What is the biggest unsolved crime/mystery in your country?
What is the biggest unsolved crime/mystery in your country?
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Russian collusion in the 2016 election
Highway of tears
hard to say
in western parts lots of people just go missing, maybe they're all part of one big crime, or there's many smaller ones
300m yen robbery
Nah you americans have such a rich story of unsolved crimes. No need to get political
see this for example
didn't know about this one. I will check it out
Probably Jack the Ripper.
In Autumn 1888, 5 female prostitutes were found mutailated in Whitechapel, London which everyone lost there shit.
127 years later, no one knows who Jack the Ripper was. Some people say that he was a Butcher or a Doctor because the killing techniques were very precise.
All I know is that this nigga be killing thots before it was trendy.
Probably not the biggest but likely not known internationally
The murder of German politician uwe barschel, lots of things that don't add up, he probably was involved in some Israeli-Iranian arms deal
Imagine that he could still be around. Scary!
Wasn't one of the theories that he was the Queen's surgeon too?
fucking proxy scum.
There was a book that was written by one of the victims descendants that claims Jack the Ripper was the Queens surgeon, but it’s all speculation.
STFU english teacher, stop trying to derail an interesting thread
I am very interested in criminal history, and japanese criminal history is very rich and bizarre.
I have read books about the lucie blackman case, setagaya family murder, monster with 21 faces and others
Just because you are an insecure yellow manlet, that does not make japanese history less interesting
Now let the thread go on.
How is this a big mystery? Why do you even know about this?
crimes of YAKUB
.......... ok!
Ikr? Especially when he has probably been dead for a long time.
A person disappears under bizarre and unexplained circumstances, contradictory witnesses reports, and the fact that the case remains unsolved for years.
Yeap that's a mystery
Do you think it is the biggest unsolved crime/mystery in this country?
No, I never implied that. I said that america has a lot of unresolved mysteryes, many unknown to the general population.
That's just ONE of my many charlie project pet cases.
This gets hyped up more than it probably deserves to, but it's still strange.
It's too cringe and a meme
It's just strange that you responded to an something that could actually be a big mystery worthy of the topic of the thread with an actually quite mundane missing persons case.
You knew I made this thread about unresolved crimes, murders and dissapearences. You americans have the worst sex offenders and serial killers in the world. Again, you don't need to get political that soon.
Probably this one: en.wikipedia.org
BuzzFeed out of all people made a video about it:
But biggest? Why not pick something more interesting?
t. Jack Weber
Piss off sperg.
Extremely rude post!
In Korea it is the Hwaseong serial murders
Oh. This one I know. My theory is that it was just another shameful suicide with some rare twists. Same as with the lyle stevik case
I assumed that most americans commenting here are very aware of famous cases like the golden state killer or the zodiac
I wanted to provide some obscure cases that I find interesting. Is that enough?
Not really, it's such a minor story. I would hope that if you are familiar with that site that you could pick something more befitting of the topic of the thread. Instead you chose something extremely minor, I'm just disappointed is all.
There is a pretty good movie about it. There is also a popular tv show
Why not share some stories then? Or do you enjoy being pedantic for the sake of it?
I did, but no one seemed to care. Do you want to post more boring cases?
Don't you have some nurses to post about? I bet they are still talking about your small penis.
Didn't know about, indeed very mysterious.
>pick something more interesting
>boomer-tier, 24hr-cable-news/talk-radio dead horse
Being passionate about crimes and shit shows how much of a plebeian you are
I could go on. But again, these cases are not local for me
Moroccobaguette missed a chance to mention Tarrare
Again though, how are these worthy of a topic of the biggest unsolved crime/mystery? What did you think of the Yuba City boys disappearance?
In 50 years of Aktenzeichen XY (popular TV show where the police asks the public for information on unsolved crime cases ,for non germans)there were some really good cases that still haven't been solved
What do germans think about this one?
>Mittank was vacationing in Golden Sands where he was involved in a fight, and was unable to fly home with his friends for health reasons. Mittank was witnessed acting strangely while alone in Bulgaria, and days later disappeared into the forest around Varna Airport for unknown reasons
Yea I know that one, I think he got involved with criminals and ran away but the question is why no one found him
This is probably legit one of the most known mysterious cases in germany
But the consensus today seems to be that it was all an act and he was a fraud
btw this was the last time he was seen alive.
Where's the money.
The fall of USSR. It's a horrendous crime, but nobody knows why did it happened.
>But the consensus today seems to be that it was all an act and he was a fraud
Because the romantic version about Kaspar being the child of royalty sounds too romantic
Yeah this one’s pretty popular. Isn’t there a museum for him and the thots he killed?
How about Russian Dyatlov Pass incident?
Japan have lots of mystery unsolved crime but difficult to say in engrish
I know you’re joking, but why did Boris Yeltsin not try to be the leader of a vastly reformed USSR rather than an independent Russia?
>explosion occurred at the Evergreen Hotel
>Agents from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reportedly brought Meiring out of Davao City
>CIA Begins pumping out wrong information to discredit their agent
>US says he is a neo-nazi, illegal treasure hunter
pretty much all of them desu
Is the valentich case popular in austrialia? Even if not "unsolved" I found it quite bizarre
Dyatlov is indeed very bizarre, but becomes easy to understand when you get the right info. Maybe some russian poster can tell you about it
Interesting, will check this out
Missed a chance to mention the lead masks case, Joao
wish one is the biggest of our country user? i have no idea, and now i'm curious
Man, history is done by the chains of events and movements of social powers, not by sheer will.
And speaking of Yeltsin, he was just one of the many representatives of soviet elite that got the idea that they would rather hold complete ownership over the property and country. It's better to be a duke in a minor country of yours than to be a small-time governor under someone's guidance.
