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poles are in the same class as refugees and illegals 2bh

Fuck white people and fuck drumpf

what is different between pole man and nigger man?

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le strawman xddddd

>I can't take care of myself
Europe is basically retirement home for refugees

Are they losing their lives from the simple act of deportation? No? So shut up and get going.

umm sweetie all humans are equal its just some are more equal than others


>all whites are racist
>no they aren't
>black people:

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is that implying deportation KILLS?

Taking the statement that literally is just autism.
What it means is that the lives of all citizens of my country matter and it is just dishonesty to pretend you didn't understand that.
Interpreting it otherwise, that means pretending that it is your duty to protect all human lives, means that you will start wars left and right, as you don't have any other way to change the policies of other countries from the inside.

why do nonwhites want to live in white countries if they think they're racist?

No lives matter, WWIII NOW

ITT triggered wh*toids

Now that I think about it, killing them instead of deporting them would be pretty efficient...

Wh*te "'people"' were exploiting, enslaving and using people of other races and colours for centuries. Wh*tes stole (and keep doing it) their resources and lands. Wh*tes did everything to prevent or stop the development and prosperity of other regions. Wh*tes support and encourage all kinds of wars, conflicts in non-wh*te regions, they fund and sponsor rebel and terrorist groups. The blood and hard work and even lives of non-wh*te People are what created the prosperity and wealth for wh*te scum. You have to pay for it now. The world should not forgive the wh*te filth for all the atrocities and crimes they commited against non-wh*te People.


>illegal immigrants are above the law

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this, but unironically

Please pay reparations to us, wh*te devil. Swedes too.

>Swedes too

Despite our historical issues, I think we should unite against the Russian hordes

The only powerful thing about this post is the odor expelled from my anus when I read it

australia never disappoint

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