
brekkie edition

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>playing Final Fantasy X

Oh nice, how far in are you?

That Finn is fucking fuming

*teen suicide - the same things happening to me all the time, even in my dreams comes on*

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if someone is arse ugly do people stare?

Found some 10% abv cider yesterday. Bought a few bottles.

i do and i feel guilty


Things Lisicki talks about:
>Love Island
>Male models

reckon "he" has literally just been a girl this whole time, LARPing as a guy. would explain why "he" is so emotional, vain and obnoxious.

what in gods name does this have to do with british culture?

I'm a Lib Dem for Leave

two crumpets straight down the hatchet
wish I had more

No, only attractive people get looked at.

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How come? I don't read most of the shit you niggers type cause you're lesser men.

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Just bored and bullying black people is fun. Killing niggers would be more fun though..

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love lasses like this, good looking but not intimidatingly so, and clearly down for a good time

my bread and butter

the gf

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Just too bad can't fucking do it isn't it? Can't kill retards.

Does the base of your particular nose sit further in than both your forehead and chin?

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grow up

do you like me

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business idea: love island but one of the contestants is a tranny but we don't tell anyone this


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Stop being black :D

Keke do you love me

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The right has lifted way more folks out of poverty, than the left has forced into.

wtf i never liked arctic monkeys. thought they were always shitty indie for girls. when did they get so kino?

Dubs decides witch pornstar I fap to

your mum
check em

delilah dash



ah yes yes v kubrickian with a tad tarkovksy hmm yes kino

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jade goody

That was fast

Thanks bro

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day 2 of boiled water update: taken my first few sips of a new cup of boiled water and i feel like i'm brimming with energy

technological advances really bloody get me in the mood

>Thanks bro

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off to toil lads

toilberg expects much from me today

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>schools are now teaching the Pakistani history as part of the high school curriculum

More vacation dick from Nigeria, that's what /brit/ needs. Some more of that nigger dick BBC. :D fuck sake

looks about twelve

What's wrong with that?

any london man in? couldn't afford my jizya this month so had to let abdul have his way with my sister again :-(

love a bit of paki history x

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>posts pics of gf
guys, pls cuck me by fucking me wife. dick won't go up cause I like to fuck weird things t.nigger

just took out wonga loan to buy a five guys burger

Moni answer my question please x

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Got really drunk and hooked up with my m8s mum once
Was an interesting encounter. She wanted it more than I did, I was just chasin a nut

mbouloute mbouloute

That's my gimmick twat face



just took out wonga loan to buy a five guys burger

Go away

day 2 update: feels so good drinking water when it's hot, shall be doing this whenever i feel like a hot beverage now

just took out wonga loan to buy a five guys burger

no it's not you cheeky cunt

What books you lot reading then?

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Wonga loans? Yeah it is

some of you useless fucking monkeys wanted this shit. have at it

good morning lads x

*rnb songs with anime youtube videos*

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Wonga ts and cs and the five guys menu

want a canadian gf

Spent my student loan on five guys again

dont care

poo, poo, poo poo poo pOO ooo poo poo

Might finance a truck with a loan from a local agricultural supply chain that still offers oldschool financial support at reasonable rates

you can filter the flag

five guys burger fries

It seems your perspective is one of 'meritocracy', i.e. those who show their worth will become prominent, let the competition commence! This is a myth; cultural shifts don't work that way, not in the face of ingrained and structural processes of marginalisation. Change will be an effort; it won't be comfortable.


reckon she knows zero QED
biology students are always thick

remortgaged the house for a cheeseburger at five guys

this aggression will not stand

Hey yankbro


Rikku hasn't joined the party just yet, fighting the Chocobo eater after the Blitzball tournament

Not interested in cultural change just want a new truck with easy payments


going to q8 next month lads

that is cultural change lad, you aren't buying an electric truck

I'm sure cleetus has a spare round back

lots of fat people


Its so fucking fun to talk about race isnt it? so fucking awesome its so fucking fun.
t. all the niggers wanting empathy and that pity sex

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Wouldn’t want an electric truck it would break

Want a 2500hd with a gas powered 6.0 and 4wd

do they need proof that you are engaged in agricultural activities? auto rates as it is, this might not be a bad alternative for financing

why can't all the immigrants just go home?

this finn needs to be put in the loony bin

>Wouldn’t want an electric truck it would break

>Want a 2500hd with a gas powered 6.0 and 4wd

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