Why are they so similar? Literally the same country, but with a different language

Why are they so similar? Literally the same country, but with a different language.

Attached: Flag-Pins-Colombia-Brazil_600x600.jpg (400x320, 25K)

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>Literally the same country, but with a different language.

Doesn't that by definition make it a HUGE difference?

Literally no.
Just no.


That's exactly the reason for the question
>Why are they so similar?

y'know I was just thinking about that


name ONE similarity

wtf ? Brazil has more european cultural traits than every latin america country.

brazil #1
colombia err #4 ?

Football is like the main sport almost everywhere, though.

we have nothing in commom with congolombia tho

they literally look the same and have strong business ties. here.

Attached: PCC.png (899x513, 923K)

the only country similar to us is portugal, apart from them we're actually quite unique and isolated

Brazil is more negro and dangerous than us and we are only similar to their northern states, The northeast + South is very different. However some regions here are about or only slightly less "white" than their south

don't be deluded. European culture is strong in every south american country in its own way. Argentina and Uruguay have the largest european influence overall, COlombia has the largest basque dispora in the whole western hemisphere, Chile has strong german, british and croat influence, Brazil as strong eastern european influence and so on

In general Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela have the largest African influence in South America and that can be reflected in our demographics, rythms and carnivals like that of rio (largest in the world) or Barranquilla (2nd largest), add that to the fact that most of us also descend from people from the Iberian peninsula (like most Latin Americans) and native american influence exists in all 3 countries, although Brazilians will try to deny this despite the fact that native American admixture can get as high as 30% in some regions of their country including the south. The only difference between us is that germanic, japanese and non-spanish influence is almost non existent here while it is visible in Brazil but we are on average a bit more native and both less negro and white than them but the bvastmajority non non souh brazilians could pass as local here easilyand vice versa

Attached: south brazilian who looks colombian.png (750x729, 903K)

south brazil is white tho

That's bullshit, the gauchos were mestizos and most south brazilians have native american or negro blood



What's with the random blue scribbles?



used it in a "guess ethnicity" thread once and thought that doing those scratches would help bypass anons trying to cheat through reverse searching the image. It didn't work

because he want's her badly and can't have her

0n autistic rage

pure iberean genes made us the most advanced and white south american countries

I don't mind it at all as long as there are no similarities whatsoever with meximordor.

Do Brazilians lose their virginity to donkeys?

stop exporting illegal drugs and trafficking sick people, Congolombilard

Could you shut the fuck up already?


Let me settle this shitty debate: Brazil is the whitest country in South America.

"The largest white population in Latin America is in Brazil, with 91 million whites out of 190.7 million total Brazilians, or 47.7% of the total population, as of the 2010 census. Brazil's southern region contains the highest concentration, at 79% of the population."

Source: the Wikipedia article on whites in South America lol

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 8.03.10 AM.png (292x497, 64K)

>self proclaimed researches

t. Enzo Gabriel Pereira da Silva

google.cl/search?q=ceron Jow Forums&client=ms-android-motorola&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwinvc-w-cXcAhUNl5AKHQyKCfAQ_AUIESgB

being white in latin america has to do with relative skin tone, do you leave your basement?
and just 6 genes control your skin pigmentation

We are best frens with our neighbours. Mexicans wouldn't understand such things.

Lower percentage than U-r-gay

LOL what was on your mind meanwhile you post that