What do Russians think about this guy?
What do Russians think about this guy?
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It's perfect example that good democratic leaders doesn't works in Russia. If you trying to be civilized, it will ruin Russia.
stinky piece of shit, moron, half-witted
Should have gone full Deng-mode
Every day he is watching the Sun going up is one day toooooooo much.
Me Ruskie. Beliv me.
He is the most hated man in Russia, just behind Yeltsin.
Many hate Gorbi more because Yeltsin was the result of Gorbachevs policies.
Navalny, pleeeez
Kill yourself for good
Was an admirer of Khrushchev and ended up making the same fundamental mistake, which was thinking that socialism could be made to work and have a human face on it, but the Soviet system by his time was significantly more rotted into decay than it had been 30 years earlier, so trying to fix it just sent the whole thing crashing down.
Based as fuck and redpilled as double fuck
>Westerners and the Butthurt Belt love this guy and believe he was some champion of democracy and world peace
>Russians believe he should be hung from a lamppost
Srazu nahiy please
Sad but true...
I’m no Russian but I find he was an amazing man who saved Russia from communism. Without him the evil empire would still be here and instead a DEMOCRATIC and CAPITALIST Russia is in its place
>Butthurt Belt
It's amazing how balls deep Jow Forumstards are into Russian dick.
Fuck off back to r*ddit you subhuman faggot
>who saved Russia from communism
Kill yourself on this weekend, cyka
I believe that he is a good man who just was too weak to do his job.
>Westerners and the Butthurt Belt love this guy and believe he was some champion of democracy and world peace
Imagine being retarded enough to believe he was. He sold his country for personal gain, that's all he did. There were movements to reform the USSR from the inside and make it a nice place gradually but they were supressed by this man.
>he should be hung from a lamppost
Nothing wrong about it
You are just trolling, ain't you
based swiss poster
When will you go back to Russia?
You realise you are just as bad a the paki hoards
Not sure of spelling it right
Putin's Russia is just fine causing nuff butthurt to the novichoks in the geopolitics.
This guy betrayed millions. They believed in him. When he left, there was only poverty and bloodshed.
The West gave standing ovations though.
Tha's fucking why
I assume Russians don't like him and see him as a traitor because he let the USSR get divided instead of reforming it, he basically gave up instead of trying to fix it. Personally I'm glad to see many countries with unique cultures independent like the Caucasus and Central Asia, but it would be better if they also let Chechnya go too.
He`s the very best proof that you have to fix your economical problems first and your """democratic""" problems later.
an attempt was made
Russians hate him because he is good man that let both Communism and Russian imperialism collapse when he realized they were two sides of the same coin.
t.butthurt beltian
Russians must know nobody in the west is their friend and never will be. As long as you exist, if you dare to think different than them, or be stronger than them, they will see you as a threat and do everything they can to sabotage you
It would also be better if you starved from hunger instead of making this post.
>if they also let Chechnya go too
They eventually did.
The Ruskies lost the 1st Chechen war. That's true and nobody is denying this.
However, les Chechens kept robbing and raping behind the borders of their fresh "state".
The Young Emperor stopped this at once.
Heil the Emperor of the Universe!
>a 1998 survey of 100 Russians aged 18 to 25 on their opinion of the country's 20th century leaders found that only Nicholas II was viewed positively by most. All Soviet leaders were viewed negatively aside from Khrushchev, for whom opinion was evenly divided.
If you know what I mean.
+15 Putinshekels have been added to your account.
The Tsar dying was the worst tragedy of all time. Fuck commies! Ungrateful fucks, destroyed Russia for worse.
>The Young Emperor stopped this at once.
Toлян, нy ты-тo хoть кoнчaй пepeпёздывaть, a?
>It would also be better if you starved from hunger instead of making this post.
Why do all Russophiles also happen to be assholes?
Shakespeak war right.
There is something rotten in the state of Denmark.
The Central Asian countries are having a demographic problem right now because of the many minorities living there (especially Kazahstan, thanks Stalin). To compensate for there being so many nationalities, a lot of them still use Russian in media. You'll hear more Russian TV than Kazah in Kazahstan for instance. They should have been an autonomous regions instead.
The Chechens are very, very, very, very nationalistic right now, like if you're one your neighbours will murder you if you marry a foreigner. I'm sure if they were independent they would have already started a genocide.
The balitc countries deserve independence though, no reason for them to be part of the USSR if they don't want to.
It's odd because I got the impression Nicholas is considered a disaster.
>stainhead dude
>a 1998 survey of 100 Russians
>Russians must know nobody in the west is their friend and never will be.
Based as triple fuck
I start to feel sorry for your defeat in Moscow...
He tried to make the Soviet Union have more freedom. But authentic communism is incompatible with those reforms. First The Warsaw Pact countries were overthrown by their own citizens and then Gorbachev was forced to resign after the zealous communists tried to coup de etat him for making liberal changes.
