ITT post proverbs from your language translated into English

ITT post proverbs from your language translated into English

>The water passes but the stones remain

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with patience and spit one ant fucked an elephant

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With money (you) get and with horse (you) get (there)

Sun and rain God knows when.

Sloth is the pillow of the Devil.

Women are like dogs. The more you beat them, the more they lick your hands.

Women are like capers. They are only good on top of pizza.

>Women are like capers. They are only good on top of pizza.

Take the little horsie out of the rain

Rolling stone does not get the moss

Pizza is slang for penis

I hate idioms and proverbs. Which language is the most literal?

Whoever digs a hole for someone else falls in it himself.

Sorrow often gets you drunker than alcohol
>Women are like dogs. The more you beat them, the more they lick your hands.

This one is clearly not true

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Only a goulasch is good being warmed up.
Fearing yourself to death is also being deceased.

>When the rooster crows, the hen has to hush
Refers to women being obedient to men.

>Horses won't die when the dogs wish them to
"Dogs" is a pejorative for those who attempt to slander and drag down someone who tries to achieve something, the "horses".

I'm not sure how that pic relates to the proverb I wrote

No child nor shit will come out of that

Water thins a stone.

Rather a belly from drinking than a round back from working

a good housewife will jump over fence to get a feather

Don't shit yourself then you lack nothing

Interesting. I haven't heard those before.

I've only heard this in myregion, but it's one of my favorites:

Going into the bathroom of a fancy person and sniffing their shit does not make you fancy yourself.

Brothers are like limbs, wives and children are like clothing. Torn clothing can be repaired; how can broken limbs be mended?

"Commence the jigglin"

cunts fucked

I cri evritiem

The pineapple's not up my ass

that dog älähts to which kalig calath's

The white devil eats the black one.

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dont talk to donker you will offend it, dont wipe your ass with broken glass you will cut it

Stronger dog fucks

whoever digs a hole has a hole digging device

this was later bastardised into the even more stupid

whoever makes a bratwurst has a bratwurst making device

Abandoned church is home of demons

My wife Chino is so cute

Reminds me of "Whoever flies high falls low" which turned into "Whoever flies high is a pilot"

I love that kind of shit

Better a hen in lap than ten at a branch.

Lazy mouth, disaster whole

It's the hospital mocking the charity. Same meaning as pot calling the kettle black.

Now you shat in the blue locker

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quiet water tears down mountains

bathe so you get cold

Dog barks, the caravan goes on and on

Blood does not become water

stone stone becomes a wall

Die aap is uit die mou

The ape is out of the sleeve

When you hurl a rock at a pack of wolves, (only) the one that gets hit will cry.

Meaning: If you make a broad, negative generalization and someone complains about it, it's because the statement accurately described that person.

Good horses only jump as high as they must

>Frisk som en fisk
Well as a fish.

>Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær.
Bad weather doesn't exist, only bad clothes.

>Ut på tur, aldri sur.
Out on a hike, never in a bad mood.

The dog barks and the caravan goes on.

Tingus kaip graikas
>Lazy as greek

he who digs a pit for others, falls in himself

Everything is in the Bucket.
Now we have the Salad.
You bond a bear on my back.
You sold me a cat in a sac.

Fair shake of the sauce bottle.

You are as crazy as a goat.

Scheiß di ned, dann faid da nix?

Scheiß di ned is more like, don't care about it

The mouth that wishes to eat can not be obstructed by the moutstache.

खाने मुखलाई जुँगाले छेक्दैन। (Khane Mukhlai Jungale Chhekdaina)

एक थुकि सुकि, सय थुकि नदि (Ek Thhuki suki, saya thhuki nadi).
One spits, it dries up. A hundred spit, it becomes a river.

Between husband and wife, nobody sticks the spoon

If your butt vibrates your heart is healthy.

Tried to think of "typical german" ones

>5 Minutes before the time is the germans/prussians/soldiers punctuality.
>Even a blind chichen may find a piece of food.
>Whoever lies will not be taken seriously even if he tells the truth
>You don't look into the mouth of a horse wich was gifted to you.
>If you need a friend, buy a dog
>Decisionmaking is turture
>When the cat is out of the house, the mice will dance on the table
>More enemies, more honor
>Order is one half of life.
>"Jedes Ämtlein hat auch sein Schlämplein."
(Every Bureau has its slut)

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when 2 dogs fight over a bone the third takes it