ETH whale here, the word i'm getting from other whales is to dump all ETH before the SEC conference...

ETH whale here, the word i'm getting from other whales is to dump all ETH before the SEC conference. They are going into BTC, BCH, LTC, and EOS

Their saying it has to do with Trump/Russia and some BCH thing with Vitalik selling out to them because he knows ETH is doomed and he'll blame it on the US when investors lose everything. All ERC20 tokens are toast except a few that had the proper disclaimers.

All ERC20 tokens will be delisted from major exchanges and there will just be BTC, BCH, LTC, EOS, and a few others that were erc20 tokens with top notch disclaimers and legal teams.

It's going to be headlines everywhere tomorrow when the news drops.

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Other urls found in this thread:

ripple and stellar will be ok i think too..

>trump and russia will make ETH go down

why are there still EOS shills? how did people on this board manage to become bag hodlers? the information here is fucking terrible, but there's enough that these reddit tier mistakes shouldn't happen

no proof report thread

Not shilling for EOS, they will come after EOS in a year or two after it blows up with the airdrops.

larp fuck

But you are shilling for EOS user, tell me about the bags, I want to understand how you ended up in this mess.

I own more eth than i do eos

This LARP is not even remotely believable.

If this was true, all of the whales would already be dumping. ETH is down 1%.

Proper disclaimers LOL. You are either joking or truly retarded. What do disclaimers have to do with anything? The ICOs they had are the problem.

>selling ETH
>not buying the next best thing in NEO in the process

shit LARP

Absolutely pathetic larp.

I don't think that is true user, I think you are all in on a small EOS bag because you believed the pajeets who told you it would go to $30. You won't get rich this way, even if you bought ATH take the loss and move on, there are new chances right now

dipshit doesn't realize EOS is an erc20 shitcoin

lmao this, fucking dumbass.

>whale with weak bait trying to buy my bags

the exceptionals really believe the rest of the world gives a shit about some shitty meeting in burgerland that may affect them not us. The celestials and the rest of the world will just do their own thing regardless. if burgers get burnt so be it

was this part of kikebase's plan?

Dump it, I'll buy in when the price is low. The trend has consistently been a positive one, it's one of the best products out there.

This probably. I would do the same just to lower the price.

>All ERC20 tokens are toast except a few that had the proper disclaimers.
also there is going to be a hearing about movie piracy the next day and everybody who uploaded a movie on youtube is going to jail unless they put "no copyright intended" in the description

why should binance delist any erc20 because burgerland is a fucking mess?

I'd say that most of the exchanges will eventually want to become sec complinant. The US jurisdiction reaches many other countries beyond the US borders.

Post your eth wallet for credibility, if you can't do this then we will all know your a phony

Not surprised at all. Solid post OP.

Vitalik met with Putin long ago. Really no point in them ever meeting unless there was discussion on how Russia could utilize Ethereum to bypass economic sanctions in different ways.

Always thought it was weird when the met.

Thx op just sold 700000 eth

When is the SEC conference?

Wait isn't EOS an ERC20 token?

This, when da fuck is this SEC event?

Everyone talking shit about it and shilling their "insider infos" but no one giving actual real informations.

fucking today

Yeah thanks faggot, at what time? Do these jews have a website? Is it possible to stream the conference?

Jesus christ, fuckin americans.

I want a specific hour at least. No one knows the hour when the conference start?

At 8 PST on twitch, dont forget to grab some popcorn too.

OP this makes sense because I remember reading on an EOS Reddit comment that EOS launching coincides with Russia regulations on crypto. JUNE 1st....

Def conspiratorial but I believed it and moved more of my portfolio into EOS

It's not a conference it's a closed door private meeting.

Didnt OP say that only erc20 tokens with a tight legal team and disclaimers would be safe, brainlet?
Learn to deconstruct a post before sperging out

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It's a closed door conference sometime Monday

No it isnt.

There is no meeting happening. This entire thing is just a FUD game
By some whales.

Literally nothing is happening today. The SEC will deem eth a commodity or security in july...

And its a commodity. Anyone who has the faintest idea about what a aecurity is and what ethereum is would never label eth as a security.blows my mind how ignorant people on here are. You guys don’t understand financial instruments, fair enough as most of you are just kids investing for the first time, but none of you know what the fuck tou are buying either. Just extremely vague concepts of it.

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A lot of SALT will be spilled on the streets today.
I will be left hodling my SALT bag 4ever...

Why don't you go sell some of your 401k portfolio and pay some nigger to suck your cock

Did i hurt your feelings or something? We all start somewhere. Its okay to be an ignorant fuck but not to act like you know what you speak of.

Let me guess you also purchased the following coins: Link, EOS, BBN, UUU.

Just lmao.

Also im not even american you fuckign burger faced neet, yet i know more about your own contries legislation.

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What are you, some kind of idiot? The announcement is today, it's been coming for weeks.

Its a fucking meeting, NOTHING is being decided. That happens in July.

Also i cannot even find any information outside of random crypto sites. Its like the meeting itself is just a rumour.

I just did my Google and it seems like this guy could be right, there's no shit on the internet about this shit.

Okey doke boss.

this could be a conspiracy to force all non accredited investors i.e under $200k out of exchanges and into the capable arms of jpm, gs and the like who are currently behind the curve on crypto markets for the masses. what this would do is give them the same degree and depth of control of crypto markets as they have in stock markets in one swoop. if your not rich no longer can you bypass them and do it yourself on an exchange but are forced to use them as the middle man check mate

Makes no fucking sense seeing as they are setting up cash settled commodity trading of crypto not exchanges with user control and swapping of the asset.

If you are wrong I'm going to hunt you down and shove my 4inch cock down your throat.

If you are right I'll send you some eth

Whats the difference. Exchanges are centralized corrupt shits as bad as the banks. You use them yourself or use them through other corrupt shits, all the same.

I'll bite, it gets labeled as a security (you said conference which let's me know you are LARPing because it's barely even a meeting, no announcement has been planned, but whatever). Then what?

> Burgers no longer have access to it, but they still want to buy, adding a premium to buying ETH on asian/euro exchanges. Price rises.
> ETH gets added in 6-12 months to mainstream investment funds like Vanguard and big normie money just pours in. Price rises again.

Fuck yes, if your time table is longer than 5 minutes, it doesn't even matter what ((they)) decide. You can't stop money skelly's train

we are mere prawns in their quest for continued market domination and they have the clout, influence, money and power to pull this off. think if you are all powerful what would you do to gain market control quickly?

Nice larp, I'm sure some anons will be fooled.

and further its not the domination of the coins/tokens thats achievable as that is already lost but control of the end user