
Allowed: anime posters
Not allowed: Jews and diaspora.

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Other urls found in this thread:


kinda rude desu

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You're OK jew bro just convert to Islam

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but anime is haram

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What the fuck does this have to do with anything

You would still kill him, he's genetically a jew

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Is anime haraam?

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Fuck off ML go back to maghreb

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Why do you people hate us and want to murder us even though we gave you asylum?


I doubt you're syrian

I told you about the dumb frogposters bro, told ya about them.

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Well, you see. some australian fuck found an exploit in the new captcha system and thought that it would be the funniest thing in the world to spam dozens of pepe the reddit frog images all night long over /a/ and Jow Forums. And this 6 hour downtime is a result of that.

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Lachlan actually broke the website eh
First time I witness something like this

Oh, and pretty great job with the OP, syrianon.

Oh ok, thanks for explaining it. Very immature and dumb indeed. I do know of lachlan.

I can't stop thinking about her, bros.

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Don't obsess over it, user. Maybe keep trying, I'm sure there's plenty of girls out there for you and you'll eventually find one, I believe in you.

What a fag, thought I was range banned for a second there
Thanks but not mine uwu

I atleast walked out of this a bit wiser; I've found out that I can be quite productive when I don't have 30 simultaneous Jow Forums tabs open.
Had a nice jog in the old medina, sorted out my messy manga list and catched up on 3 of them, finished reading Dies Irae and even polished my japanese a bit and memorized 30 something kanji.

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The way she ignored me and and blocked my messages without telling me any reason made me heeart broken and really sad

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Do you like hataraku saibou?

it's OK ,way better than the tripe that came out this season. I mainly watch it for the cute cells

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Cheers. I'm very glad to hear that and am very happy for you, user! Mmm. To be honest, you make me a little jealous. I've unfortunately done nothing but read mangas and doujinshi, listening to songs, and went shopping with my mom today. I'm still very glad for you nonetheless.
Speaking of which, I really should start working seriously on my kanjis and forget about german till I'm done.

"What did I do wrong"
"Why did she ghost me"
"Why me"
"What's wrong with me"
"What could I have done better"
Or so I imagine these to be the kind of thoughts making a mess out of your head right now. You fucking fool.
A dumbass' ruminations and suffering are worth less than dogshit splattered on the sidewalk, and are certainly never gonna mend this problem. Sulk all you want, consider offing your self even, it's all futile.
The girl will just laugh and move on with her life, she meets her Don Juan and they'll know each other only as a man and a woman do, soon she's popping out the babies, she'll buy them their cute little clothes and toys, she'll take them to elementary school, to high-school and then college, and will finally die a peaceful end on her deathbed surrounded by her dozens of offsprings, and you'd still have lead nothing worthy of being called a life because you're too busy shaking in your boots over bygones.
Just let it go and take it easy, man, or you'll come down with an ulcer from agonizing too much over it.

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I feel like she grabbed my heart and threw it to the ground and crushing it with her boots with a smirk on her face.

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wtf did I miss and since when do we have a decent jordan flag

then she's not worth your sadness. There are surely kinder, more polite people out there.

UAE-san moved back home.

Just go to a mukhayem and buy a syrian you pathetic loser

ah I was wondering where he went
is it that chinese classmate? don't worry man you'll meet nicer girls. also answer your discord fucktard

Sounds very edgy and embittered, did anything ever go wrong or are you just vehemently opposed to relationships out of principle?

Yes and there are two others that did the same thing

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Relationships at this age are never good man you should know better

Goooooood moooooooorniiiing

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Are not you afraid that one day ISIS will break into your apartment and execute you or take in their own army without the right to choose?

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But love while being young is the best type of love

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Why did I already know that. I hate that you make me feel like a groupie sometimes.


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Did you get a chance to try Wargame Red Dragon 7arby-san?

I.G Prod hiring an H-artist to make the character designs for Gargantia was a brilliant move.

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Not at all, haven't even downloaded it yet. Will do when time permits.

Being young and in love is just unnecessarily torturous. The only fun part is the sexual aspect.

This sounds like such a bad idea desu.

