>spend 5 minutes clicking on disappearing boxes
>finally solve c*ptcha
>click Submit
>You see to have mistyped the Captcha. Jow Forums pass users can skip this Captcha
Spend 5 minutes clicking on disappearing boxes
The jews are subtly trying to stop you from posting to control the flow of information and memes
Google really fucking gypped us by retiring the older version. fucking twats
I have this too, it's so fucking annoying. The weird thing is it only happens if I use my home wifi. If I use my phone's 4G, I simply get the easy captcha without disappearing boxes. Anyone know why that is?
Why is it always pictures of roads and streets? Why not something else like puppies or something cute like that?
Google uses pics from some street cam service of theirs.
strange because it's the opposite with me. home Wi-Fi gives me fewer captchas to solve. it really depends on the traffic Google gets from particular IPs. if it's a lot, the likelihood of you being a bot is higher. so they try to slow you down and give you harder captchas to solve
mobile networks usually generate a lot of traffic since a lot of people use those. and therefore, (in my case) I have to solve harder/more captchas on mobile networks
maybe you post a lot from your home Wi-Fi. if you do then over time the number of captchas you have to solve, the difficulty of the captchas, etc. all go up. helps to not use Incognito sometimes btw
The nurses are behind this
>if it's a lot, the likelihood of you being a bot is higher. so they try to slow you down and give you harder captchas to solve
Yet sometimes if I get the really slow disappearing boxes and refresh the captcha, it produces an easy one where I only have to click on three images, so I have no idea.
It does this to me if I'm signed in to Google/Gmail. If I clear my Google cookies I have no problems at all.
We are actually helping their AI to identify objects for free.
same. the speed of the disappearing ones also vary btw. if I've posted a lot on a particular day, the fade-away captchas are painfully slow. but if a fade-away captcha shows up on a day where I haven't posted much, the pictures fade away more quickly. Google hasn't released the exact way they calculate the probability of you being a bot btw
>Google hasn't released the exact way they calculate the probability of you being a bot
AFAIK it's tied into how many times you get the captcha incorrect. Each time you get it wrong, you're punished with more difficult ones. Get them right a lot and they become easier.
and it's not even accurate. for example I clicked the boxes with street signs, yeah? even if a fraction of the sign is in another box, I click it. but the captcha doesn't accept that. I have to start all over again
the results are decided by whatever the majority of the cunts whomst'd've solved it before you chose. neural network training >for free
yes, that's how it works for some time. after a point though, even if you get everything right, you have to solve a billion captchas because you've been posting too much. I have to solve 3490340592345 captchas during game threads on /sp/ when a good match is on. it gives me a shitload of things to click on just to make one post (regardless of how well I've solved the previous captchas)
Sometimes it lets you skip a captcha, but it's not always reliable and you often get an error message that you got the captcha wrong.
you don't have to solve a captcha if you solved one in the last 2-4 minutes. doesn't help much because the cooldown period on Jow Forums is one minute so you can only make like two or three posts without having to solve shit
>even if a fraction of the sign is in another box, I click it. but the captcha doesn't accept that
I believe that happens when x amount of users before you didn't click that box. Sometimes it will accept even a completely wrong answer (select a cab and you select a boat). I guess it determines what the correct answer is based on a huge number of answers.
Just download 4chanX and use the noscript captcha. You still have to click boxes but is way less annoying.
just buy a pass you dumb cunts
>I believe that happens when x amount of users before you didn't click that box.
yeah exactly. the majority decides the answer (after a certain threshold)
>Sometimes it will accept even a completely wrong answer (select a cab and you select a boat).
for those kinds of captchas you only need to get three right so even if there are more boats or cabs just pick three and they let you in (most of the time)
I really don't wanna get another extension. plus I have to get used to all the features and the UI. I am not fond of change
Jow Forums also throws out solved captchas after two minutes but that's something Moot did to prevent spam. There are so many stupid things he did to the site in the name of spam prevention.
feel like pure shit just want her back x
you mean the captcha expired shit? that's from Google, not Jow Forums
>Google thinks you're a bot and you're blocked from accessing the captcha for a few hours
Delete browser cookies
The captcha used on Jow Forums is designed to only be used 1-4 times a day for banks and other password security websites using it multiple times just to post is casuing it to think you are spamming passwords so it slows down a bunch
T.Jow Forums regurgitation
If you are unhappy bitch about it on the IRC
>Indian using Brit memes
Your fault lachlan you spastic
What are you guys talking about?
I'm a resident /brit/poster haha x
I bet moot is doing this as revenge
So why don't we get a different captcha?
(now I somehow get a super easy one that only asks me to click four squares on a road sign)
Post belly
your loss.
this is what the nojs captcha looks like. it makes you solve a single captcha the vast majority of time, maybe after like 20 posts you have to solve two instead of one but that's it. enjoy your endless fading cars
Some say google pays hiro to use it for data mining
Or incompetence
Or to slow down the amount of posters after le trump shit so the site doesn’t get too popular
>two at most
might consider it. I've installed a couple of times but didn't use it for very long because it completely transforms the appearance and I really like the way the native extension makes my 4chinz look
Moot said reCaptcha is the only service with enough bandwidth to handle Jow Forums's traffic.