Are you ready for the Holocaust of all the Shitcoins?

The Holoreich will cleanse all coins before it.

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My bags are full of Zyklon B for the lesser people.


Kys pajeet, your shitcoin isn’t going anywhere. It’s ltierally intended to be a stablecoin you massive retard, saged


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it's intended to be a stable coin unironically x100 the price it is now, admin calculation are 0.1 cent

and even than stability doesn't mean absolute stability, it's just asset backed

but you do you, goodluck investing in tron and vechain and ontology

Just shill this and nobody outside will buy it.
Nice, saved ;)

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We definitely need more lebensraum for legit projects.

Iost will reign

Thats nice 2. Enjoy

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I'm stocking up on white babies

Cant wait for a 2nd time the Pajeeds come back and cry about this shitcoin. Just epic but they killing biz with it.

Monds should ban them (like OP)

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what's it like being poor in germany, Hans?

2nd time, but you my names is Hans now?
Yesterday im a Josef.

Keep going Pajeed until you call my Adolf!

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I mean there's been so many shill threads and so much shit slinging and so many SCREENCAP THIS posts that no matter what somebody is going to look retarded. I can hardly wait.

>the year is 2020
>holo mainnet has successfully deployed
>holofuel is a stablecoin, pegged to around 1$ of computing power
>everyone literally a millionare
>thousands of anons gather to check out the dapps
>holofuel dumping commences
>volume is like 5k tokens a day because nobody actually runs or uses apps on this shit
>no companies attracted, too complicated for normies, literally nobody cared except biz

there will be hundreds if not thousands of you, and noone will ever even get the ETH out again

screencap this

Best way is stop HODL shit and trade like a NonBoomer. biz is dead since a few weeks.

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