Don't they suffer from all having the same face then?

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which you can rarely to never get in the ME. now he's in jordan of all places, it would be easier for him to kill a dog and rape it like other jordanian savages do than even breath near the opposite gender

Well although I'm in france, I still get very very nervous around people I find attractive and can't even look at them in the eyes or speak with them but I have sexting in private I can still resort to. Is it possible over there?

I really don't know what the fuck I'm even saying anymore but rest assured it's dumb as bricks.

>Is it possible over there
Syria? Outside of refugee camps I doubt it.
Levant? I'd see it's easy in Lebanon since I prostitution is legal there (or maybe illegal but everyone ignores the law, either way if you have some good money Beirut casinos are the place to go)

The main love interest and her two friends do have slightly similar faces but the rest if the cast are very distinguishable.

Cut yourself some slack, if that points at any fact it's that I'm predictable.

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Don't let one (hell, even multiple) relationships shape your entire perspective, though. You're an interesting person that can eventually land a 3DDP, if you so desire. Ot's your choice/call, I'm just letting you know that you are still young and that the ship hasn't sailed yet.

Indeed at least he's got a good personality, he mustn't give up like that unless it's really his true wish since he bears the title of a misanthrope after all.

A true misanthrope wouldn't place himself in a somewhat social environment. If he's welling to deal with the autism of /mena/ and subsiduaries, I'm sure there's hope for him. Interesting, knowldgeable fellow really

wait seems there was a misunderstanding but in any case, thanks for the answer.

To paraphrase Ibn Khaldun, misanthropy is a path for the few whose understanding of and patience for others ebbed beyond mending.
While I may hate normalfags and riajuu to degrees beyond what normal words can convey, I still find you guys to be my kindred spirits and I really do love your company, hence me coming here everyday without fail. Atleast /levant/ines, that is.

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I'm glad /levant/ can offer you some degree of warmth and relief, user.
I hope you can find happiness within the framework of your lifestyle/ideology lad, you deserve it

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These kindred spirits exist outside Jow Forums as well. Maybe they're in the minority but you can still find them if you look hard enough. Come on, aren't you interested a tiny bit into (platonic or romantic) affection with fellow human beings? I've had grand love affairs with 2d characters but I know it didn't sustain me in the long run.

He really does. He's a very smart along with nice user and he deserves to experience genuine happiness.

Not being able to enjoy sustainable affection in the recesses of 2D means that you're a poser, user.


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Not really when I look back on it desu. Since being a child, I've been into them yet that didn't lessen my desire for love with 3D. whatever they're called, my classmates or japanese celebrities. But then I look at this, and remember I grew tired of it during almost 1 year for the sole reason of depression so maybe I'm indeed a poser. Come on user, can you please answer my question?


Eh, personally, I was not trying to flatter you, because that's deceptive. That's just my assessment, it's good to know what qualities you have and what you're working with. You're working with traits most people don't possess, and it's only fair for people to mention them

Well ok if you say so. That's not what some of your older posts have lead me to believe though. Also although I get how my posts on this subject could be annoying, I'm genuine when I say that I like you a lot as a poster and I wish you true happiness. Whatever you wish to be alone or with someone. I've told you I will try to quit being so damn polite but regardless sorry for bothering you like that.

All the niceness in the thread is starting to crawl under my skin

That tunisian is a really good poster for the most part. I, myself, might've went a little overboard though. Kill me.

I'd also like to clarify that I'm not the GEI GOGS poster, nor the one that harrased the israeli, thought I'd make this clear since another user mistook me for that/those posters

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it's a nice change of pace from the usual identity politics and retarded fighting that I've come to expect from /mena/.
To get back on track, I have a manga for you that might hit pretty close to home if you're interested.

Oh go ahead obviously, what's the name?

Fug, I meant to quote syrianon. Sorry for the disappointment.
I thought Groundless would strike his fancy due to it being set in a country torn by civil war with all its belligerents being ambiguously evil one way or another, with no one being innocent at all, including the civilians. It's also extremely well-detailed when it comes to low-scale operations, squad tactics and domestic affairs like trade and economy within chaos.
The protagonist (pictured herein) also holds views quite similar to those of syrianon regarding war, peace and ideological bloodshed, so I thought he might like it

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good thread geso

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oh ok, oops. You don't have to be sorry about this though.

you're correct it does sound like something I'd love. I'll peep thanks!

