Be an American

>be an American
>drink this
>"Hmmmm, I'm so healthy now!!"

Attached: mutt drink.jpg (225x225, 7K)

>be english teacher
>rape child

I never got the hate around diet sodas, you literally get all the taste of soda minus the diabetes

>0 kalories
>not healthy

It tastes.. chemical.

Based Black Metaller.

>not care about aspartame

Literal third world tier

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What's so bad about aspartame compared to cane sugar/corn syrup? People always mention that it is but never say how

Aspartam is unironically good

>believing in boomer conspiracy theories

japan is literally full of boomers so youre actually correct

Even if it's sugared with an edulcorant pop is still very acidic (pH 3-2) and will fuck your teeth.

>t. drugged """chicken""" eater

You do know that there has only ever been one study to ''prove'' it causes cancer.
This study was done in Italy in the late 2000s and in that same study that ''proved'' if a species of lab mice consumed 300x their DRI/ bodyweight of Aspartame it caused bladder cancer also concluded that these mice got Bladder cancer from Calcium and Citric Acid too, so let's just ban Milk and Oranges because those might be cancerogenous.
Unironically neck yourself you fucking soccermomposting gook

Meanwhile these idiots will take any obscure natural health product on the shelf without a thought.

>be swedeshit
>drink pic related
>"kötbull is prepped!"

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>M-M-My American bro never harms me!!

Pathetic cuckold

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>get all the taste
except you don't
>minus the diabetes
and you get the cancer instead

Based sven
But that’s an English teacher

It tastes like horrid shit though, your opinion is objectively wrong.
Water is better, if you first have to drink beetus juice, just buy a regular one, you shouldn't drink them every day anyways.

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I love diet dr pepper (the canadian recipe anyway). Am I subhuman?

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Hello, Barbara 56. Refer to my here before posting your boomer natural health nonsense

For me, it's Oliet Bang'o

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Aspartame has went through over 30 years of lab testing before it was allowed onto the foodmarket.
It's is historically THE most studied food additive to ever pass EFSA and FDA regulation.
Stop with this shit, and read up on this stuff before gobbling up Alex jones garbage

Well, I merely perpetuated an urban myth, which is actually believable judging purely by the abhorrent taste of the aspartame jew. I didn't know this was reddit bro. Thanks for reminding, I will definately leave an upvote, my nigger.

It taste alright

Better than regular Dr.Pepper?

You are right. I should enjoy and savour the chemical aftertaste and it must be good for me.


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I would rather have slightly offtasting coke than to either only drink water or drink full sugar soda and weigh 500 lbs

Non diet, extra sugary.

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VERY based and redpilled

To the Gulag you go.

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>Aspartame works on your tongue in exactly the same way sugar does
>it tastes chemically
brainlets in the house ahoy

is this how frogs "speak"?

Well it obviously will taste slightly different.
Aspartame is made up of protein not glucose so it is similar but not the same


>get food addictive
>lower your sperm and testosterone
>be soy

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Thank god we don't have light meme beer in europe.

>be japanese, not realize china will overpower you

>muh aspartame!

It's literally an ingredient, my based mutt man

this tastes better than any sugar fizzy drink

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Yeah i never got the hype around sugar soda.
Sugar free is just sweet water, Full sugar Coke or something feels like syrup in my mouth

It has a shitload of caffeine

no sugar in tea or coffee either?
caffeine doesn't affect me plus it's not bad for you so doesn't matter

Well it's not bad per say, but if you build an habit you can get horrible headaches quitting

Are you both blacks or just randstadcucks trying to be black?

no sugar versions are always better

sugar ones make my whole mouth sticky and fuck up my teeth

>drinking anything other than water
Jesus Christ, go for a jog or something you sugar-gulping lardasses

Sugar free soda is literally just water with taste, it's as harmless as sugar free lemonade
But i agree, sometimes just regular water is just what you need

Dude it’s all you need. Soda should be strictly for mixing alcohol.

I am just a boomer enjoying his tropical sips

people like variety you boring nigger

All my beverages are alcoholised

Ah yes this variety or that variety of high fructose corn syrup.

>everything has hfcs
do you actually read the ingredients list on soda or what

>all you need is all you should want
spotted the communist

just only drink soda once in a while

>and you get the cancer instead


fuck yeah this shit is based af

coke zero tastes good but diet always tasted like shit to me

I actually am though, I follow a keto diet that limits carbs to 20g a day and have lost 50 lbs. in 6 months. Diet coke is my secondary form of caffeine after coffee. Now fuck off, proxy.