Do european beaches have boardwalks like this

Do european beaches have boardwalks like this

Attached: REPEAT02_071717_ShoreStock_Carroll.2e16d0ba.fill-735x490.jpg (735x490, 121K)

Bongs and frogs do

Attached: bf7f68c6500b729781102c2017a971fb.jpg (650x488, 75K)

why do americans think that having roads that can land a 747 are a good thing?

What does this have to do with my thread. Are you a bot?

if they are in a city yes, jut without all those silly flags

They do here.

Attached: Belgium_Knokke_Heist_de_Dijk_aa1ee743594246e89a76d0c50b8b4e00.jpg (775x582, 104K)

We call it "paseo marítimo"

why do americans think that having roads that can land a 747 are a good thing?

because in 2001 peaceful muslim pilots couldn't find anywhere to land in manhatten and like 3000 people died

Damn, I want to go to Ocean City now.

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I always thought "boardwalk" was the American name for a pier (pic related).

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Not in civilized countries, like here

Boardwalks are cool tho

It's their word for a 'promenade'. Of course, they couldn't just use the actual English word for it.

we call that malecón

Attached: malecon-puerto-vallarta.jpg (660x400, 53K)

>a french word
It's okay I understand english is not your first language ahmed

yeah we do here

>current year
>whiter than thou

Attached: 1529004222082.jpg (800x1050, 219K)

Here too

Attached: malecon-de-santo-domingo.jpg (550x367, 44K)

That's not a fucking beach

Who cares lol.

Yes, but made from stone.

yes it is
that malecon is like 1km long

Attached: malecon-moderno-de-puerto-vallarta.jpg (1200x650, 145K)

Attached: puerto-vallarta-beach.jpg (412x340, 44K)

Yes, look at the nice truck of peace happening