixteen and change that to age of majority.
first two years of advanced education will be free

Make David Duke ambassador to Israel

Ban corn and circumcision
Government enforced racemixing
Labor camps for fatties


>Ban corn
How to start a Civil War_101

Force convert, ban hijab, deport Arab investors, abolish second entity, cast off 90% of politicians, improve education and infrastructure, attract Western investors

Don’t forget to revive the Illyrian language

Remember to join up with Serbia too

Make everybody make an oath that they only serve my country, not another.
If they wish not to do that, they have to go to the person they choose over me.

nuke quebec and also this

genocide Serbia*

*be genocided by Serbia

make islam the state religion, ally with Turkey and Albania and declare war on all of eastern Europe

Ban monarchy and resign

Serve aren’t human and are NATO’s bitch
We could make Servia even smaller at a moment’s notice

Benefits and priveleges based on how many children you have raised AND how successful they are in the country (if they're thieves or prostitutes you not only don't get shit but you also have to pay additional shit children tax)

>not a honourable job



ban gay pop


Okay cheng

Based and redpilled
Cucked and bluepilled

The King? With current tech?

Man, I would organize free banda and reggaeton concerts all over the country, then airstrike them.

fix the education system

Sacrifice all Nort*ño cucks to the Sun God.

Immediately deport all illegal migrants, cut immigration to levels to 150, 000 per year while prioritizing white Europeans from france and britain. I would make all immigrants take integration classes and allow discrimination based on language other than the two official languages.

I would dismantle inter provincial trade barriers and make sure health care is funded properly.

I would alter the constitution to specify that only, english-canadian, french canadian, and indigenous culture be recognized as official rather than multicultural.

I would make senators elected and based on regional representation and population. I would codify political parties into law allowing for greater disagreement among members.

That would be a good start anyways.

>white Europeans from france and britain
>not Scandinavians

We are a nation of dual english and french heritage. Dutch people are cool too but you gotta learn one of the two languages.

We have English as a mandatory class, the amount of people who can speak it at a decent level is pretty good, and if you are doing a higher education you get French too.


1. Ship every nigger/half-nigger back to africa along with anyone that sympathizes with them.
2. Allow abortions only for retarded offspring, and if it endangers the life of the mother.
3. Make English the sole language
4. Give certain regions autonomy.
5. Deport every jew and those who support them.
6. Cut all foreign aid
7. Move all Canadians to Ontario and Quebec and annex the rest for Lebensraum.

-Ship Russians out
-close down the Rosatom project

Do everything Charlemagne did, unify, conquer, enforce cultural unity, kill opponents and traitors, die as a father of my people

Make French state language

Being King of Canada is completely pointless. Might as well be the King of Kindergarden.

If I were King of the USA, I would thoroughly genocide all evil companies like Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Equifax, Amazon, Discord, etc. I would also codify FOSS and the Unix philosophy into the constitution and make it a severe crime to attempt to claim monetary propriety over intellectual content. I would disband the NSA. I would also perhaps make usury illegal.

Give everything but the South back to Lula or Portugal.
Then start using mass european immigration to bleach (again) the south.

It's a win-win

reunite Ireland
kick out illegal immigrants and legal immigrants that are not completely white/Irish.
Give economic benefit to speaking Irish and having Irish children..
Revive the Irish language and eventually fade out English until everyone is fluent in Irish.
Build up our military/defence soldiers and the equipment vehicles and whole defence system to modern standards while remaining completely neutral.
Stop american military from landing/refueling over here
Abandon the Euro for a unique currency.
Completely ban abortions except for if it endangers the life of the mother, was the product of incest or rape or either parent wasn't white.
Dedicate a lot to experimentation mechanically, militarily and fund inventing.
Start an Irish manufacturing of Irish made cars and build up the brand to be sold around the world.
Try to get nuculear power/missiles for defence and cheaper cleaner power.
Only accept white immigrants particularily focusing on repatriation from those with Irish ancestory.
Split up the country at the end of my reign or in the case I die where each of the provinces will be seperate independant nations with their respective flags.
Make sure myself, and my family are among the richest in the world

Good thing it will never happen lol *dabs*


your obviously from Quebec

>t. Tonibler

You can't even speak English, Zhang

remove all niggers, spics and Jews and enforce anti-monopoly acts for all economic sectors

I'm down for both of these.

Institute a single day as the "Purge" day where all crimes are no longer crimes for that one single day and any crimes committed on that day will not be prosecuted. Also I change the national currency to Bitcoin.

Nothing. Sounds like a lot of work.

Attached: a74HSrr.jpg (720x960, 51K)

The Purge movie idea imho would be a great. It would fix so many wrongs.

>Some jackass decided to set fire to an apartment
>It burns the whole city down since firemen are scared to put it out

Wipe the slate clean and start over, bro.

