Dios mio

Dios mio...

Has America gone too far?

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jesus fucking christ imagine the percent posting their kids will be doing in 10 years

>tall white man and tiny Asian wife
>son is even taller than the father

I thought breeding with a petite woman was a death sentence for your son.

the kid will still look black, KARA BOGA genes are simply too strong

Are blacked daughters the soloution for all these weird happa guys ?

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>tfw 6 inches taller than dad and 9 inches taller than mom
feels good to win the dice roll

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The kid is gonna look like a southeast Asian

That SMSgt looks odd.

Yes, please nuke is.

Not exactly. Many people end up being taller than both of their parents, here in Brazil average height father and womanlet mother is very common and their children usually get quite taller than both, all of my cousins are like this.

Yeah you usually don't see black fathers.

peak creatura

yfw you realize your dad is a cuck and you are a bastard

>i am half-white and part BBC, why don't white girls want me?

He has a lazy eye, that's why. When a person's face has too much asymmetry, it gives us an uncanny valley feeling when looking at them.

Nope, we both did 23andme and I am 47% related to him

Actually the kid will look mostly White.

To a half White/Black and half White/Asian won't be a 50%White, 25%Black and 25%Asian kids because the genes don't get passed altogether but at random. There's a big chance he might not inherit any Black or Asians genes at all.

Yeah jew you are right, its not like the asian and black genes are dominant por something


Not to defend a j*w, but dominant doesn't mean they have higher chance of being passed down (when the chromosomes from both parents mingle with each other), it just means that they're more likely be expressed IF inherited.
