Do jewish people browse this board? And if so, do you get offended at some of the posts?

Do jewish people browse this board? And if so, do you get offended at some of the posts?

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No, I get it.

Offended? We laugh at you. You are subhumans compared to us. Whites consider themselves the master race only because we allow them to.

Oy vey, anudda shoah!

t. White American badly LARPING as a Jew

You only need to see all the bcash threads in the catalog to know the answer to this.

Jews don't have emotions, they only act offended.

damn, this guy actually is a jew



meh not really, I mean cmon most people complaining about Jews are the same people who praise capitalism whenever they make good gains. Most people are just using the word jew synonymous with greedy ceo types or something or whenever they have losses

also, if anyone actually blames jews for half the shit they deal with then it's just sounds like the spoiled little brother who blames everyones problems on someone else besides him

remember that Jews take up 0.01% of the entire population of the earth. if that many people fuck your day up then i'm sorry you're just a little bitch, even if there was some jewish hivemind conspiracy.

>mfw only 14 million jews left

this guy isn't a jew

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Only one of these is correct :^)


Jow Forums is a jewish board, always has been


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>You are subhumans compared to us.
kek you guys are the ugliest and most inbred people on the earth with an appetite for cuck porn, you're pathetic.

I'm only half a Jew, and it's my dad's side so I'm not even really a Jew. I would say no because the racist shit on this board can be quite funny. Not gonna be a hypocrite and get triggered by some virgins on Jow Forums.

I'd have to like any of you to be offended.

every oldfag laughs at the newfags that come to this board hating on Jews. Unlike Jow Forums, this board values results. Jews tend to produce great results financially so they garner a certain level of respect.

If you hate jews, you don't belong on Jow Forums
If you love jews, you don't belong on Jow Forums
If you think you can learn from jews, then Jow Forums is the place for you.

Honest, I think the jews on Jow Forums hate jews, I have this funny feeling about it.
t. Jew

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that may be the case, but they don't bring that shit into their posts.

All the jew hate stems from Jow Forums realising that making Trump memes don't make them any money. But for some reason, they come to this board and continue being useless.
Now they parade their stupidity on this board thinking that memes > investments.
Because Jow Forums actually does have good advice from time to time, the newfags think the memes-success correlation is real and it creates a vicious cycle.

Not Jewish, but I love my Jewish brothers and sisters. Some people just got a big stick up their butt.

6 million wasn't enough

>jews are just like everyone else goy!

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I see what you tried to do there rabbi, trying to demonize Jow Forums with your juden fake sorcery, doesn't work here. I disbelieve your nonsense, go try to sell your two faced middle east bazaar smelly haggling bullshit tactics on someone else, I'm not buying.

Jew here. Haven’t been remotely offended from Jow Forums. Most Jewish insults here stem from jealousy over Jewish success, which I find rather flattering. What percent of the world population are Jews? What percent of the Nobel prizes have been awarded to Jews?

The world would be a poorer place if the Jews stopped working. Pro tip to the goys out there: prioritize your children’s education.

Ah, I'm not offended.


blue & white board.. ((((bizraelis))))

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JIDF are always here.

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filthy yid

This is the stupidest explanation I have ever read about a certain predicament ever. Like hands down, without a doubt, the dumbest evaluation I have read about any scenario.
I've listened to David Icke too. The way he sums up the world isn't in anyway grounded in reality. But the way you just tried to sum up pol out did Icke. Wow you're dumb.

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jews have a secondary internet where they can share insider trading tips, cheese pizza, plots to destroy the goyim, hairloss tips, etc

A very jewish response. The do legitimately believe it is jealousy. They believe it even while they are being massacred when the population they leech off of have had enough and purge them.

Nobody is jealous, you smelly kike. I promise.

Jew here. Jews deserve to be gassed a thousand times over. They ruin nations, yet they can't possibly fathom why everyone hates them. To a Jew, someone who hates a Jew is wrong to hate the Jew because a Jew can do no wrong since he is above the goyim. And the only thing a Jew loves more than defrauding and enslaving goyim is stabbing his fellow Jew in the back, even though the Talmud expressly forbids it.

My friend Snugg and Gov are both Jewish and browse Jow Forums, they try to blend in as average non-jews but never quite fit in especially when they get offended by posts like these.

Actual israeli jew here. desu jew memes are the best

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does 4% Ashkenazi according to 23andme count?

>implying the most vociferous nazis arn't self-hating jews

I'm 3% no one will tell me what it means. Ddddid I make it?

>Jew here.
>(((They))) ruin nations
Enough of your lies, goy

>do Jews browse?
>do they getoffended?
No. We do most of the Jewposting. Nobody hates a Jew quite like a Jew.

My wife is Jewish. Ashkenazi, but she's blessed to not have any features except fat tits. Pretty much looks Austrian.

We're pretty wealthy and she's a doctor.

I just laugh honestly. Losers hate what they wish they were.

All you know is usury. You don't build anything.

Even in your shitty Israel you get Arabs to build everything for you.

Literally a race of lazy criminals. You piss of everyone you live amongst eventually.

Its also called Sociopathy.

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6 million never happend

>Non khazar face with khazar milkers
You hit the jackpot my friend

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Im a jew hating jew

Bait brought to you be Jow Forums

Israeli here, i enjoy jews memes but not when people seriously believe (((they))) and that the holocaust didn't happen.

jews are only an issue when you have a big state and bureaucratic nation.
they're intelligent, driven and successful people, but, developing genetically and culturally along nomadic lines, care less for host country traditions than the native population does
their skills mean that they'll get to the top of the ladder merely through means of success, and those at the top of the ladder then tend to influence politics to the extent that the state has power to dictate the nation.
you don't want a big state (at all, but specifically one) dictated by people who care very little about the health of your nation

The rich kikes are the worst, I’m just here to accumulate bitcoin like the rest of the bizraelis. No jewry or pajeeting required. And no I don’t get offended, I don’t like the rich kikes either
>t. kike