You’re falling for (((their))) propaganda. The Tsar was well beloved till the (((commies))) decided to get rid of him for exposing their lies
Hey, swiss boy, you're such a based man, go home, enjoy Russia fully. What are you doing in the rotten west?
dude if Russia held those regions, russia would be 40% islamic now, they would collapse
i think the soviet union was already 25% muslims and like 40% non white
>a 1998 survey
Obsolete fake news due to Soros influence
Peter the Great
Followed by Comrade Stalin
Vladimir The First
Uh huh. Like Khrushchev, he also overestimated people's enthusiasm for socialism. To be perfectly honest, I don't think too many Russians actually believed in socialism after the early 1930s. Up to 1935, it was possible to believe in socialism. After 1935, you didn't have a choice.
I stopped caring about our team after that asshole Vida shouted "slava ukraini" so Im kinda glad they lost since he wasnt expelled.
Danes are gay. This is a fact.
Slava Ukraini, motherfucker.
>You'll hear more Russian TV than Kazah in Kazahstan for instance
Both languages are official.
That's why brotherly Ukraina was fucked up. They did not allow Russian.
kill yourself
Traitor and insignificance
>The Chechens are very, very, very, very nationalistic right now, like if you're one your neighbours will murder you if you marry a foreigner.
This is what they wanted. This is what they got.
Chechnya is ruled by Chechens.
Slava Ukraine, Belgrad gori
How is he a traitor? Maybe a traitor to the Soviet Union but not the people.
He should have nuked Murrica instead.
fuck off, soviets transformed russia from some peasant shithole to an industrial superpower
whats that poo on his head?
>The Tsar was well beloved
He was no Tsar anymore 2bh. Since February 1917
Why sould I support them after such disrespect towards the host? Up until then I watched all their games, but fuck them, seriously.
Fucking your mum from behind
nicholas 2? lmao
Caucasus is still Russia though.
We annexed Crimea with all Tatars there
Feel good
Im ignorant of the russian general opinions on him, could you enlighten us? No russians cared to elaborate so far
This is bullahit. Lenin was based and is still widely loved in Russia.
The year of 1905 proves it perfectly.
They werent "tatars" anymore, they mixed with the millions of russian slaves they captured for centuries
moscow is basically a central asian musly city now btw
also the conquest of the caucasus was a big fuck up for russian troops, probably the biggest fuck up in all history of conquest
I love you even more now!
Too sad those guys did not get their faces polished when they ran to the field whem Croatia was attacking
Why is saying "Glory to Ukraine" in a message to his former teammates in Kiev considered an insult toward Russia?
Yeah some Ukrainian Nazis used that as a slogan when they killed Jews. But why do Russians feel bad about that?
> Caucasus is still Russia
> Caucasus know about that?
Hohols everywhere
> They werent "tatars" anymore, they mixed with the millions of russian slaves they captured for centuries
Same could be said about Russians, tho
>100 russians
I wonder how Soviet Union would be if it survived to present day like China
The Crimean Tatars are diffrent to the Tatars on the river Volga.
They have been disconnected for too long. This is what our bro-tier Tatars are saying. Even the language is diffrent
Most of people were born in ussr
yeah modern russian between the very ancient (neolithic and before) mixed, the mongols and all they brought, the tatars, are mixed
I see the russian are euroasians more than anything really
that's a nice diverse country
>Why is saying "Glory to Ukraine"
Because it is a Nazi slogan from WW2, you dumb fuck
>Yeah some Ukrainian Nazis used that as a slogan when they killed Jews. But why do Russians feel bad about that?
They also killed Poles and Russians, and they are killing Russians now while using that slogan.
The military police in Syria is made of Chechens.
The Empire lives on.
You'd lose another Winter war.
>killing russians
>in ukraine
what were those russians doing there?
He's got the Great Empire to rule.
He fucked up the job.
Canadians play amazing ice hockey though
Huh? Our relations were great after WW2
There was no need for war. There is even a term for that Finlandization
You mean they get killed by "ebul russian regular forces and such" while using that slogan now? All those cauldrons and such, you know.
Yes and the third verse of the German national anthem was also used by the Nazis.
People shouldn't answer for their grandparents crimes.
They are speaking Rusdian. That's why they are regarded as Russians.
The entire East of the Ukraina is speaking Russian.
Paasikivi-Kekkonen doctrine
I remember this without googling.
Cheers, Suomska bro
I learned Finnland is building ships for Russia's Yamal LNG site.
Thank you, Pekka. Not even trolling
Most of them? They lived there their whole lives, not only Russians but pro-Russian Ukrainians.
They use it because they are proud of their grandparents crimes and would even want to repeat them.
Every day 9000 Russian regulars were crossing the border to defeat 100 grobiks defending the Donetsk airport
>How Zionists radicalized Ukraine's Youth to act as cannon fodder
You being Dane cunt get a simple thing.
There are cunts with whom Russia was at war. But it's over now (Germany, France). Nobody is butthurt. Business as usual.
However, there are cunt which are eternally butthurt. Like Ukraine, Pooland, Baltic states.
Russia is OK with AfD in Germany, but not OK with Waffen-SS parades in Baltic states. Same with Ukrainian Nazi.
>were crossing
"Were"? Are you sure about that? I thought bloody midget Putin still sends his men to murder every single day.