I hate Germany

I hate Germany.

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I'm starting to think that germans might be a little evilish, perhaps?

Should've let the bear get his way

look at him, he's just sleeping

Based german
Cringe soypilled

Isn't it mandatory to own guns in northern Norway specifically to defend against polar bears?

you wouldn't be mad if the bear was brown fucking racist american swine

poor polar bear
he a good boy

Is polar taste like black bear?


also, why are Americans outraged so quickly? Can't you behave like normal people?

The polar bear dindu nuffin he was a gud boi. He was goin fishin and tryin ta get his life back in line. He had a family n sheeeit man.

Most Americans don't know where their food comes from.
They discuss animal welfare, while they eat meat from an almost tortured chicken.

Human lives have less value than those animals. I can stare at ugly nigs all day if I want but only see sad bears at the aquarium, fuck this

nobody would care if it was a black bear...
black lives mater!

Svalbard requires citizens to carry outside of the settlements, yes. Mainland Norway, no. There are no polar bears on the mainland. Hell, there are hardly any brown bears.
Now, even if you've got a gat, you better be damned sure the bear is out to get you if you're gonna shoot it, lest you wanna get slammed with a few years in the clink or a grotesque fine.
You're supposed to step back if the bear is around and let it do its thang (Because what's it fucking do if the bear fucks your tent up and eats your trail mix?), and if it shows any interest in you, it's normal to fire warning shots and/or use a flare gun first.
I don't know if that comes as a shock to you, since some threads I see on Jow Forums has people strapping up with guns to go into bear country or out in the streets (pretty envious of that, actually), while I've seen old women going out in the woods to pick berries with no bear deterrent other than particularly offensive body odour.

Polar bear is filled with trichinella, which makes you bleed from your eyes and shit your guts out. It's not a good idea to eat if you aren't desperate, or you happen to have a deep freezer to freeze the meat in for a few days before cooking it.

Nobody in Germany cares about this. My roommate is a fucking Greenpeace member and she says it was the right thing to do.

This is just CNN stirring shit.

ppost pics of your roommate, please

normal people don't get so close to polar bears they have to kill them not to be killed

>innocent polarbears

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Dude just let the bear eat people

yeah look at 'im go

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It wasn't "normal people", it was the Masterrace

Do it, faggot. I bet she's fat as hell and loves cats

Germoids aren’t even human, let alone the master race

Alot of americans on social media defended those actions

kys slavshit

>innocent slavs

kys subhuman

you need to vanish, pjotr
go pray to your pedophile king of rome

Germans fucking disgust me

there goes germany destroying the world again

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believe what you want, I value her privacy more than the opinion of an internet stranger

>innocent polish bison
what the fuck is wrong with g*rmanoids

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Why do they like digging so much?


You probably talked to me more lately than you did to your mother. I am not a stranger

imagine caring as much , about some country miles away from you, as these soibois

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>no one gives a shit or even knows this happened in norway
>no one gives a shit in germany
>CNN pretends it's a big deal

>germans want to exterminate these
What's wrong with you fuckers?

death to ALL wh*tes

You've never actually seen the inside of a chicken plant have you? Other than the journey, its very humane. The journey is a bit rough, getting stuffed onto a truck, put onto a conveyor, where workers grab the legs, hang you onto hooks, which puts the bird upside down but doesn't kill them.

But thats it. They get a taze, then they get their throats slits by a razor sharp triple blade cutting wheel. Very efficient.

I hate Germany too, but for good reasons, unlike you.


Because I am a jealous Slavshit


trips of truth
but why are you here then?

Your country is slowly degrading itself. When i first came here 9 years ago, the country was great, clean streets, civilized people, public transportations are usually punctual, et cetera... Fast forward to the present, your streets are filled with niggers and muslims, chink shits swarm around universities. Your women got gangraped on large scale and yet you did nothing. I can't walk for 100 meters without spotting a fucking hijab or a flat face mongoloid. The smell of marijuanna everywhere. Buses are filled with stinky negroes. Trains are rarely on time nowadays. Last week some gypsies stole my phone and wallet as his buddy asked me for directions. Oh and you lost 0 - 2 to a bunch of dog eaters after i put so much faith into your team, you litwerally disapointed me.
I'm actually not going to stay here for much longer.

where tf do you live? Cologne?
keep jumping the ship when shit gets real tho. That's the spirit.

G*rmans hate nature

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this unironically makes me mad


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Mother Russia awaits you, faggot

>woah dude that girl got harrassed and no one did anything typical europoors lol
>why didn't you do anything?
>uuuaaahmm nonofmahbusiness

you are talking to that kinda person

can still kinda understand him tho.

he is just a lonely putinbot

Why are you so obsessed with Russians

much like americans think only of britain when they hear europe, europeans only think of russia when they hear eastern europe.
the only immigrant posters here that complain about muh absolute state are eastern europeans
now put one and one together

Was he gonna let the friend die so that the bear could live? wtf.

cringe macaco

>Germanistans hatred of whites carries on even to the wildlife


>implying i'm a slav
Guess again Müller

you have a gun, what would you do in this scenario?

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Shoot the useless thot that can't take care of herself

what then?
>implying I'm deutscher

>attack someone
>get shot


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Sorry, but we asked the white bear repeatedly to accept diversity and brown bears, bit it refused. Obviously he was a nazi bear and needed to be put down.

We dislike bears in general. This one was hardly the first . In 2006 we executed Problembär Bruno. In 2011 our secret service took out that little shit Eisbär Knut at Berlin zoo. Cultured as we are, we use tu put these dead bears in museums afterwards as a warning.

german autism

Is it more cruel because he had a name?

>he attacked 2 people
>he got shot
As if it would be different in the US.

We have them here in the national park. This entire story seems very fishy to me desu.

Wait, Norway has P-O-L-A-R-B-E-A-R-S?

everything white is racist.

Wait problem bears can be white too?
I thought we only kill the brown ones

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Dude he was white
There is no way he'd have gotten shot in the us

huh hirmitys

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liar, i was in molde the other day and it was in the news in the hotel telly

Well, there're 80000000 Germans but just 25000 polar bears. Let's be honest who would really miss a couple of krauts?

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Fuck you racist Germany

Are you a proud Germanic Brazilian?

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living on a DIN A4 sheet doesnt seem """"""""humane""""""""

lol BTFO

We must exterminate those g*rman devils!

blees no

Shoot down the thot, bang the bear.

>look at him, he's just sleeping
You told us same about Poland in the beginning of 1939