For me, it's black queens
For me, it's black queens
muy bien
need to go on a /gif/ cruise to re-stock my queen folder
Yikes. Not even black men like their negress
You sound like a cuck.
Ironically Simon has jungle fever
Good, you're the only one.
By that chart Asian women are more attractive than Latina and White girls, you don't believe that do you? Only Ameriburgers and huwhites online do.
i don't like bestiality
One of your forebears did.
>-t. high-test black female angry at asian women
so its official whites have the best makes, Asians the best females and black the worst of both
>high test
Blacks have highest incident of estrogen which is why the females start menstruation early and the males are susceptible to some cancers. You sound like a typical American cuck who believes black men are more masculine than you. Disgusting desu
For me personally? It's people of the female gender, but I dont have the luxury of being picky
>believes black men are more masculine than you. Disgusting desu
Where did I mention black men, you obsessed retard?
Black women are ugly men. There's a reason why is the reality, and no matter how many cherrypicked images you post of Somali half-breeds, it's not gonna change
>You sound like a cuck.
It's the true faggot. I'm black myself and black girls are ugly and annoying
haha black incel :DD
I can tell by your typing style you're a booty blasted black boy. The black race will immensely improve once half of the men are exterminated.
I knew it, you black boys come in every thread where other races of men are lusting after your sisters to bash them. I used to think black men were cool until I came on Jow Forums, then I realized how much of high estrogen, roastie esque "males" you are.
Finally a man of taste appears
>be a black man
>be so cucked for centuries you have to force BLACKED memes and project self-racism to your own women
It must suck to be a black """""man"""""
most of those with the blacked memes, are fat manlets muts with tiny cocks who are pissed they're not white
>thread where other races of men are lusting after your sisters
Only people that make those threads have temporary jungle fever. Black women have sex appeal, but no feminine beauty.
most black women have flapjack titties
stop focusing on american shaniqas and go to caribbean or south america then
Post the pic of all the black girls posting on tumblr about how the love white boys, pls
White boys don't like them
Some do :(
looks like the girl i made out with last weekend
>Yikes. Not even black men like their negress
Please stop this meme/lie
Africans have no other option. Blacks abroad prefer to date outside their race.
>blacks who can search up porn have no option but to search up their own!!!
>Blacks abroad prefer to date outside their race.
If that was true Jamaica wouldn't have Ebony as their most watched. Also majority of African American men marry African American women ( around 80 something percent )
Dude is a brainlet and coon.
Hay dios mio, me and Pekka muy peligro
The two hottest snow negroes en UniĆ³n Europea
Hotter than the Amazon when discovered by Francisco de Orellana
I need a girl who's black like Amara La Negra
My rhyme's hot like Nvidia tegra