Starts bullshit companies every 5 minutes to distract from missing production goals

>starts bullshit companies every 5 minutes to distract from missing production goals
>sleeps at the factory
>hung up on the chairman of NTSB in the middle of a phone call
>mouths off Wall Street analysts
TFW refundable deposits are ~34% of your cash, and everyone can see you breaking under pressure

Attached: elonm.jpg (396x393, 28K)


Attached: faggot.png (720x525, 523K)

the whole idea of this company was that model 3 will make money, except it doesn't

Attached: elon.png (660x412, 539K)

You gotta admit, PayPal was pretty cool user.

>Musk needs to raise cash
>therefore he tells (((them))) to fuck off
The absolute logic of a Jow Forumstard.

No cash will be raised, Tesla will produce ~220k cars EOY and you can finally neck yourself.

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Sits on Jow Forums while said man sends rockets and Model 3s to Mars, literally changing the course of humankind.

He’s untouchable, knows the Govt subsidies will keep him in caviar for life.


Meanwhile, OP can barely barely displace his fatass from his chair.

Space X is a hoax you morons. You don't think that car in space was real do you?

Only niggers cop out of an argument this way. So how about next time you go to criticize someone who is wealthier and/or more powerful than you, remember you can't because you haven't achieved what they have.

changing the course of humankind for the worse*

lol i hate boomers like you so much

to what purpose? 95% of the people I know didn't even know it happened

Elon fanboys are more deluded than the entire crypto space

Prove me wrong

Guy is a literal con artist Tesla bankrupt in 2 years max

Every car company in the world is coming out with EV

to make you think space travel is possible and the earth is a globe

how would earth being a globe help him sell teslas...

Magnets bro

it has nothing to do with him selling teslas

nice digits

you can't, its been well documented at r/enoughmuskspam

Enjoy your sjw safe ze planet investment
Meanwhile: me going 250km/h on Hitlers Autobahn in my BMW

the problem with tesla is that it's not very anti-fragile compared to spacex....with tesla, a few more crashes that are made public will further erode trust in its safety claims. the fact that their cars can burst into flames upon impact is not good. they also wasted too much time and resources on the self-driving tech which is unnecessary faggot tech-hipster shit.

with spacex, a multi-million dollar rocket can blow up and it still won't negatively impact the image of the company. also, since spacex is private (i believe) it is more robust against all this scrutiny.

if elon wants to stop having to deal with wall st analysts, all he has to do is figure out a way to make tesla a private company. but because he's such an attention-whore who wastes time taking instagram pics with slutty actresses, he doesn't have the mental space or energy to understand how to get more financing so that tesla can become private like spacex.

i'm just a 30 year old neet and i can see how this is what he must do to avoid having to deal with all this unnecessary stress. either that or he can just hire someone to handle these fucking conference calls for him. its not like the ceo is required to answer questions.

he's bitten off more than he can chew. lets see if he learns to chew it.

i want him to succeed but shit is piling up.

their cars burst into flame when you crash into the side bar at 90 mph. anyone would be lucky to survive that and tesla cars do better

it's that to make money you have to get the $30k price range for normies to buy in. not really possible with current battery prices, i assume.
i agree with the self driving shit though, that's pretty useless, they're doing too much at once, should just wait for other companies to do all that then copy it if it really matters.

You cant have the min Tesla for under 60K that 35K intro price is a total lie

I think it's unbelievable how the market values an unproven company with all these issues higher than Ford and sometimes GM

The masses don't want a Tesla

starting price is $35K for the model 3 if i remember.

true, any car will get rekt at 90mph collision but the most recent crash was around 40-60mph speed, i believe. you also have to factor in cabin strength and safety features. when i said teslas burst into flames, i mean that it happens much faster due to the battery and all the electronics bunched into it.

a car that slams into something at 90 mph will catch fire, but not as quickly as tesla.

also, there are other EVs on the road like that ugly nissan leaf, but you don't really hear about it having issues with fires and shit like that. i would have to look into it and do some basic searches, but from my casual browsing of the net i have seen plenty of vids show up of teslas on fire, but none of leafs on fire. maybe it's just all a conspiracy to make elon look bad because he has "many many haters and short sellers" out to get him.

even at $30-$35K, not enough normies will want a tesla because the range is limpdick at 250-300 miles.

there needs to be more charging stations for tesla and EVs to take off. they are fighting a huge uphill battle without more charging options.

yep, its exactly like how hitler fought on too many fronts...western europe, russia, north africa...and look how that worked out for him.

this is why elon looks constantly tired and exhausted and has gone through all those divorces...he's attention-whoring with actresses, doing the flamethrower reddit-tier shit, spacex, bought out solarcity, tesla, etc etc. what a dumbfuck. he is not a genius by trying to do too much.

a smart man does one thing really well, consolidates, and delegates to specialized men and teams.

>Elon is doing the same shit the government has been doing for years
>woah what a visionary
>let me suck your dick Elon

Fucking retards.

>any year ever
>trusting le hair transplantation man

There is no way you can buy a model 3 for 35k, it was a larp.


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-05 at 9.58.27 PM.png (1414x769, 604K)

Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing down on you no man ask for
Under pressure that brings a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets

Attached: 25e.png (808x805, 787K)

>there are retards who actually put down a cash deposit for the tesla roadster that hasn't even STARTED production
>B-BUT MUH 0-60 IN 1.9S

reddit basedboys are fucking cancer

Fucking hate PayPal. Bitcoin (bch) is far superior.

"please sell our stock and don't buy it"