I suppose that it was about an anomaly that happened once in all the history.
Maybe there were some disappearance cases, like in the times of junta rule?
The fact that the series lasted for so long and that so many witnesses died under shady circumstances just before they could testify really hints to some institutional entanglement.
>series lasted for so long
Well, about as long as the New Left terrorists.
>o many witnesses died under shady circumstances just before they could testify
How do you think, could they be related to some weird stuff, like Cold War era Gladio groups?
Also a member of our intelligence service was proven to have "randomly" visited a internet cafe while one of the murders took place there.
but they are kind of solved. i mean it was the armed forces.
anyways i think you are right. the bigges case could be the stolen babies during the last dictatorship.
thanks c.i.a btw
What the fug are you saying did I trigger you guys by posting that pic?
Honestly russian poster without mentioning the whole litivienko deal or even the death of Gareth Williams is dissappointing
>Police visited Williams's home during the afternoon of Monday 23 August 2010, as a "welfare check" after colleagues noted he had been out of contact for several days.His decomposing naked remains were found in a red The North Face bag, padlocked from the outside, in the bath of the main bedroom's en-suite bathroom. The police had gained entry into his top floor flat in Alderney Street, Pimlico at around 16:40. His family believe that crucial DNA was interfered with and that fingerprints left at the scene were wiped off as part of a cover-up. No fingerprints, palm-prints, footprints or traces of Williams's DNA were found on the rim of the bath, the bag zip or the bag padlock. A key to the padlock was inside the bag, underneath his body.
>but they are kind of solved. i mean it was the armed forces.
Well, oficially the St.Valentine's day massacre is not solved until today yet it was everyone's secret that Capone did it.
>How do you think, could they be related to some weird stuff, like Cold War era Gladio groups?
The left thinks our security service hates foreigners so they killed the Turks, the right thinks the security services have staged the murders as false flag attacks to crack down the far right movements.
I don't know, the Verfassungsschutz has always relied on bribing members of the far right groups to work for them. They probably fucked up by getting infiltrated with Nazis themselves and tried to clean up with removing the witnesses.
There is, it’s quite small but it looks pretty good. Haven’t been there though.
Shut the fuck up you annoying mutt
>litivienko deal
Everyone's secret, FSB offed him.
>Gareth Williams
Nobody heard about him here, btw.
Maybe he was killed by our guys, maybe not. I wouldn't be surprised.
There are many cases of people here being found with 3 shots to the back and cause of death declared suicide. You just assume police, or political corruption, that is. Not very interesting
Everything the BND or the Verfassungsschutz is involved with is shady as fuck, remember when they recruited criminals to break into a prison to release a left wing terrorist in some sort of false flag in the hopes of getting someone into the RAF
Half of NSU were probably made up of agents
>his country has solved crimes
>In September and October 2015, Boris Karpichkov, a former KGB agent who defected from Russia and who now lives in Britain, stated during interviews that "sources in Russia" have claimed that the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, also known as the SVR, was responsible for Williams's murder. According to Karpichkov, the SVR tried and failed to blackmail Williams into becoming a double agent.
>In response to the SVR's attempts, Williams apparently claimed that he knew "the identity of a Russian spy inside the GCHQ." Karpichkov claimed that Williams's threat meant that "the SVR then had no alternative but to exterminate him in order to protect their agent inside GCHQ." Regarding the cause of death, Karpichkov claimed that the SVR killed Williams "by an untraceable poison introduced in his ear."
Never heard of it desu
It's a scary life in modern intelligence service.
Nobody knows his true identity therefore nobody can tell when and if he died or if he is still murdering people. Who really shot JFK?
I personally thought of Zodiac when reading this thread.
But Golden state killer is fairly unknown, not to mention they caught him a few months ago.
Yeah. And they caught him because some relative of him submited his dna to an ancestry test company, pretty fucked up
True, but but if he was still living he would be 150+ years old which is kinda unrealistic.
>Golden state killer
>bottom right sketch
What was he wearing to look like a mushroom boy?
that korean movie about unsolved murder mystery. "memories of murderer" i think. great movie tho.
He could be a vampire
We don't really have many but here's one I remember.
>the death of Elbert János
He was a pretty famous Hungarian playwright and TV personality (also a jew who lived in ghettos during WW2 so he became a big commie).
As he grew older he also grew more and more depressed. One spring, the theater where he was working at recieved a phone call with an unknown male voice wanting to talk with *comrade* Elbert. He talked with the person on the phone for about half an hour before leaving in a hurry, saying that he will be back soon. At a bank, he took out the considerable sum of 1050 forint and took a train to Síófok at first, but he got off earlier at Sékesfehérvár uppon hearing how long the train ride would take. He took a cab and told the driver that he was headed to a Miner's hotel at lake Balaton but got off early again. The cabbie later told the police that he was carrying an envelope/some sort of file with him wich he didn't have when he left the theatre. This was the last time anyone saw him alive. The next day, a police patrol found him drowned in 40 cm of water at the pier in pic related. The autopsy found water in his lungs, meaning that he was still alive when he fell into the water. No signs of a stroke or hear attack were discovered.
Damn i wish i knew moonrunes
Well, that's interesting
Never take a cab if you're about to kill/get killed by someone
Posted above already
>be aryan terrorist
>your organisation is active for years
>commit a handful of murders
>your organisation is shutdown immediately followed by a crackdown on right wing extremists
>one smelly arab commits more carnage in an hour
>german men and women protest in *support* of arabs
So much for the g*rman """masterrace"""
These drawings/markings.
They're everywhere.
Nobody knows who started it, why, when, what meaning they have. but you simply find them everywhere.
clarification: everywhere in my city*. I don't think it happens in other cities or the rest of the country.
zainichi for sure did this