Invade and annex Slovakia

If they were so smart, how come they didn't build their apartments out of fire retardant materials?

Purge - 1
Brainlets - 0

I kill myself immediately because all monarchs belong to guillotine

Die commie scum

I balkanize

Only commies hate monarchies, so good.

kill all wh*Tes and then abdicate power

imagine unironically thinking that monarchy and inherited power is good
there is no real monarchy left in world(besides some shithole african tribes) for a reason but I assume you are underage Jow Forumstards so whatever floats your boat

Long term stability above everything.
Make speculation illegal
Increase the reserve ratio of banks to 50%
Combat inflation and debt
Direct control of media and education to ensure a common culture, patriotism, love for technological progress, entrepeneurship and traditional morals
Free healthcare and psychological guidance to every citizen
As the Polan user said, give benefits based on the amount of successful children each family has
Prostitution is legal and regulated
Huge taxes on unhealthy food, tobacco and drugs, huge subsidies to gym memberships, healthy food, books and various social clubs
Force a pseudo religion based on patriotism, community engagement and meditation

What about the homeless? What will be the punishment if you don't wear pajamas?


Move the capital city to Sydney and annex ACT into NSW
Remove most of the roles of the state. Education and environmental affairs will be given to the federal government
Combine the many ministries into fewer more general ones.
Kick out the prime minister and take his role
Enact corporatist technocracy by having a separate parliament for each specific ministry/department. Voting/entrance into these departments is based on your profession. for example:
>Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport: Allow only urban planners, traffic managers and those involved in public transport industries to vote on these issues.
>Ministry of War(Combine Veterans, Defence, personnel, industry into this)
Allow only industrialists, R&D and those actually in defence to vote on these issues
>Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Allow members of think tanks, diplomats, economists, generals, those who have an international relations/polsci degree

I would also remove all these bullshit ideas about freedom of speech and individual liberty(aka the right to be backwards). THE STATE WOULD HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER SOCIETY'S DIRECTION. This leads me to three completely new departments i will create:
>Ministry of Social Engineering
The purpose of this department will be to improve the happiness, equality and cohesiveness of Australian society. Membership in the parliament will be composed of psychologists, doctors, anthropologists, community leaders, philosophers and sociologists
>Ministry for Progress
My government will have technological and economic progress be much more important. It would replace the old Ministry for Science but would be a lot more broad. Membership composed of engineers and scientists

>Ministry for Cultural Engineering
Allow those in the arts and social sciences into this. They have full right to direct the culture of the nation. They can censor any art they don't like or consider to be backwards. They will stand as a bulwark against the plebeian tastes of the commoner and make sure that culture is not controlled by the tastes of the common masses
>Ministry for the Economy
Combine the Treasurer and Trade, Tourism and Investment into this. Only those with degrees in finance, economics, commerce or business would be in here, along with major industry leaders, economists, bankers and those working in the financial industries. This would be the most important parliament as it twould be the only one with control over the budget.

Remove unnecessary social welfare plans. For example, we do not need childcare rebate. That just puts an unnecessary strain on the bureaucracy and wastes taxpayer money.
Restrict immigration by removing the "if your family lives here you can move here as well" plan
Crack down on Australian universities being degree farms for foreign students
Force migration of many rural communities. All abos would be forcibly moved into cities as they have no opportunity to succeed in their shithole towns in the desert. Also do this with many of the smaller towns in Australia which aren't in mining or agriculture
Redesign all of our cities by following New Urbanism. Begin creating more walkways and less roads for vehicles. Emphasise public transport and remove the stigma regarding it
Enact sterilisation of those with disabilities and those who have committed serious crimes. Forced abortion for babies with disabilities
National maglev rail system, beginning with Sydney-Melbourne

Massive social reform, promote gender equality and crack down on bigotry as that reduces social harmony. Ban speech that goes against this and make plans to "dispose" of backward people if necessary
Reenact conscription, but not necessarily in the military. You can also do civil service, most likely building many of the projects that will begin
Make the Ministry for Progress begin work on a supercomputer which will direct the economy
Increase social mobility by providing free higher education for those in lower classes
Do what spananon and the polish guy said
Crack down on decadent bullshit like expensive fashion and food
Crack down on unhealthy food and encourage people to exercise frequently through education and propaganda
Mandate national anthem singing in school every day
Specialise the education system. Before year 9, split students into trades and university. Those going into trade finish after year 10. Those going to uni then specialise in arts, engineering etc

Beer can now be sold during all hours of the day the store is open.
Remove gender quotas.