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I'm not quite sure how to feel about Hezbo-platelets.

Oof why

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They're too cute to be associated with a mob of lunatics like that.

Any why do you think hezbollah are lunatics

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Bros, I start to believe that 3D females qre the creation of Satan

You're on the right track

Maybe but 3D males are generally worse though.

They're a rag-tag group of inept wannabee insurgents that are only glued together only through religious fervor that puts their collective sanity to question.
Add to that a disgusting modus operandi that includes the usage of classical breaches of human rights and international law like low-altitude rockets, civilian meat-shields and random summary executions.
And the cherry on the top of this cake of shit is the illicit things they allow in order to build up their war funds; extortion, extrajudicial taxation within their zones of control, putting tarrifs on drugs, child labor and human trafficking.
Not exactly the most sane of folks, I might say.

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It's either ba'athist control or complete obliteration of the country, so they are stablising the country by putting down the more unhinged branches of terrorists. By supporting Assad, they're supporting a less islamic, and most importantly, more self governing, sovereign goverment. I'd honestly rather have human rights be breached rather than have the levant be in a constant storm of shit. They are the lesser of the two evils. Surely, you realise that peace in the middle east isn't going to be bought with peace talks. I assure you, there'd be much more chaos if the country was under non baathist control. Oh, and they're a seperate entity from the syrian army, so what's neat is that they can undertake more pragmatic measures without actually tarnishing the Assad goverment's name

Except krieg said absolutely nothing about assad or syria.

Dude, they're rogue militias. You're justifying their unethical insanity with them being of use to Assad, but even in that context they're still hilariously lacking. They're nowhere as much of the pragmatic or useful private army for drastic measures that you're labeling them as since they, much like just about every other post-WW2 partisan movement, take months and months just to clear small villages and towns, the point by which the whole area's just been leveled to kingdom come.
I know I'm open a can of shitfuck here by discussing utilitarianism, but I sincerely believe their combat aptitude -or lack thereof- is in no way, shape, or form a good justification for their inhumane methods.

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the thing is, in addition to lebanon, they largely operate in syria/support assad...... Why I'd mention them should be self explanatory
oh, I'm not portraying goof troops as pragmatic, but their measures are. But they're quite large (the largest NSA, actually). Actually, they're very succesful in the middle east desu, be it against arabs or israelis.So they're certainly useful. Hezbollah is a militia, but a united one with a command chain and what have you. Some western sources actually refer to them as being the only fighting force that does well as the Israelis, and they perform well vis a vis of their (average) equipment. You shouldn't consider them a non-factor. They were as important as the Syrian army for holding out against opposition group until russian support.

Thank you, user.

The fact that they haven't been wiped out to a man during their many confrontations with israel is the result of a compound of factors; extremely run-on-the-mill employment of guerrilla tactics on Hezbo's part coupled with just how messy contemporary warfare is in mountainous and urban areas, with the international restrictions put on the use of heavy artillery and air raids during low-intensity conflicts sprinkled on top all facotred in on making the fighting that took place grind down to a crawl.
As you can probably notice, almost all of these are variables beyond Hezbo's inherent fighting efficiency.

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Well, If it's anything within my niche assortment of interests, then I'm more than happy to discuss it.

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So what you're essentially saying is that a group like hezbollah would be efficient in an environment like the middle east... how is that a flaw? whether their efficiency is due to their own skill, or the environment favoring them, it's efficiency regardless. Should they be disbanded because the environment favors them? And how is them using guerilla tactics a valid reason to discredit them? If anything, it means they know at least how they should operate
I really don't follow your logic T B H

hmm maybe I should now go to sleep, goodbye /levant/.

Good night. I'll follow on the debate with you tomorrow, tunisianon.

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night lads

G'night anons

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hey y'all. eating fried cauliflowers today how ya doin?