>hardcap was 38M
>marketcap 9M

these fuckers literally banned the dumper from exchanges just now and they're now doing a buyback of all the shit he dumped LOL

this. is. hilarious.

Attached: unknown.png (541x97, 11K)

the absolute madmen

quick rundown on this coin?

wait, doesn't this mean that the buyback will make price 4x???


wat? They banned somone for selling his own coins? Tell me how that's ok?

something like Turo on the blockchain
it's a pumper coin
I bought yesterday luckily lol

was probably an early investor who broke the terms of the contract

Until they make that explanation i can, and can never, ever, trust them. But if that is the case and they say so, than w/e

shiiiiet, the CEO is a pumper. sweet

Attached: pumper.png (558x164, 15K)

Only reason I dont go into these shitcoins is because they are on shitty exchanges and I cba to sign up on all of them.

and that's why you're missing out on gains like this


This is billion dollar coin police-level shenanigans

Attached: Screenshot_2018-05-06 TBCPolice Home.png (1170x1019, 392K)

>shiiiiet, the CEO is a pum
could this be the next tron, marketing wise? kek

Paycoin 2018 edition

What's this some retard stellarport coin with $20 daily volume? Oh don't worry user I won't "FOMO in". Don't worry at all.


Attached: photo_2018-05-06_21-15-53.jpg (474x743, 45K)

kek got 1,000 Helbiz from a free airdrop /comfy

yeah, sure. DYOR idiot.

this is a red flag the size of a mountain
I hope this is a joke

>check coin
>its not on any real trading platform
404 this shit.

It is and might or not be illegal for him to say shit like this, but a lot of people will take him seriously, so as long as you don't, it could be profitable. Can't get greedy though since it does act like a flashing sign that the whole project is a get rich quick scam.