>deport all gypsies, niggers and foreigners who refuse to assimilate
>make Romanian the only accepted language and disband foreign / bilingual schools
>outlaw identity politics, homosexuality, feminism and other forms of degeneracy
>reintroduce capital punishment
>publicly execute the current government and everyone associated with them to end corruption
>support the Church on the condition that they stop abusing their authority
>attempt to unite with Moldova
>demand Romanian land from Ukraine
>close the borders to anyone but Moldovans, Romanian diaspora included
>gradually fix the economy

Same as our "absolute king" doing.
Trolling the rest of the world, take all money from locals, voting for D. Trump, etc.
It will be probably funny

Those who choose the uni path in year 9 then specialise in a general field
There is: humanities, arts/design, science, math and engineering. Encourage further specialisation. No need for someone planning to be a historian to learn about mitochondria.
Have the Ministry for Social Engineering control housing. Make it so that ethnic ghettos do not form and make sure that all suburbs have an equal amount of poor/upper class people and ethnic minorities.
Have lots of military parades and get a more militaristic national anthem
Get myself a harem of thicc brown bitches and sissy white bois
Emphasise science and progress as national values and launch a cultural revolution against whatever holds these back

No more Asukafags

Ban Islam and fuck bitches every day.

How has nobody thought of this before?

Put all economic migrants and refugees in prison. Make a treaty with the biggest shithole I can find to deport them to for money.
Take the Dutch nationality of all Moroccans.
Slowly get rid of subsidized houses and subsidized rent, lowering the housing prices and forcing shitskins out of the cities.
Make public transport free, because poor people will live more outside of the cities. And invest more money in it.
Build more houses. Demanding them to be a minimum size of 45 square meters.
Invest heavily in our navy. While keeping only a defensive army and air force.
Only aid military projects for allies where our navy is needed (the Caribbean, the Baltics, protecting trade in Somalia, sink refugee boats, defend the USA against North Korean missiles). Don't do military projects for allies that require the army or air force (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Mali).
Move Schiphol airport outside of Amsterdam, so it can expand.
Invest in rolling out hydrogen fuel stations, which Shell is busy with. Because the current electric cars fad is impractical.
Introduce a cap in our taxes. A person never has to pay more than 1 million euro in taxes a year. A business never has to pay more than 150 million euro in taxes a year.


Extremely limited immigration from 3rd world countries. Immigrants must pass a physical and prove they are not going to ride our overextended social programs. Must have a grasp of English equivalent to grade 10.

Stop letting other countries rape us for natural resources and start using them to benefit our own citizens instead of lining the pockets of corps.

I honestly consider the language bit to be the most important.
Notice how most immigrants anywhere who don't speak the language fluently tend to be pieces of shit, while those with a good grasp on the language tend to be people you can actually have a fucking conversation with without having to constantly tell them not to fucking pee on the grass.

It certainly breaks down all barriers. I wouldn't move to another country without learning the basics at least. There are people who have lived here 20+ years and can't speak a fucking word and it's so disrespectful.

For real though, a chink got angry at me once for not understanding what he wanted even though he couldn't speak a fucking word of Spanish.

In the Netherlands only anglos don't speak Dutch. It bites them in the ass, but everyone enables them.

And some rare first gen female Chinese/Turkish/Moroccan migrants from the 70's that just leech off their husband/state.

Even some Venezuelan girls I met learned absolutely fluent Dutch in 8 months or so.

Sugar tax
Legalizing weed and taxing it
Higher taxes on alcohol
Lower labour taxes for middle and low income brackets
I'd close tax loopholes, especially personal foundation circumventing inheritage taxes
More focus on kindergarten/preschool and more teachers in elementary and middle school
More in-depth integration courses for immigrants
More public housing but for mixed income brackets/social backgrounds
Slashing cultural stuff nobody gives a fuck about like operas, encouraging young urban and rural art
Funding more public transportation and making it as cheap as possible

>Introduce a cap in our taxes. A person never has to pay more than 1 million euro in taxes a year. A business never has to pay more than 150 million euro in taxes a year.

This is the most retarded thing ever.

I destroy it and sell the empty land to Russia

Manifest destiny

>secret police
>Anti-corruption thingy just to take my enemies riches and give it to my friends.
>Arrest her and some other people

1. Deport all blacks, muslims, jews, hispanics, and siberian-americans
2. return tax rates to 1995 levels
3. legalize polygyny
4. legalize incest where both participants are 16 or older
5. nation-wise age of consent set to 16 (it currently varies by state, but most are 16,17, or 18)
6. return the asian exclusion act to force
7. make the monarchy an elective monarchy, where each state governor is an elector.

- Bring net immigrantion down to 0%
- Deport all illegals
- Deny entry to refugees
- Reintroduce British Nationalism
- Make sure that every building in cities have Victorian architecture + modern safety and etc
- Hunt down and destroy Sharia Law zones + extremist activity
- Enact the death penalty
- Leave the EU (idc if it is no deal)
- Free trade in the Commonwealth of Nations as a replacement to Free trade in the EU
- Maybe invade Ireland idk

That would be a start, I guess.

Exterminate current politicians and then outlaw m*narchy

>arrest her and some other people
This too. Who hurt you user?