ETH whale here, the word i'm getting from other whales is to dump all ETH before the SEC conference...

ETH whale here, the word i'm getting from other whales is to dump all ETH before the SEC conference. They are going into BTC, BCH, LTC, and EOS

Their saying it has to do with Trump/Russia and some BCH thing with Vitalik selling out to them because he knows ETH is doomed and he'll blame it on the US when investors lose everything. All ERC20 tokens are toast except a few that had the proper disclaimers.

All ERC20 tokens will be delisted from major exchanges and there will just be BTC, BCH, LTC, EOS, and a few others that were erc20 tokens with top notch disclaimers and legal teams.

It's going to be headlines everywhere tomorrow when the news drops.

Attached: 1482830700986.jpg (900x900, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ripple and stellar will be ok i think too..

>trump and russia will make ETH go down

why are there still EOS shills? how did people on this board manage to become bag hodlers? the information here is fucking terrible, but there's enough that these reddit tier mistakes shouldn't happen

no proof report thread

Not shilling for EOS, they will come after EOS in a year or two after it blows up with the airdrops.

larp fuck

But you are shilling for EOS user, tell me about the bags, I want to understand how you ended up in this mess.

I own more eth than i do eos

This LARP is not even remotely believable.

If this was true, all of the whales would already be dumping. ETH is down 1%.