Why are American girls throwing away their genes?

Why are American girls throwing away their genes?

Attached: wahoo.jpg (461x561, 50K)

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Could say the same thing about you, my kangaroo friend

Attached: awb.jpg (736x893, 72K)

if they had thrown away their genes they would be dead. I assure you their genes remain safely stowed in the nuclear envelope

cant tell is the guy mexican or asian

>tfw girls don't throw away their genes on you

Fight back, Aussie-bro.
Don't end up like Canada!

Attached: Jus.jpg (500x500, 86K)

Mutt privilege is a very real thing. They are just looking out for their offspring

Ever notice how these girls always post their interracial relationships on internet like Instagram and snapchat? They do it because they want attention their white feathers didn't give them. Almost all interracial eaters have daddy issues. Most psychologically healthy people want to be with someone like their parents.

Come on bro, we all know WW, especially American women absolutely hate Oriental men. The disdain is real and unfortunate - since they'd rather be gang-banged by a bunch of Muslim/Arab men... viciously.

>American genes

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Stay mad, faggot!

so hes mexican?

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He looks Mongolian to me... so close enough.

im just asking because he looks exactly like some mexican guy i used to go to school with

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Mexican.

If you want to be a good goyim you have to do what master tells you.

>most recent results are with Indian guys

LOL, i can only imagine how pissed our in-house AMWF spammer must be, considering he invented the "AMWF" tag a decade ago to popularize East-Asian men with white women.

Attached: imwf on Instagram • Photos and Videos.jpg (960x906, 275K)

Doesn't change the fact, Indian bros are top tier, fuckboi. Brazilians are only loved by Traps. DEAL WITH IT.

The eyes tell me "East-Asian" but the nose tells me "Mexican. Weird.

Keep REEEEEEing, you goat-fucker!

Attached: JUS 2 - 1488345988267.jpg (600x389, 101K)

Currycel is that you? Get your trip on so i can block you. Oh and go back to lookism, that's where you belong.

yeah those are the aztec genes kicking in

>but the nose tells me "Mexican

+ the entire lower face, of course, specially the moustache. Damn i need some sleep.

It's actually me

She's not? She is serving the white race perfectly by bleaching the other one. In just a generation or two their descendants will be blonde-haired and blue-eyed.

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This. You can see sadness in her eyes.

stay bad, apoo.

>american liberal women
>having children
Pick one

JusReign is the homie. His Desi Parents series is hilarious.

>Things that only exist in Europe

Thank god.

Fuck you and your South American slaves!

Attached: JUS - Alphas.jpg (636x358, 83K)

>"We own your women W-TRASH"
>Not White American

Your initial insult did not apply to me user.

Attached: feelsgoodman.png (1480x832, 66K)

Congratulations, you just unlocked knowledge about Southeast Asians. One phenotypic stereotype has been added to your account.

on a serious note:

>be lightskin southeast asian, built and goodlooking
>75% of my friends were literally white girls since kindergarten
>become adult, whitethots aren't difficult
>have literally dated white girls who were straight up racist to blacks and have somewhat racist parents but somehow rationalize I'm okay

the contradictions of this world are quite shit.

Because in america the concept of future and for the people is lost. People care too much about individualism, and would rather do something that makes them happy in the short term than in the long term, for that very reason people don't have kids or pick poor partners and when they age they realize their mistakes and its already too late.

Because of you know who.